What is the benefit of not having RDF?

less crowded servers is a benefit.

It was brand new. It was a brand new game it had nowhere to go but up.

this moron here yet again says we glorify it.
definition of glorify.

  1. To give glory, honor, or high praise to; exalt.
  2. To cause to be or seem more glorious or excellent than is actually the case.
  3. To give glory to, especially through worship.
    we certainly don’t do first definition. 2 number two doesn’t fit either. we don’t do number 3. we have not done any of these. this dude argues in bad faith and 100% disingenuous with any of his arguments or statements.
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Former glory, ha ha ha. We left retail years ago, we want the original feature that came in Wrath. Guess you don’t care about all the other retail features coming in, or just rdf?

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He is trolling, it has become obvious.

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I was waiting for you to show up, I see you ignored our last encounter because I was going to punk you and Axe at the same time, and you’re not going to get away from me.

I gave you a compromise on what you could do to get me back to retail and keep your classic as you want it.

Rehaul the entire retail gameplay system with the exact 71 Lich King system and impose on retail and done.

Why do you continue to ignore this compromise every time I bring it up? It’s as if you don’t really want me to go back to retail.

Could there be another motive?

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Again, more ridiculous trolling by that guy.

Hey, battlegrounds are in Retail. Has that helped bring WoW to its former glory!

Retail has mounts. That hasn’t grown it back to 12 million subs!

It’s like the anti-rdf posters are incapable of a logical thought. :rofl:

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I can name a lot of instances where the subs dropped more and more, but also some instances where we got subs. The first of being Cataclysm changed that casual mentality to something more hardcore (even if dungeons were nerfed hard after 3 months) Raids became more difficult, more mechanic heavy, some heroic bosses killed guilds, Heroic Chogall, Alakir, Spine.

The introduction of LFR was exciting but the way they introduced it was broken as all hell, You had 10 people needing on gear so they could give it to their friends, I think at the start you had items that a spec or class shouldn’t be able to need on and they did it.

MoP had some decline from burn out, Not only did they gatekeep a lot of rewards with daily’s (They even had an achievement for doing 36 daily quests in 3 days) or some such nonsense lol, then they had all the modes that prompted and kind of forced people to do to compete. LFR>Flex>Normal>Heroic which turned into Mythic for Siege oh and…Pandas, people hate pandas.

From everything I named I could see some declines and subs go up, certainly it didn’t all come from RDF, positive or negative, I guess just people think RDF started the decline of wow.

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No different than it happening in RDF. It’s inevitable. It’s the nature of the random queue system.

The random queue system isn’t there to be fair about what loot you can have. It’s there to be fair about when and how you can get in.

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By asking for something to be added and suggesting it will save or benefit the game you are glorifying it.

You realize you didn’t have an argument in that entire post besides saying “ur wrong” and quoting definitions and suggesting you are not following those definitions… but not giving any sort of clue as to how or why you are not following those definitions, besides saying “not uh”

and then you’re suggesting or rather outright stating that others are arguing in bad/Ill faith. In other words, you are projecting or saying “no u”. I don’t expect much from the average empty headed RDFer, of course

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1994 - Warcraft: Orc & Humans
1995 - Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
2002 - Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
2003 - Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
2004 - World of Warcraft
2007 - World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
2008 - World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King

It wasn’t exactly “brand” new. Other games flopped, brand new doesn’t justify it. Ragnarok Online 2?

Oh, I’m more than aware that this is not original Wrath, and some other features have been discussed; RDF is the most divisive of them all.

You know, I’ve never or can’t remember it happening to me that much in RDF back then but you don’t need RDF to experience that kind of thing, even grouping up without RDF people needed on stuff that wasn’t for them, it’s not against any RULES but for ME a resto druid rolling on a haste trinket for ranged or physical dps, made me a sad cow…they healed the dungeon, they had a right to roll on it, but still sad…

I used RDF for the convenience, I fully admit that, not because of the social interaction but for the convenience to get in, while questing/farming/daily’s and not having to spam LFG while doing all that.

They can already play, they just have a harder time getting groups, thats what lfg is for. I still regularly use lfg just to try and make more social connections even though i dont need to most of the time. Because so.etimes people i play with stop playing or are not available for a time as real life happens.

No, it was just a stupid argument. If you like old talent systems or skills you should be fine with other older systems or in this case lack thereof that coincided with it, especially when they already gave you a modern/better way to address your dungeon finding needs via the LFG tool. They basically did what you asked but in reverse, and you’re still not happy.

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A “niche” product that’ll be dead after cata comes out because it lacks RDF. Have fun spending 16 hours finding a group for a dungeon in cata.

Hey everone. Look.

Let this whole statement speak for itself. And keep in mind who and what it’s coming from.

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You realize rdf is an orginal feature of wrath right?

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Why you gotta remind us of RO2, why you gotta help me remember, why don’t you just say Tree of Saviour too and end my life now.

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He just answered your question for you.

What about you Axe?

Got something to say on my proposal?

Overhaul retail with the Lich King system and I’m gone from classic.