What is the benefit of not having RDF?

I logged on wrath for the first time in weeks and no RDF feels bad. Not just a little bad but really bad.

What’s the real benefit for not having RDF? Could somebody break it down for me in a pros/cons list so I can understand it fully?


This is off topic and will be treated as such.

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The biggest benefit is not encouraging people to rely on crossrealm to get things done and instead play with people from their own server and form groups that could last well beyond the dungeoneering


How much are you going to pay me to create a breakdown of pros and cons list for you?

My background is in financial analysis and marketing so I do this for a living.

That’s fair. So what would the complaint be for a non-cross server RDF? I’m just looking for convenience.

People want to gatekeep who they can pick and choose to be able to play the game. It’s a power trip and nothing more.


But couldn’t they still do that?

I’ll give you a free reason why blizzard won’t implement it and it wouldn’t make sense.

Competitive advantage/market positioning.

Classic is positioned in the market as a “niche” product. Classic resonates with basic concepts and basic tools. Retail is where new tech, and advanced systems are used.

Retail is the “mainstream” product.

Having RDF and other retail mechanics in both games would position the games in the same market and cause direct competition.

People come to classic because of LACK of advanced tools. They play this game because of its simplistic nature, old school mechanics, and as such, its niche appeal.

There are no pros about not having dungeon finder at all its an enirely fabricated thing from blizzard where they believe there is somehow a classic community in this game still. Which there is not.


Imagine calling a 2009 system added during Wrath ‘new tech’. :rofl:

Posting on a new troll alt character, but you’re still saying the same nonsense.


This is the real reason above all else btw, the sooner people accept this the better

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Heroic + says hi


he said on the troll alt character with the dumbest take known to man

Do you have a link to the market research for this metric? I play classic simply to replay the content and for nostalgia. Walking to dungeons isn’t the reason I play and I’m having a hard time believing it’s ANYONES reason for playing classic.

I’ve never heard a single friend of mine get excited about walking to a dungeon so I’ll need some proof.

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My hero


Not every con & pro is listed there, but that summarizes it. It is the best non-biased attempt I’ve read on the topic.

The market research was that the president’s immediate response to people asking for servers that were based on old content was that they would be objectively bad or worse cause they wouldn’t have RDF and that lack of RDF alone would make them unplayable in comparison. RDF wasn’t even brought up by the guy that asked the question, that just happened to be the president’s immediate response.

And then there was outcry, and then Blizzard backtracked and released what’s now called classic; If that alone won’t help anyone see why RDF would be last on Blizzard’s list of priorities for Classic, nothing will

Brack was talking about Vanilla, genius. No one would have expected Death Knights in Vanilla either.

The irony is that he was addressing people like YOU. People who say they want the game as it was, but don’t actually. Just like anti-rdf posters don’t since they want authentic Wrath systems removed from the game.

You’re mocking yourself.

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He did mention it, with a touch of sarcasm over it.

Edit: Mike Morhaime mentioned that he thinks adding accessibility to the game removed socialization, and that could’ve led to WoW’s decline in subs.