What is a current goal you are working on? FREE Mount Giveaway Over

My new years resolution is to make one last effort to mend my relationship with my birth father.


Thats basically a resolution. All a New Years resolution is, is a goal you set that you are working to complete

I resolved years ago to stop making resolutions and so far so good

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I updated my OP to make it more fair for folks who dont

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What an admirable endeavor. Peace is a worthwhile cause if there ever was one. I very truly wish you well in this and, if down the road you achieve what you’re after, I hope you’ll look up this thread and reply to me so I can congratulate you. Good luck.


Thank you friend, I will absolutely do that!


My new year’s resolution was to stop shartposting on the WoW forums. I failed big time, I literally just posted the theatrical poster for The Air Up There starring Kevin Bacon in an esports thread.

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I have updated OP to make this more “goal” oriented. So its fair to everyone. Not everyone makes New Years Resolutions anymore. I dont want anyone to feel left out here. Now they wont

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My new year’s resolution?

Build an empire.

I mean it.

This doesn’t change anything though. A resolution is just another word for a goal. :crazy_face:

Swarf! Stop making things difficult!
~ everyone

Ok! Sorry! LOL

*whips up some of Grizzle’s Russian Tea

Get a house.

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Now this is a GOOD goal. Especially now days. Its such a good investment in most areas. Few things guarantee a return investment; however this almost always does. Housing market is exploding where I live. Listings barely last 2 weeks

Good for you!

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I did not make one this year. I resolve to put one foot in front of the other despite how hard things have been the past three years. And if I fall, I get back up.

Im sure you have some sort of Goal weather its wow related? Job related? Life Related. Just some sort of goal you have that you share which you are trying to meet. Even if its as simple as to stay healthy or a mount you really want in wow that you are determined to get this year?

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This wont be a bunch of gnomes standing on top of each other to make a Pyramid will it? :scream:

If that is your worst nightmare...
I'm back in school, but to be totally honest old age, concentration problems and having a family is making this first week a real challenge.
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Well there is your goal. To Graduate.

Everyone has some type of goal in life even if it’s something as simple as to keep their family healthy

At this point, my resolution may as well be to quit my toxic AF job. And maybe at the right time to really screw them over. We shall see.

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Love all the positivity in this thread, you don’t see that much anymore around this game.