What do we want? High Elves!

Gentle reminder; Void Elves share more in common with the Blood Elves than High Elves do. The Ren’dorei were Blood Elves only a few months ago, and never wanted to be anything else. They were exiled, which forced them into renaming themselves. If not for that, Umbric and his followers would still be regular Sin’dorei, fighting and living for the Horde.

High Elves, even after all these years, still haven’t and probably never will become Sin’dorei. What reason do they have for rejecting their ideals and philosophy? None. Clearly there is still some kind of conflict between the two groups.

The last bit of information we have on their views for each other is from the “THree sisters” comic (I think that’s what it’s called?), where Vereesa claims that the Blood Elves can still be redeemed.

Our last interactions with the High Elves has been on the Alliance side, too.


You can go ahead and act like that, but are there going to be two night elf models on the Horde? I don’t think there will be.

This implies that they aren’t completely tired of you guys. Tired enough to clearly state in an interview that if you want the high elf fantasy, it is on the Horde, and it belongs to the Horde.

I’m sorry. I’ve also wanted High Elves before, however when I realized it would annihilate the quality of blood elves, and on top of that after void elves being added of all things, it’s not worth it anymore.

Some things are not perfect, and some universes don’t have to appeal to tolkien fans ALL THE TIME. I mean, why else did you think they made them leave the Alliance?


And how many of them are actually counted towards as spam, considering there is also other opened topics about the same discussion… Some have died out, some are active…

well undead elves in some form whether simply as undead or elves or as darkfallen are likely going to be one of the final allied races of BFA and it is doubtful they will be going alliance. They could use the blood elf model as the base but they also made all those undead night elves so who knows.

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I remember seeing Vulpera in the datamining, but not Darkfallen.

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I fail to see how this is relevant. If you don’t want so many threads stop reporting them all constantly. That is directed at not just you but everyone that reads this.

Flagging a thread to get it shut down doesn’t make the topic stop it makes it multiply. You are creating the problem.


4 more allied races for BFA

vulpera and mechagnomes are a given.

The final 2 are likely redeemed undead and undead elves.

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4 More? Naaaah, I really doubt that. I don’t even think we’ll get 2 more.

If we do, I think they’ll be: Vulpera and Mechagnomes.
I know it isn’t fair to us Alliance players, but this is the only obvious candidate we have.

(Water Goblins would be a fair trade, imo. Alliance gets Trash Gnomes and Horde gets Water Goblins.)

If I could personally pick what they are, I’d choose: High Elves/Wildhammer Dwarves for the Alliance and Ogres/Whatever those Half-Ogres are called for the Horde.

“We’re going to continue with these threads until we get what we want”

I see the relevance in there.

The only one I flagged was a thread where the entire thread turned into harrasment. Once again, stop accusing people of flagging threads without any proof it was them.

And here is proof of my reason to flagging a thread

And if I recall correctly, didn’t the pro-helfers mass flagged everyone who disagreed with them until they got there own thread shut down?

And also, you complain that all your threads get shut down…

  1. We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

Thread still open, but has died out.

  1. What will it take for Horde Blood Elves to accept Alliance High Elves?

Though this thread was created before the one here I just linked…

All and all, it all counts towards spam, and in the end, also breaks the CoC with Thread Duplication as well.


Fair. This thread shouldn’t exist, imo. It does genuinely feel like spam.

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I salute your endeavor of keeping the high elf talks going. High Elves in the Alliance! Now and Forever!

Also lets see how long before this gets taken down by the salty anti’s who cant win with facts so they have to silence speech.

And lets see how much more people can accuse without any actual proof?


The Pro-Helf movement has helped. It’s brought a voice to people who DON’T want playable High Elves (for whatever reason).

Can’t see a dev reading this thread or one of the others and thinking that making a non-race like High Elves playable is a GOOD idea.

Hang on a sec; no one should be hating anyone else over things like this. That’s ridiculous. If you hate someone because they post things you don’t like - but are not direct personal attaks - then they’re not the problem.

I’m opposed to High Elves, but I certainly don’t hate human beings on the other side.

Void Elves bring Blood Elves to the Alliance, that’s about it


I can assure you that flagging was done by both sides, Rreifren.

Doesn’t the system say the thread is closed due to the amount of community flags? Sure nobody can prove who is doing it, but surely some people are

Unless it’s just a glitch? But even then it’d be strange that it only happens to High Elf threads

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No, I don’t. I refer to the forum rage machine.

Except they read the posts. They dont just see 50k replies WOW! They then see just how fwe of pople it actually is.

I suggest you browse through all the old megathreads and try to count then.