What do we want? High Elves!

The threads were far more active on the old forms, for the record

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Kirela, while the Wall of No certainly existed it was not a countervailing Wall of Yes that got Classic launched. Classic was a two issue decision; financial - given the popularity of private servers - and IP protection.

They knew there was both actual money to be made and that they, once Classic was under active development, would now have a very easy time of shutting down the private servers on intellectual property grounds since Blizzard would be seen to be actively using the IP.

It’s easy to conflate the pro and anti side of Classic with High Elf requests, but it’s not correct except to say that people on the forums had different views on the subject like people do here. Blizzard does not have the same clear “we’ll increase subs and revenue if we do this…and the proof exists” rationale backing High Elves that they did Classic.

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When? Which thread? What about the most recent one which opens now and closes soon after? What do fans stand to gain by going through old posts and flagging them… Soon after they open again no less?

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I’m aware ur old stuff was popular. We only need to look post Ion interview. And literally each time its just the same 10 people making up half the replies. Ofc they differ who from thread to thread but it’s literally just a ship of 100 amongst a raging sea of ideas and game mechanics and then heres the High Elf Boat. You seen the ML thread? It’s literally a desert of protest now but they still claim oh we got sooooo much support. I think thats the way this thread will head, the way of the Dodo.

Source please.

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Because you say so? Cute lol.

All the megathreads have mountains of fantastic ideas and examples for implementation of high elves. They’ve known the High elf demand long enough to know the genuine ones from the throw away ones.

Funniest part about you antis is ignoring your active antagonism towards the subject then pretending we’re the bad guys when we bite back, pretending Blizzard won’t see the toxicity you display in all the threads as well.


I suggest you go look at the thread that came before the one labeled “continuation” then (which was post Ion interview) and do a count then.

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Hey, It could be anyone mass flagging the threads. But people shouldn’t just accuse one group of people doing it without having any actual proof first.


I think the point of citing Classic is just to point out that Blizz is capable of changing their minds. “You think you want it, but you don’t” was an actual “no” from Blizz

Classic and High Elves are definitely different, but the hope is there


Whoa whoa slow your roll. You have been just as toxic and sometimes more in these thread. You are antagonistic, you are relentless at times and you are incredibly insensitive to others. Lets not start calling people pots when you are the kettle. I’m not saying every post of yours has but you have a fair few.


Thank you for getting it.

Agreed. I’m tired of seeing both sides generalize each other


The only actual forum silence I can verify took place in these threads was mine, after being flag-bombed by someone who will remain nameless in this post but who long timers in the mega threads will recognize as a moderately unhinged member of the Pro side.

Know what the response from Blizzard was when they actually reviewed the flags and the silence?

“After reviewing the account’s record of forum violations, we determined that a silence was not warranted. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.”

Saying it is only people opposed to playable High Elves in the Alliance are responsible is disingenuous at best.

I have the proof, Kirela - I’m it.


How many times are you going to bring it up?

Which is fine, that has also been known, but know that any antagonism by our side has been largely a response.

For example, you coming into a thread and pretending it is just a “loud minority” that request High elves could easily be considered active antagonism and any clap back you’re getting at the moment is your own fault isn’t it?

You can’t pretend this request has no ground to stand on, there have been multiple capped megathreads with hundreds of different likes, this “spam post” on its own is in the hundreds. If you want to discredit high elves, try using your own valid points.

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Every single time someone says it’s just the people who don’t agree with you who are getting these threads shut down. Every single time.

How do you know how many flags you got?

I know I got enough to be silenced, so a number significantly greater than one. One flag, two flags, three flags…won’t do it. You’ve been around the forums for a long time and you know this as well as I do.

Maybe, just for the hell of it, people on both sides of this debate can figure out how to accept the opposing viewpoint as the way the person on the other side of the keyboard actually feels and not that they are out to make the other person’s like miserable.


And yet none of the ideas to implement them addresses the fact that they aren’t a populace race in lore or according to the devs.

The pro argument is hinged on “but they’re in the game” and “population doesn’t matter” … except it does matter to Bliz and the devs.

What would a dev see if they looked to these posts: people that want to play them and people that just as strongly don’t want them added. Not exactly any convincing arguments here on the pro side.

What would they see if they read this thread: a group of people who want to throw the lore out of the window and a group of people who want to protect the lore and the faction silhouette (which the devs themselves have said they consider when thinking about races to add).

The pro argument is all about “I want my Legolas model and I want it now” so you look to a race that have no culture, no community, no racial leader, and no ongoing story to try and get your nice mog.

It’s weak compared to what the anti’s are speaking out as being against them.


Oh I’m neutral. I don’t care one way or the other.

I don’t think you can honestly say this.

I don’t think i’m ‘Pretending’ Anything. That would require me to be deceitful In my beliefs. While there may have been fire in the beginning it’s just smoke now. For a variety of reason. People giving up, moving on, content with their void elves. Or acceptance. That applies to both sides except possibly the Void Elves.

You are right there has been multiple capped threads and while that may have started out as overwhelmingly pro before the against side got shut down… Now its just bickering back and forth like a group of old hens clucking about the farmer.