What will it take for Horde Blood Elves to accept Alliance High Elves?

Seeing as how the majority of the high elf anti crowd are horde blood elves. What is it that blizzard would have to do for you to accept that they are Alliance??


Turn them into Void Elves.



Blizzard gave you guys Golden Eyes, Blizzard will make High Elves more bulkier and survivalist and not the magic type elves but more wood Elves. They won’t be alliance Blood Elves. They will be Alliance Wood Elves.


Yes blood elfs with night elf tatoos, and blue eyes


Bulkier as well. Like the sanguinar model in the new cinematic

Alliance high elves will have a focus on martial abilities while blood elves keep their magic themes.


They just don’t want the distinct aesthetic that comes with being a blood elf, a Horde race, to be given to the Alliance. I think that’s pretty fair; Void Elves were a compromise specifically to avoid violating that aesthetic across faction lines.

You may order my assassination now.


Okay, but what makes you think you can’t make two fair-skinned elves look distinguishable from each other when they did the same thing with three purple elves?


Son, I am going to recommend you for a medal.



I think you’re mistaken op. There were many a Blood Elf fan in the thread you are referring to.

They could, and I personally wouldn’t have a problem with it if they, say, put the same amount of work into a new high elf race as they did with the Kul Tirans, what with the brand new skeleton and animations and everything.

But the way I see it, that’s not what people are asking for. If they go through the trouble of altering the fundamentals of what makes a blood elf a blood elf just to make it distinctly unique, you’re no longer going off a blueprint that exists in WoW lore. At that point, I guess you have to ask “is this even a high elf anymore?”

I’ve seen the high elf thread. I’ve seen the mock-ups and fanart they post. They literally just want the blood elf model with blue eyes and tattoos. They’re upset that blood elves went Horde. It’s really that simple, but it’s something they need to come to terms with. Because I seriously doubt those people want any drastic changes made to the blood elf blueprint. It would ruin the fantasy they have constructed for themselves.

Void elves were supposed to be the compromise, but even they have been rejected. I think that says a lot about the changes they are willing to tolerate, and that list isn’t very long.


In all seriousness, you claim all this lore/history is there for helves. In reality 99.9% of that is Blood Elf lore they share going back to the Kaldorei Highborne. Other than Silver Covenant and a couple outpost there is nothing unique about them. Sorry but the ‘we hate the Sin’dorei’ is not enough to justify blue eyed alliance elves that are no different. The whole 'bulk them up isnt enough either. Belves have rangers, they are not magic elves anymore than what you describe. The biggest known group live in Dal and are mages. The argument doesnt hold water. Void elves are different enough to not be carbon copies. So again, turn them into Velves, give them a paler skin, blue eye option, then give Belves the blue eyes and hair option (without tentacles/void glow) and both sides can be happy. But honesly alliance shouldnt get two Thalassian options anyway.


Nothing. Because that’s not the issue. The issue is they are now a Horde race. The story has moved on and evolved. So too should we as a player base and stop repeatedly asking for the same thing over and over again when it’s clear there’s no intention nor desire to cave.

The high elf crowd is incredibly incessant, which is why most of these forums are annoyed all the time, and I give credit to those members of the high elf crowd who go into helf threads (like this one) and point out how it’s nothing constructive.


Well, I was more asking in a general sense and not in accordance to who it will satisfy, because I get this odd impression that you can make a thousand different types of purple elves but if you propose the idea that it’d be cool is say, both factions had a more traditional LOTR-esque elf? People seem to strangely lose their minds over that and say there is only one single LOTR elf and that aesthetic is sacred and can’t be touched.

I think part of the problem with that isn’t necessarily how changed they are, but how their lore is and how they were introduced, most people are just not comfortable with races that are established without proper foreshadowing and build-up.

I’d hazard a guess though that if Void Elves had been given the proper foreshadowing and build-up like the Nightborne did, a lot of people would be skeptical of them going the Alliance and using the same arguments they apply to being against the High Elves because the Void Elves hit way too close to the Blood Elf aesthetic and theme as well.

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Them not accepting that they’re in the Alliance is their own issue, because Blizzard has more than shown the playerbase that High Elves are in the Alliance, and a differen’t entity than the Blood Elves, despite being the same race.

Blood Elves are High Elves, but not all High Elves are Blood Elves, is something a lot of the angry folks can’t seem to grasp, instead they quote Ion and mic drop like they accomplished anything, when all it shows is a lack of ability to think for ones self.

That being said, please don’t make a new High Elf thread, there’s already a temp one you can use to ask your question, you only tick off the casuals and those unaware of the mute button more.



Yeah, basically this. It’s a fair argument for Void Elves.

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You have high elves. Just because they’ve embraced the void and will likely contribute to the near destruction of Azeroth in a future patch, and have purple skin (racist), doesn’t make them stop being high elves.


There is nothing to have them accept it because it’s the salt that NOT having High Elves gives the Alliance that they enjoy so much.

Honestly, it doesn’t matter who accepts what. If Blizzard adds them to the game then people will get over it and if they don’t people will get over it. Always feel free to ask for whatever you want in game.

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Something something about 12 years later some people still haven’t gotten over the fact that the race went to the horde?


Don’t care, it is not a popularity contest with the anti-crowd. It is Blizzard’s decision. And so far it has been a pretty boneheaded one based on how vehemently some people want the High Elves playable…including me.