What do we want? High Elves!

There was a containment thread, but that was flagged. Nobody can post in it now.
(This shouldn’t have taken its place though. This thread is spam)

They haven’t, as far as I remember.

This is potentially true. But I think it’s safe to assume that Blizzard didn’t add all the NPCs they wanted. There’s no reason for Blizzard to be using the High Elven weaponry. If they were doing it because Alliance was running out of equipment, it probably would have been mentioned, right? It doesn’t make sense for us to not assume that High ELves were present.

Sadly. There’s still no reason we can’t talk about it in our threads though.


The thing is, and I don’t even know why I would state this because it helps you guys, if the helf movement just stopped for now it would improve, I mean whether the response to your threads are illogical or not, they are not well received as of late.

The idea will be driven into the ground soon and it can’t be dug back up if this keeps happening. The torches and pitchforks don’t care for thinking.

We have a Discord server for this. The thread could have been discussed before the person made it. If this wasn’t just, “Add High Elves because we want them”, I’d probably have a different opinion.

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You are completely avoiding the question like your side always does when I ask. At least you didn’t go “well high elves will never happen so it doesn’t matter”

No. tell me what blizzard will lose when they make high elves playable. All that matters is how much they will gain from adding them and how much they will lose from adding them. Despite some pretending (and maybe a few who actually believe) that high elves being added to the alliance makes no sense that fact is they do make sense to add.

Blizzard has a crap ton of money to be made for relatively little work. If the current dev leadership doesn’t do it their successors will. There are no if, ans, or buts about it.

I feel like there has been more and new antis showing up recently, but mostly because of threads like this. When we were all sticking to our threads that were made with time and effort, it was typically only the same people that were against it.


Okay, admittedly I didn’t make it clear, but that was the answer. Blizzard has the integrity of Blood Elf players as the price, it’s up to you to decide whether or not that’s meaningful to you, but if it’s not I can’t take you seriously, as a forewarning.

If you want high elves, that’s the price. There’s no way around it.

It’s dividing the race in half, again. The thalassian model cannot take that hit. And it can’t be different from the thalassian model, because it’s the exact same race.

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last time I checked blood elves will still exist after alliance high elves are made playable.

Also if you truly believe high elves take away anything from blood elves then you really have no idea what blood elves are about. In universe most blood elves would be absolutely disgusted and appalled by the people comparing high and blood elves as the same thing and believing they have the same culture and ideals.


tell that to kul tirans. They are human but they use a different model for some reason.


There are threads posted every single day with less substance than the OP of this one. That doesn’t mean that discussion can’t continue here. Sometimes the silliest of threads end up providing good discussions.

Is anyone in the discord discussing how to bring the topic back into focus? Anyone going to try and revive one of the old threads? Anyone reaching out to Blizz again about thread locks?

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Sure let’s just split Blood Elves, a Horde race, A THIRD TIME, and give the Alliance two models of a Horde race, while the Horde keeps only one.

Blood elves are, biologically and physiologically, high elves.[6]

Wowpedia, Blood Elf page.

Hundreds of years in that separate culture made them fat. It’s been what, 30 years since a couple elves that strayed across the world decided to disobey Silvermoon?


I do not care for High Elves but I respect those who wanted them and instead go Void Elves. Really a bummer I can imagine. However, all I want it to have a Forsaken like Nathanos. I guess, despite a huge focus on Sylvanas / the Forsaken that we just skipped Forsaken allied race. Or even a quest to become like Sylvanas, like the quest Night Elf for for Black eyes.

Kul tirans are biologically and physiologically, human.

also in case you didn’t notice. a person can go from fat to fit to fat again in the same lifespan. It is a lifestyle choice not a biological phenomenon that takes generations to change.


I always wonder why make Kul’Tiran a seperatetable playable Human when that could’ve just been customisations towards Humans.

Mechagnomes would’ve been better.

There is, but are they always about the same topic? They’re basically all unique

No and no, I think.

I honestly have no idea. :man_shrugging: I hope so. If our threads keep getting locked, our community will probably die out.

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we won’t die out. we will always exist and these threads will exist until high elves are added.

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If Factions merge like people seem to think (doubtful), then they will exist. At this point I’m ready to surrender if only so these threads cease once and for all. Then maybe we can get back to making jokes about why Smoky the Bear didn’t tell the Night Elves that only they can prevent forest fires.

…Yes I know it’s tasteless. But so was Malfurion and Tyrande exiling the Quel’dorei. :laughing:

Are they on the Horde?

No, they’re an Alliance race.

One allied race derived from Blood Elves already toward the Alliance. The Alliance is likely to never get more thalassian models than the Horde.


I highly doubt factions will merge as well. The seeds are already planted for our hatreds to sprout again. The difference this time is the alliance will likely be the aggressors instead of always responding to what the horde does.

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“muh model. muh model. MUH MODEL”

give it a rest already. I don’t give a damn about your model. Blizzard can use it for high elves or they can change it. If you don’t like their decision on what they decide to use then quit.

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Well if they aren’t coming to the rescue, then things will be scattered and unorganized. I don’t even think we can officially continue the megathread since we aren’t the original author, but a new and updated OP from someone with all of the information would be great. Perhaps put some of the old arguments to rest in it and new stuff so that discussion can move forward.

You don’t have to give up hope on that because some of them have probably been asking for 15 years. This community has been around in some form or another since legion at least, yeah? I don’t see the support drying up any time soon just because some trolls have set up shop.