What do I do if I've been falsely suspended?

CS won’t respond to any of my tickets and they’re accusing me of botting/hacking. I’ve never done either of those and I don’t understand why I’ve suddenly been banned.

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The only way to get it look at is via appeal tickets. The blues here may check the notes on it, but they don’t handle cases.


Make a ticket.

I did, they instantly closed it and said it’s final. They said I’m botting but I don’t have any programs on my pc that would automate anything.

If you appealed to the point that they won’t look at it anymore, than that’d be the final answer. The forums isn’t a court to try to talk one’s way out of an account action. The blues here, as I said, don’t handle such.

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This isn’t fair.

That’s life.


Well, the good news is whatever it is that flagged your account wasn’t so egregious that your account was permanently banned like someone else who was here a couple of days ago. (Yes, that person did actually get their ban turned into a six-month suspension but they also took ownership of what they had done.) The bad news is if they are responding that the decision is final, then they’ve got enough to validate the suspension.

It can be something you’ve got for work, like I know some people liked to lean on AutoHotKey, but even if it’s for another game or for whatever other purpose that isn’t WoW - just being on your system is enough to flag Warden. Or something in game that you’ve done. Account sharing is also something that will get you here. Blizzard will not give you specifics as to what caused the flag, that is just the information that botters and cheaters would love to get their hands on.

In the end, it’s Blizzard’s game. They’re not perfect but it is their sandbox and they can dictate who can and cannot play for whatever the reason is they so choose.


Has nothing to do with the account action that brought OP here, no matter anyone’s personal thoughts on them. That isn’t appropriate nor constructive to this post.

OP, thank you for editing out your post that was above here. While what you post on the forums had no part in what you’re being hit with, that post could have impacted your posting capabilities here.


Well, the good news is whatever it is that flagged your account wasn’t so egregious that your account was permanently banned like someone else who was here a couple of days ago.

It’s permanent. I’ve never been banned before today. I don’t work, I’m disabled. All I do is play wow and I would never risk anything as serious as running a bot. I was mass reported because I have a system to how I play meaning I log in around the same time and do specific tasks in game that looks like I’m a bot, but it’s all me all the time.

I’m very exact in what I do but I make a LOT of mistakes when I’m trying to log in and out of my characters. Mistakes that would prove I’m not cheating because of how often I screw up and misclick or accidently close my client because I can’t control my hands very well. I don’t understand why I was flagged for botting other than because of how consistent I am when I do process every hour.

Botting after putting in all of this effort would be idiotic. I might be slow but I’m not dumb. I want to throw up.

Sorry, I was running with your title saying suspension over full-out ban.

One thing that so many people get hung up on that really doesn’t bear much weight in how someone is sanctioned - mass reports do nothing, if they are really even in play. Yes, they can get someone temporarily squelched, but that is only until a GM looks over the reports - no more than 24 hours for that. I could sit there and report you every five minutes for anything at all and gang up my guild to do the same. Nothing would happen if you were not breaking the rules.

How many appeals have you submitted, if you don’t mind me asking?


Three but they already denied the first one and said it’s final. I’m ready to record everything I do to show them that I’m doing it but they just don’t care. I want to cry.

Blizzard will not tell you specifically what they detected or when. There was a ban wave that went out recently it seems, for botting/automation/account sharing. All things that are prohibited.

Anything that automates gameplay in any way is not allowed. That can be auto hot key, any multi boxing software, mouse or keyboard macros that do more than the in-game macro functions do, etc.

Your only option is to appeal and have them take a second look. You won’t get a discussion about it, you will get a template letter back telling you it is either upheld, or overturned.

If the ban wave detection criteria has errors in it, that tends to be picked up within a few days as appeals come in. Those are usually corrected with a group action to unban, or lower the penalty.

They don’t accept any media or logs from players as some people are dishonest and would fake them. They only go by Blizzard’s logs and detection methods.

You can appeal until they tell you they will close your whole Battlenet account for harassing GMs.


I know it’s toeing the line a bit, but if they didn’t threaten your account with further action? I would submit another appeal. They shouldn’t be closing instantaneously. You are allowed to keep appealing until they threaten your account if anymore are submitted.

I actually mixed up two recent other posters, my brain is swiss cheese right now so I do apologize. There was someone else who also swore up and down they never botted or anything of the sort and their ban was lifted entirely. There was also a fellow who didn’t understand that account-sharing with his brothers was against the rules. He was the one whose sentence was lightened from permanent to six months.

Thank you, I was going to hit on that too. Blizzard isn’t perfect. They’ve made mistakes in the past and they do own up to them when they’re in the wrong. You can absolutely ask for time compensation if they do determine the ban to be undeserving, but this sort of thing takes some time to uncover. This is the third permaban in the past week or so, so it is looking like a wave did go out.


I don’t have any of this. I’ve never automated ANYTHING in game and have been very strict about what I have on my pc. I don’t see anyone else talking about being banned on any social media platforms so I think this is specific to me. I get that people lie about this to hide their cheating but I have too much at stake to risk being banned. I would never do anything to risk my account.

My problem is that I’m logging into the game at an exact time every hour. This looks like a bot because I’m logging into every character I have on more than 4 accounts. I’m mass scanning the auction house with a public ah addon. Because of this behavior, I come off as a bot.

They’re confident that I’m automating what I’m doing. But if they had logs of their own, they’d see how many times I screw up. It’s a very specific method I have but when I actually do it, there’s a lot of human error involved that makes it take longer than it should. But I’m doing this all day because I’m disabled, so it comes off as a bot.

I have a lot of gold, I’m not worried about time. I’m worried about the auctions I have expiring and them not giving me the time of day for a year or more. I’ve read stories of people trying to appeal their bans and having to wait 6 months.

I’m going to touch on this as you keep repeating this:

Doing such doesn’t mean you’ll get action. I used to pretty much play dawn to dusk, nearly everyday. So much so that my former guild thought I never gone to bed. I mine, herb and such for hours on end that I’d look like a bot. So this kind of action alone won’t make a flag on the account as botting.


I have a hunch, although I can’t prove it obviously, that after a ban wave the first appeal might be auto declined?

There is another one here on CS within the past 24-48 hours.

Yeah… that would certainly look like a bot and be nearly impossible for someone to do manually, esp repeatedly.

I have a spreadsheet to time my fishing nets but I am not very good at getting to them and that is on only a few alts, not more than one account.

Again, if you use ANY hardware or software to facilitate multiboxing, that is no longer allowed.

No, that does not happen that I have ever heard of. They get an answer within the current ticket time, whatever that is. They don’t just get an answer out of the blue 6 months later. Right now tickets are taking around 9 days.

EDIT to add thread

This was part of what looks to be recent automation/bot banning. Person was reduced to 6 months instead of perma.


I log in at the exact minute every hour and go through nearly the exact same server to server hopping. I open the game, open the ah, scan, log out, repeat, straight down the list. Sometimes I log into servers in another order, sometimes I don’t log in at all because I’m busy irl. For the most part, it’s the exact same process an hour. This is all I do, all day. I’ve played a little bit of DF but not much because I’m busy with the auction house. If someone sat there and reported me every time I logged in, it would look suspicious.

That’s why I want to record it and show what I do, because it looks like I’m botting if I wasn’t familiar with what’s going on.

I’m glad you’re here. I didn’t want to make that presumption, but I was wondering the same. I know some tickets are being marked as resolved and not able to be reopened, so I had half wondered if this might be just another aspect of that mess. Or just the auto decline on the first go and then a proper appeal after that? I just don’t know.

And to add in with Mirasol’s thread share, this is the other fellow who seems to be in a similar situation - or rather, they were.

I would appeal again. Reference the ticket number of your original appeal ticket and any others, just make sure to say that you were unable to resubmit the original for another look over.

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I don’t touch multiboxing. I click between all my clients and that’s why I mess up my clients so often. I have a batch file that will move addons out of the addon folder, but I’ve had that for a loooooong time. It’s not touching the game client so it shouldn’t have caused any problems.

I’m terrified that they’ll threaten to ban me completely by closing my acc if I open too many tickets. Support has really imploded itself in the recent years.