Upright deaders
face transmogs for glasses so we can wear glasses and hats at the same time
mini-skirt transmog options
ability to change voice of our character
skinny Kul-Tirans
hide off-hands
transmog non-shield off-hands to shields
boob slider
Tattoos for everyone. I want anchors and octopuses all over my kul tirans.
Bigger, better, badder beards for humans and kul tirans.
Oh man, unique hunter pet styles would be great…so many pets that are all basically the same thing just slightly different. The tamable drakes was a nice step but why not protodrakes?
I just want the male Dracthyr Visage short ponytail for Human.
Anything. More ears, fur patterns, colors.
A crumb of content, please.
Tesla Coil hands for Mechagnomes that create lightning-hands whenever they draw a weapon.
More skin color options for dracthyr. Surprisingly limited there.
More hairstyles for male BE since they were shafted with the customization update. My dracthyr’s visage has more hairstyle options than my blood elf and they share the same dang model.
Also a full beard for male BE would be nice
And separate transmog between drac/visage so i can wear shoulders, belts, and tabards again.
Separate xmog between drac and visage form.
Give mechagnomes the option to have single limbs be mechanical instead of both. That way we can see our gloves and leg /feet armor
drag’thyrs…deleted. they look like the wish/com of lizards. just terrible.
gnomes/mechagnomes…punted into oblivion, or ability to punt them.
Kul Tirans; skinny body frame option added to barbershop as skin option
dwarves: Dark Iron/ironforge dwarf merged and dark iron, frostborne, ulduar, all added as skin trim options at barber shop
orcs: same process as dwarves, have alternate tribes be made into skin trims at barbershop.
same for any other allied race. merge them into the barbershop with their relevant race.
Blood elves/Void Elves/High Elves made neutral
Nightbornes made neutral and merged with night elves at barbershop
we no longer need horde/alliance separatism when both factions have been friendly for years now. the divide is no longer existent.
Beards for all races!! Oh and other races as Dracthyr Visages.
Body types. Not sure why dudebro’s whined that Belfs looked too skinny or that Blizzard ever capitulated to them. They look ridiculous now.
More makeup options
Tattoos & War Paint
Scars, burns, birthmarks, etc
BELF ladies can have their nails done but girl boss, gatekeep, gaslight Goblin ladies can’t? Blasphemy!
Let Inscription create armor dyes (Yes, it had some hideous side effects in Everquest), but let us change the color or our Transmog gear.
update that outdated tabard system, new colors and symbols and borders.
Death Knights need it the most.
Allied Race Death Knights don’t have access to DK skin tones. There are only THREE selected faces that can be used with the skin tone of Death Knights. We cannot customize our eye color or even be blind despite there being NPC DKs that are blind (forced to be blue, I’d rather have red or green–when they have been shown in game) and there’s exceptions of course for Night Elves because, uh… Night Warrior, I guess?
I’d love to see a rehaul. It’s old, outdated, and pretty much ignored.
I would love to see different head customization options. For example Imagine equipping glasses and a hat at the same time.
And many many more things.
General: Choose model type and voice type separately. Love the M Worgen model, hate the F Worgen one though. Still wanna play a lady though.
-Grimtotem War Paint (1/3 of the Grimtotem Tribe joined the Horde when Baine reclaimed Thunder Bluff from Magatha with the help of Jevan Grimtotem)
-Proper Black scales, similar to Emberthal’s (The current Black/Infinite tone has blue highlights, I want warm colors!)
-More armor colors (I can’t make an Alliance or Horde theme right now!)
-More secondary colors
-Tier sets that are fully visible in our true form, since they’re class-exclusive anyways
-Give the lady Dwarves beards, you cowards!
-Carved Stone hair/beards instead of random hair growing out of their otherwise stone bodies.
-Ladies really, REALLY need some short hair options! Please!
Barber shop glasses options so i can wear them with hats, maybe under the eyesight category that lets you choose to be blind/partially.
Worgen human form trading out some of its generic human accesories for some gilnean themed ones like replacing the gems with roses.
Troll beards, orc eyebrows.
Hair physics for Blood/Void elves. Not a customization per se, but a fix to the existing customizations.
True Man’ari customization, not just a new skin and eye color.
More face options for Night Elves and Kul Tirans.
Paladin spell effect options to change the hammers into other weapons.
Option to change the DH Meta into something else; Meta is actually distracting for my old person brain and eyeballs.
BRING BACK RAVEN PRIESTS!! You had no right to take it from me, Blizzard; you hear me?!? NO RIGHT!!