Weird thought: What if shared subs & layering is Blizzard protecting Classic?

I was thinking about this earlier. What if the reason we have shared subs and layering is because there are devs at Blizzard who want to “protect” Classic WOW and maintain its design purity?

Let me elaborate. Activision is a business whose sole purpose is to wring as much money as possible out of their paying custmers without driving them away. This is why Retail is in the state it’s in, with cash shop mounts, level boosts, wow tokens, and time-gated content.

But I suspect there are developers at Blizz who are gamers at heart and don’t like designing the game this way, but they are required to do so. To them, recreating WoW in its pure, uncorrupted-by-microtransactions form something they are excited to see.

But if Classic WOW is too successful, it will certainly draw the attention of the Activision bean counters and demands will come down to monetize it more efficiently. Baron’s mount in the cash shop? $50. That kind of stuff.

So how can these devs potentially HIDE the success of Classic WoW? For starters, they can hide the subscriber totals by created a combined subscription. This allows any Classic-only subs to be masked as old players returning to play retail.

But what about all of the servers needed to support a large Classic playerbase (if it manifests, of course)? Use layering to minimize the number of servers required. This would mean that layering could last past Phase 1.

None of this would work in the long term if Classic is hugely successful. But it would allow the financial impact of Classic to fly under the radar for a much longer time.

Anyway, I’m not saying that this is the case, but the current state of the release fits this weird theory.


I’ve been saying this for weeks.

Layering isn’t to cater to tourists, its to protect us from tourists.


I don’t think anyone ever thought that.

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Most advocates of no layering have repeated that ad nauseum

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All the “No Layering” threads I’ve seen (And I’m on this like all day: every day for the past few months) have said nothing of the sorts.

For instance.

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That is just one example. One or two people saying it does not prove many people have been saying it.

I could keep going if you really want.

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Show me at least 5 forum threads that say layering caters tourists.

Oh snap, you did it now. Sick um, Eloraell


But I’m not talking about tourists at all. I’m talking about protecting the game from Activision.

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Gotta ruin Classic so it is less successful or else Activision will try to capitalize on its success and ruin it.

Definitely sounds like Blizzard. You might be on to something here.


they didn’t add a cash shop to WoW until it peaked. only dying games get milked

From the start of the Forums:

We good?


Dying franchises. Look at Naruto. It was good until they introduced literal gods for the cast to fight into the world. Then once that pretty much killed the franchise: They milked the series so hard: that they literally made a “second generation” “sequel” where it’s the kids of the main cast but their visual looks and powers are practically carbon copies of their parents.

I doubt activision would fail to notice a dwindling subscription count suddenly turning around and growing for the first time in a decade, and not look to see what in game changes caused this.

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I don’t start threads but I certainly have been saying layering is to mitigate the damage from the tourist mass exodus.

The MAJORITY of the thing you posted is mostly them saying that tourists wouldn’t mind layering, not in favor of tourists… Like only 1 or 2 of those are actually saying that layering it catered towards tourists.

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Were you searching for the word “cater” or wanting opinions that state that layering is designed to make life easy for tourists?

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Yes and your point is? You aren’t saying Layering is catering towards tourists. You are saying what layering is ment for which is just to help the game survive against the tourists.