Blizzard is catering to BFA crowd

Classic is going to be a streamlined, watered down vanilla with every convenience they can get away without starting a riot. This isnt a "authentic experience" its because they thought they could make alot of money from retails dwindling playerbase, not classic players. Look what blizzard did to diablo, you think they care?
Considering they are giving it to all retailers and have confirmed sharding ...I kind of agree with you.

I think they will end up releasing mega servers so they don't have to deal with merging dead servers that come from the high tourist turnover rate. This also makes me think sharding will be more widespread than just the first weeks in starting zones.

I haven't given up yet, but I am not hopeful.

Edit: my fear is that they have decided classic can be a way to retain subs during content droughts. I think they are shifting their targeted audience away from the vanilla player base to the retail playerbase.
11/03/2018 01:35 AMPosted by Deathbonerz
Classic is going to be a streamlined, watered down vanilla with every convenience they can get away without starting a riot. This isnt a "authentic experience" its because they thought they could make alot of money from retails dwindling playerbase, not classic players. Look what blizzard did to diablo, you think they care?
What are you basing this opinion on and what do you want to see changed? Your post is just complaining in a vague manner and that kind of criticism is useless to affect change. I read all of your posts and no one is saying anything helpful. You will never get what you want by calling something "trash" and saying how much you hate it.
11/03/2018 02:18 AMPosted by Purjery
11/03/2018 01:35 AMPosted by Deathbonerz
Classic is going to be a streamlined, watered down vanilla with every convenience they can get away without starting a riot. This isnt a "authentic experience" its because they thought they could make alot of money from retails dwindling playerbase, not classic players. Look what blizzard did to diablo, you think they care?
What are you basing this opinion on and what do you want to see changed? Your post is just complaining in a vague manner and that kind of criticism is useless to affect change.

because, blizzard are being vague af, and look what they did to diablo. Only a blind idiot could not see the way the sub is set up is for BFA players, not old wow players.
11/03/2018 02:18 AMPosted by Purjery
11/03/2018 01:35 AMPosted by Deathbonerz
Classic is going to be a streamlined, watered down vanilla with every convenience they can get away without starting a riot. This isnt a "authentic experience" its because they thought they could make alot of money from retails dwindling playerbase, not classic players. Look what blizzard did to diablo, you think they care?
What are you basing this opinion on and what do you want to see changed? Your post is just complaining in a vague manner and that kind of criticism is useless to affect change.

lets see - based on the demo so far we have seen
-mobs are weaker then they were back then.
-casters are critting for 200% baseline
-greens have different stats then they did in classic and drop left right and center
-regeneration rates are higher then they should be
i'm sure there is other changes i missed too.
11/03/2018 01:41 AMPosted by Skjaldbjorn
Edit: my fear is that they have decided classic can be a way to retain subs during content droughts. I think they are shifting their targeted audience away from the vanilla player base to the retail playerbase.

This is the conclusion that I have reached also. It's so disheartening.
11/03/2018 02:27 AMPosted by Feuerhuf
11/03/2018 01:41 AMPosted by Skjaldbjorn
Edit: my fear is that they have decided classic can be a way to retain subs during content droughts. I think they are shifting their targeted audience away from the vanilla player base to the retail playerbase.

This is the conclusion that I have reached also. It's so disheartening.

This is spot on. I think the original intent may have been to bring back vets but it shifted to preventing subs from hemorrhaging by giving out freebies (6 month sub mounts anyone? lol).

Also I believe they are afraid of creating a competition with their own game having a lesser tier subscription even though as a cost, 15 years later there should have been some sort of a discount for one-and-done game.

I mean look at the decision making Blizzard is doing lately. Diablo on mobile? I don't think anyone asked for that. It's not the great company it once was.

No longer the age of blizzard, but the age of Actiblizzard where shareholder interests trump game design philosophy and marketing.

This decision leaves private servers thriving though due to not offering a viable alternative. 180 a year or free? hmmm. Most of the private community probably would have even paid half the current sub for their beloved classic. That's the result of corporate greed though, it's endless.
You were delusional if you thought a authentic vanilla was coming.. A "authentic blizzard experience" is what we are getting on a remastered game from long ago. As for mega servers on classic, do it, put in some QoL to streamline it. Classic is not... and never will.. be the bread and butter of wow, it is a fad that once released will have a few die hards, the rest to use the servers for what they really are meant for.. Filler between raids and expansions.
11/03/2018 02:38 AMPosted by Driac
You were delusional if you thought a authentic vanilla was coming.. A "authentic blizzard experience" is what we are getting on a remastered game from long ago. As for mega servers on classic, do it, put in some QoL to streamline it. Classic is not... and never will.. be the bread and butter of wow, it is a fad that once released will have a few die hards, the rest to use the servers for what they really are meant for.. Filler between raids and expansions.

i agree with you, but blizzard should have said that from the start, the slimy !@#$s tried to deceive everyone
11/03/2018 02:34 AMPosted by Gattz
I mean look at the decision making Blizzard is doing lately. Diablo on mobile? I don't think anyone asked for that. It's not the great company it once was.

I wasn't that worried at first, I figured the Classic client is derived from a modern 7.3.5 client so it will require a but of work... but man... what I've seen so far isn't looking good...

I mean after the sh!tshow that has been BfA, talk of sharding in classic, and now promoting Diablo as a MOBILE game at a US Blizzcon(which I might add is quite literally an exact re-skin of another game)... i think it just goes to show how out of touch Blizzard really has become.

Sure the asian markets might lap that mobile gaming microtransaction BS up (thanks Tencent) but to me it just seems like such a slap in the face to the fans of not only Diablo fans, but those dedicated enough to go to the Blizzard convention lol.
11/03/2018 02:34 AMPosted by Gattz
I mean look at the decision making Blizzard is doing lately. Diablo on mobile? I don't think anyone asked for that. It's not the great company it once was.

I wasn't that worried at first, I figured the Classic client is derived from a modern 7.3.5 client so it will require a but of work... but man... what I've seen so far isn't looking good...

I mean after the sh!tshow that has been BfA, talk of sharding in classic, and now promoting Diablo as a MOBILE game at a US Blizzcon... i think it just goes to show how out of touch Blizzard really has become.

Sure the asian markets might lap that mobile gaming microtransaction BS up (thanks Tencent) but to me it just seems like such a slap in the face to the fans of not only Diablo fans, but those dedicated enough to go to the Blizzard convention lol.

The good thing is i havent enjoyed a blizz game for ages, so the let down isnt really that bad. I think D3 destroyed my blizz hype years ago.
I honestly would wait for something more complete than a floor demo to make my mind up.

and the Diablo thing, you know that is not the only thing that they will ever release ever again in that franchise, but Im sorry it isnt something you like, i;m not keen on version of a game I like turning out like what they did the Dungeon Keeper on mobile.
D3 is where I really began to worry about the direction the company was headed. I have myself to blame for believing classic would somehow be shielded from the bad decisions.

I still play D2. I would not uninstall all my blizzard games, as some were actually produced by a group who actually cared about good gameplay and their players, rather than simply viewing them as cash cows and whales. The early games were awesome, and resulted in a windfall. Putting cash grabbing at the forefront is what has caused this company to trip in a massive way.
11/03/2018 03:01 AMPosted by Thermiss
D3 is where I really began to worry about the direction the company was headed. I have myself to blame for believing classic would somehow be shielded from the bad decisions.

I still play D2. I would not uninstall all my blizzard games, as some were actually produced by a group who actually cared about good gameplay and their players, rather than simply viewing them as cash cows and whales.

I dunno,like I said above I would wait to see a more complete form of Classic over what they released today , who know they could give decent info tomorrow, but given what you have stated about how you felt they have done you over the years in your eyes, i can emphasize with that , even if I do not agree, i 100% respect passion.
11/03/2018 02:20 AMPosted by Matcauthon

lets see - based on the demo so far we have seen
-mobs are weaker then they were back then.
-casters are critting for 200% baseline
-greens have different stats then they did in classic and drop left right and center
-regeneration rates are higher then they should be
i'm sure there is other changes i missed too.

And that right there is constructive criticism. Well done. Typing out specific concerns and issue encourages change or at least a mature conversation about it.
11/03/2018 01:48 AMPosted by Deathbonerz
11/03/2018 01:44 AMPosted by Kiwî

Okay, go play on your illegal private servers. Enjoy having all your progress erased when they get a cease and desist!

lmao i payed for vanilla when it first released and now i cant play the product i payed for, so no i dont give a crap, also i love beginning again on Pservers. So i still have fun with the product i already payed for, that belongs to me/

Might want to read to EULA. You don't own anything. You paid for a game service. Not a game.
11/03/2018 02:20 AMPosted by Deathbonerz
because, blizzard are being vague af, and look what they did to diablo
What are you talking about? What does Diablo have to do with WoW classic? What is your actual issue with WoW classic? If you can't identify your specific issues with WoW classic the issue is something else.
Overreacting to a demo that clearly is just the legion client stripped down and not fully adapted to classic.. I think we should take a breath and realize that this isn't a week away from launch, most problems will be resolved.
11/03/2018 03:11 AMPosted by Purjery
11/03/2018 02:20 AMPosted by Deathbonerz
because, blizzard are being vague af, and look what they did to diablo
What are you talking about? What does Diablo have to do with WoW classic? What is your actual issue with WoW classic? If you can't identify your specific issues with WoW classic the issue is something else.

Well judging by the other thousands of posts, I am going to take a wild stab in the dark. Now I'm no genius but I'm guessing the issue perhaps may be... sharding? Lmao
11/03/2018 03:14 AMPosted by Crumbs
11/03/2018 03:11 AMPosted by Purjery
... What are you talking about? What does Diablo have to do with WoW classic? What is your actual issue with WoW classic? If you can't identify your specific issues with WoW classic the issue is something else.

Well judging by the other thousands of posts, I am going to take a wild stab in the dark. Now I'm no genius but I'm guessing the issue perhaps may be... sharding? Lmao

well in the context of this posts topic no because BFA players do not like sharding either.