Giving beta only to subs makes no sens

I don’t remember my emails ever saying that, but it is still a different thing from this requirement.

Those emails say “You have been invited! If your sub is inactive, you will need to activate it to play.” That’s fine and I would have no complaint if it were happening. But that is NOT what is happening here!

What is happening this time is “You must have a sub to even be considered.” It’s a very different thing and the result is vastly more exploitative. It’s saying “Hey, pay us 15-45 bucks just to have a tiny chance at even being invited to beta. You might end up paying us for absolutely nothing. Enjoy your time with Blizzard!”

If they are going to play for less than a month, in what sense are they the majority of players? In what way are they even real and meaningful players? (In the context of Classic, specifically; obviously they’re real WoW and real Retail players.)

They are tourists. Yes, tourists are going to temporarily outnumber actual players, no one has an argument about that. But there is no reason to cater to such people.