Weird thought: What if shared subs & layering is Blizzard protecting Classic?

Mate, drop it, you asked for proof, you got proof, if you keep going you just make yourself look silly.


I got no proof lol. What I got was just people talking about layering.

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And a large number of people consider that layering is for tourists, not to protect against them. And therefore they’re saying they’d prefer to get rid of the tourists and the layering.


Well that is an impossible feat lol

To return to the topic though, the shared sub might allow them to hide numbers, but Activision is not shareholders. They are going to ask and receive playtime numbers and MAU’s broken down by property internally.

The shared sub doesn’t hide anything from Activision, because Activision has all the info about how that sub is used.

I was looking for statements where people say layering will benefit tourists rather than “Tourists are the cause of layering” which most of the posts you gave me were.

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I gave you posts saying that layering was caused by, and to satisfy, tourists. That’s what “cater” means.

The claim was that many people think layering is designed to cater to tourists. Some of those posts had that literal wording.


You asked for 5 different threads where people talk about layering catering to tourists, and that’s exactly what you got, you’re starting to sound pathetic at this point. You really gotta learn when to drop it.


And you should really learn to stop just looking at the cover of a book and think you read the entire book.

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I tend to avoid doing that…

[Nice Edit]

To respond to your “reversed” edit, if you actually read the quotes, and looked at the discussion around them, you’d see that it was exactly what you asked for. People who think that layering is designed to cater for tourists.

So yeah, maybe do some more reading of your own.


You got content of the book, exact content that says what you asked for, and you still say sky is green. You’re either trolling or just hate being wrong so much you’ll argue against logic.


Dude got owned. Sometimes its best to just walk away rather than to dig a deeper hole.


Blizz: “Patch 8.2 has really turned the game around!”

Activsion: “Good. Increase cash shop revenue by 10% this quarter”

Blizz: “Yes sir! New mounts coming right away, sir!”

They probably do have play time metrics. Absolutely.

But do they break it down by which wow server you are playing on? Probably not because that’s not relevant to their revenue model.

And Classic Wow servers are just going to be different servers, so I’m not convinced Activision is going to have access to that breakdown initially unless Blizz volunteers it.

You got served bro.


I don’t see where he says it will cater (in any form) for tourists. All he says he they just wont mind it.

He does mention benefiting tourists, but he does not mention how layering will cater towards tourists. Just another “Tourists won’t care about layering”

Literally nothing about layering.

I don’t see where he says layering will cater towards tourists. He some-what says it but doesn’t really ever explain it.

He was talking about the beta. Not layering.

Where does it mention Layering?

He says accommodates which is not the same as catering.

Not reading that one because he does’t break up his sentences. One sentence was the size of a paragraph.

Not gonna read an essay just to try to find the actual spot he mentions where Layering caters towards tourist.

The ONLY one that says layering caters towards tourists.

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Dude, just give up. The Eloraell is a night elf, but it behaves like Horde. If it engages in world PvP with you, the odds are already overwhelmingly in its favor. When it appears that you’re in an evenly matched fight, that just means you haven’t noticed the other three to five Horde (or blistering counterarguments) hiding around the corner.

It has ganked and graveyard camped me on a number of issues, most notably a WoW tokens in Classic discussion from a few weeks ago. Trust me: don’t engage. Frick’n run.

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You should stop. You are really embarrassing yourself at this point.

Like I said, the word “cater” isn’t necessarily in every post.

Again, the meaning of cater.

General statement that Blizzard is catering to casuals and tourists? It even used the word cater which you’re obsessed with.


You didn’t read his whole post where he says:

That one was a general post about catering to tourists (being the BfA players).

Really? You’re going to go to that?

Since you didn’t read the whole quote, here it is.

Again, “I don’t want to actually read it, just claim that it isn’t true”.

This is the only one that a quick search turned up, specifically giving you the words you wanted in the order you wanted.

Face it, you’re attempt to snark-undermine someone else failed, and now you’re scrambling for purchase before you fall off the cliff.


The argument I started with was about people saying layering catered towards tourists but then you devolved it to it literally just people meaning catering in any form of the way, even if it doesn’t mention layering.

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No you claimed that no one was saying that layering was catering to tourists. You could have left it alone. You could have accepted it when I gave you an example. But you had to keep fighting it.