We want RDF. And while you're at it, give us also WoW Token

Yeah acting like you are straight up silenced for using RDF is a sign of bigger issues lol

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Cool, low effort trolling.

U kidding? I’m not the one having issues in forming groups… I don’t need RDF…
That feature Wil kill the social aspect of the game as it did in retail.

Make group, make friends, be social! If u can not then wrong game

I can be social with RDF.

Except, even in retail, the social aspect isn’t even dead. Once again, what are you trying to prove? That you just rather gatekeep with baseless and false claims on something?

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Is not that hard… We have the LFG tool we have guilds and lots of players… Why simulate instant/single player game play with RDF?

Because not everyone wants to waste an hour? How is this hard to understand? People have real lives. If I want to use LFG, I can use it. If I want to use RDF, I can use that.

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That the game as it is don’t need RDF…ee are good as it is… The tool we have right now is simple and nice…

Except, I am not wanting RDF because of the LFG Tool. I am wanting RDF so I can just complete the dungeon and spend more time doing other stuff instead of sitting around spending from 25 minutes to a couple of hours trying to put together a group or find a group for the dungeon for the daily badges or a dungeon quest or anything along those lines.

After all, the dungeon is supposed to be the hard part, not the group forming.


We all have…

It does not require that ammount of time… (unless u play way way late and no1 is online)

Not everyone plays on a mega server or is from the US.

RDF is literally a WOTLK feature so… wrong. I literally played WOTLK when it was live. I did raid progression. After ICC ended and my raiding guild fell apart with no new content and I was ready to quit I used RDF. Its obvious you on the other hand never played WOTLK if you don’t know RDF is from WOTLK.

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I play on Azure song ( not even close to mega server) and I’m not from US

i seriously doubt you play the same game as i do. world of warcraft LFG is what enabled toxicity, RDF did not. what rdf DID do was fail to penalize players for quitting a run before completion. there was no punishment for it and should have been like a 2 hour or 4 hour inability to use RDF. back towards the end of original wow pre cata, it came out that people against rdf were using it to handicap groups because they believed rdf took away their ability to deny people groups and runs. so, in my experience, those that are PRO LFG are toxic themselves and breed toxicity with their mannerisms. the only social interaction LFG promotes for reasonable people is to shut off the chat and hang out with guildies.

Need glasses? Is from LAST PATCH and the first patch isn’t even live!

No you’re right, because we’re playing patch 3.4.0, according to the client. We need to downgrade to patch 3.2.0

It was on the wotlk pre patch? No
Where r we? In the pre wotlk patch

So is dual spec and a bunch of other features we already have. Stop making dumb comments.

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Those are qualitie of life features… U just don’t have to spent big amounts of gold every time you want to offspec

This is way bigger…

Make friends, it doesn’t hurt.

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