Making friends resolves most forum complaints

Join a good guild. Chat with your fellow players. Make some friends. Y’know, embrace the MMO spirit.

You wouldn’t need to complain about RDF or wanting x-server play. Rally up your friends/guildies and tackle the content. An MMO is a lot more fun when you have a group of regular people to play with.

If socialization is not important to you, there is the retail dragon expansion that looks promising and caters to the solo player. The solo player can use some retail tools to find other like-minded solo players that can’t be bothered to make social connections. You don’t even have to talk to them except if they are doing something wrong and then you can just refer to them by their class and not character name. No reason to get too personal, right?

If anyone is ready to move on from the less satisfying solo experience and they are ready to make friends, let us know and the Classic community can include tips on how to join a fun guild and share in mutual progression with their fellow players.


“I don’t want to have to have set hours I have to play”

Okay…then pug?

“I want the community experience”

okay then find a guild

“I don’t want to have to have set hours I have to play”

You know shadowlands has LFR


Okay then maybe you shouldn’t play this game



That’s basically every conversation I have with these types. They rant about how much they hate retail even though it literally has so much for them to do. They hate GDKP because they think they have to do them…but they don’t. They won’t join a guild because they don’t want to play on a schedule…and it’s like…literally LFR was made for you.


Precisely. If the socially awkward anti-RDF crowd would learn how to actually interact with other human beings they wouldn’t have to fear not being able to continue with their preferred playstyle despite RDF being in the game.


You know Classic Era doesn’t.


I have friends, they don’t like this game. I only got 2 of them to play and they never got past level 10.


it doesn’t but when people are playing a game that specifically is about joining guilds and organizing groups the old fashioned way but are refusing to do that…there’s a game built for the “I only have 20 seconds to play a month” types.

LFR is literally built for people who can’t or won’t raid on a consistent schedule but still want to see the raids.

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The majority of the sour types you see on the forums are probably awful at making friends.


Wrath was built with RDF in mind. What you’re looking for is Vanilla or TBC.


LFR does come into action until Cata… so there is that.

i am not your friend… stop messaging me and asking me to tank or heal. we aren’t friends. you just want to use me to skip the q


it was not “built” with it, it was a response to complaints about being unable to find groups and was introduced at the last patch of the game.


Ok wait. So the people who are interacting, and finding groups that are able to play without RFD are the awkward unsocial ones?


RDF came after ICC was released originally.

Swing and a miss on that post lol.


I mean, they really wont be able to. If there’s an easier and better way to do something, you’re foolish to not take that path. There really isn’t any, “just dont use it.” Efficiency has always been the name of the game and always will be when you’re trying to not fall behind the pack.

You’re really trying to twist the opponent argument in a way that does not make sense.


It was literally built with it in mind. The system just wasn’t ready for the release of the expansion, so it ended up making it in when it was, which was with ICC.


Nah. I raid with my guild. I do dungeons on the side. Give me LFD.


came out, but they were working on it from the start

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Not true at all. Warmane has manual groups forming all the time for achievement runs and quick emblem bang out runs. Those groups happen alongside people queueing for LFD. Some people prefer the manual group to quality control for the specific things they want to achieve (fast emblems, or a solid group for achievments). Others don’t care and just want any pick up group. You can log onto warmane yourself right now and see for yourself.

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got a source for that? Because the RDF that we know was only announced at Blizzcon 2009.

Not 2008, not with the launch of the game.

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They really would be able to, actually. If they couldn’t it would be a them problem.

When I joined my friend for MoP I ended up thoroughly enjoying the quests. I enjoyed them so much that I actually decided to do every quest chain I hadn’t leveled with on my rogue in an RP fashion. I RP walked when it made sense to, or ran, or stealthed, or rode my turtle. I treated my flying mount like a LotR-esque eagle character that only joined me in dramatic moments. That’s how I wanted to experience that content, so that’s what I did. I didn’t take to the forums screaming that flying be removed because I wouldn’t be able to keep myself from using it despite not actually wanting to otherwise. Ya know, because I’m not a mental five-year-old with zero self-control in the body of an adult narcissist.