We want RDF. And while you're at it, give us also WoW Token

It’s not even about the social aspect. Not everyone wants to wait an hour to form a group. It’s one thing to be antisocial, which can occur RDF or not, and another to just want to complete a dungeon.

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You’re the one talking about making elaborate blacklists of players you don’t want to group with.

RDF has zero impact on this. Group with friends. Group with guildies. Group with random strangers. It’s up to YOU.

No it doesn’t. And my experience back in Wrath was a fantastic one. People just want to do a dungeon. They don’t want drama. Most aren’t jerks or trolls. But you know who is? Elitist gatekeepers who want to control who can even get into a dungeon. Who charge money for you to join their group. Who insist your gearscore is a certain level, that you play the right spec, that they’ll deny you because you’re after the same gear.

The lack of RDF is the toxic environment. But if you’re into that, then go ahead. Leave in this LFG tool alongside RDF. Form your groups however you want, with whomever you want.


anti-RDF people have to force social activity because they’re incapable of finding it organically


B-b-but pro-RDFers are the antisocial ones! /sarcasm

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How is this different to the queue anywhere and Same faction BG’s? Wanna complain about immersion, complain about that first.

these two things are basically equal things to me, and dare II say it? There’s already none of this you preach about. That sense of “community” is already gone, and you should stop while you’re at it.


Yep, wanting the most authentic social MMORPG experience requires us to go back to 2008. But we can’t. Not those times anymore.


The sense of community is not gone in my experience with dealing with other players in my realm.

And I never said I supported the queue from anywhere for BGs. That train has left the station.

Then you are a hypocrite.

There’s no real community sorry to say it.

People seem to forget that it was Cross-realm Zoning that killed the server communities. But even then, server communities, well, nobody focused on that much because there was that many people playing, it was hard to keep up with who was who on your server.

Of course but we are talking about a classic wow…

There were no place for antisocial/lazy players back then when wotlk was live… Want to dungeon? Grab your friends/guildies and walk/mout/fly your way to it

Antisocial teleport instances are not pat of this game

There sooooo many single player games out there :wink:

Pd: before u say, I know it was on the ICC patch, but as far as I can see, ICC patch is not here…

how so? i said i didn’t support that as well, but it’s done now.

no. and no. go back to retail.

You obviously never played WotLK. Please, try again.

So, queuing for “group content” all of a sudden turns it into “single player”…

Please, once again, try again!

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Ah yes, everyone who wants RDF is an antisocial snob. Not people with lives who just want to complete a dungeon as quickly as possible.

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everyone thinking different “obviously never played wotlk”

These kids need to grow up :joy:

Well, best that you start growing up then.

When the other players are just pixels u never speak to or never interact with, just use them like a healer/tank/dps minion, then yes…

At least in the mind of the anti social player, he ignores the fact that “behind pixels are humans”

U so childish… I’m sorry that u need to interact with players in order to run a dungeon =(

You can interact with people regardless with RDF.


Well, if you actually do that to other players, then that is your own fault. Not mine. If you can’t socialize with other players while in a dungeon after queuing through RDF, then that is your own fault, not mine.