We want RDF. And while you're at it, give us also WoW Token

except its hard to find a good guild. most dont even worry about advertising for members because of the open chat toxicity thats present in all channels. and those you find advertising tend to simply be number crunchers that want to have a thousand players they never talk to in their guild.

The excuses against RDF seems to be getting more balder and balder with each and every day…

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I think your name would be down already on most peoples forums. You are pro RDF no arguement trash

I had to read that twice because i thought I misread it. 10/10

Though I hate RDF I loved that joke

But it doesn’t, servers are as big as battlegroups now. The behavior you fear is in game now, happening as I type this and I can tell you there are zero consequences. Unless you are on a tiny server, what you are saying simply is NOT true.

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Lmfao ur on one of the biggest servers in the world. u cant find groups without your “lazy button”?

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Anyone who plays this game or anyother game 8-10 hours a day everyday is worse than braindead. Maybe instead of braindead the guy is just a casual player who would like to do the content instead of making the game his life. The arguement against RDF makes no sense. Purists want the game just as it was - oh - except for RDF.

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Server big as battlegroup? U have no idea what you are saying…
A battlegroup is a combination of servers…plus classic realm collapse with 2k players

English please? “based in mine”? “based in both”?

Hard pass on the token.


I could have totally typed that in a more clear way, my bad.

It should have read:

Was your statement based in fact or was mine or was it both ?

Same, just say no to pay to win.

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Toke isn’t pay to win.

Then you of all people should know, if it comes, it comes during ICC phase. Simple. Play something else until then

I think it comes in just before Ulduar. Waiting until ICC is a mistake with the accelerated release schedule we have for Classic.

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Trolls still repeating this nonsense? The patch a system came in originally didn’t matter in Classic, in TBC Classic, or in Wrath Classic…except for RDF.

On top of that, Blizz has said it’s never coming to Wrath Classic. So your post fails on two levels.

Well good on Blizzard, but my point is, the people blackmailing blizzard that they will unsub is just complete 2022 entitlement and immaturity. Move on to something you like and you enjoy. The argument is over.

The fact that these people think posting on forums threatening a company as large as blizzard or any company for that matter, is just completely out of touch. If that company and your ideas do not align, MOVE ON.

Right. Wanting a system in Wrath Classic that was in Wrath is entitlement?

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They said this to people who wanted Classic for years. They said this way back in Cata when Blizzard said they weren’t going to nerf heroics. And here you are, saying it now. But this time it’s different, right?