We need to progress to mop

No, the PVP is very retail oriented too. That’s because the classes themselves are designed with the retail mindset of homogenization and “every class can do everything”.

That are more optional than the MoP dailies are. I’m guessing you never actually played MoP, did you? Dailies were a huge complaint.

LFG is not a retail feature. Something being in retail =/= it being a retail feature. You’re missing the nuance and context there.

Transmog ruined the game. We moved away from gameplay to collection barbie dress up.

So you haven’t looked into the Dragonflght expansion yet, have you? What you’re describing is Dragonflight.

Is that all it takes to be #Classic? If that’s the case, I think that’s a very shallow definition of Classic.

look man, you feel how you wanna feel, im honestly quite tired of hearing how you feel, youve left your input, good for u, the rest of us clearly enjoyed mop. if your brain cant make sense of 2 “retails” happening at the same time, thats kind of irrelevant to everyone else. thats something you gotta come to terms with. lol…

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Who is “the rest of us”? There was a very clear nosedive in subs during MoP.

It doesn’t make sense from a business perspective. There’s a reason Ion said he was open to discussion about where to go after Wrath. It’s because it just doesn’t make sense to go through to Cata and other expansions that are closer to retail in design. At that point, why not just play retail?

there isnt a person alive who would agree that class design is anywhere near similar in mop as it is to retail, i get it you like to be a contrarian on every post. even if it means lying to devolve a post/ discussion. but youre just spouting nonsense bro. id like to thank this post

bro the type of guy to make his profile hidden so people gotta listen to his bad takes longer


I would say that is it. MoP suffered from the same homogenization problem that retail now suffers from.

My profile is hidden because I value my privacy.

Bloomsday you are a joke, gtfo. Low effort troll saying xmog ruined the game lol


if i had heinously bad takes like you, id want to hide my chars too, btw typing ur name into that shows all ur other chars for when you get banned on forums lol. ok good bye bloomsday :slight_smile:

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That looked like bait to me. I found this post as the first one on a Google search:

Still no physical pvp tabards - PVP / Arenas - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

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dat boi need his anonymity

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I played warrior back in the day. Stances are bad class design. I don’t want to make 20 different macros just to play my character correctly. It was smart to get rid of them. The next thing on the chopping block needs to be raid buffs.

MoP’s high point was mid to late expansion. At the beginning, it felt horrible to play. You needed to do 30 billion daily quests per day to keep up. Warrior was super under powered at the beginning and way overpowered at the end.

I would rather the devs timewalk ToT and SoO then have to trudge through the entire thing.

yeah the first season of mop most people didnt like the first season of mop balance was bad, every season after was juice tho.

Mop s14/s15 was the bomb

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If my takes were so bad, you’d address and dispute them instead of resorting to ad hominem attacks and fixating on whether or not my profile is hidden.

I appreciate you keeping tabs, but please elaborate, what on earth does my post in another thread about the PVP tabard have to do with a thread about MoP Classic? Please, let’s try not to derail the thread.

era servers for every expansion would be so good it takes alot of work to get full bis in an expansion just to get forced into the next one not giving us enough time to enjoy our gear we worked for

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Lol got em. He just flipflops depending on the op/general sentiment of the thread.

Btw anyone who wants a good laugh from a Bloomsday thread Arena Forums Town Hall: Community, Rhetoric, and Ethics - #27 by Truthspeaker-earthfury.

Just scroll to the top and enjoy.


oh bloomy boy… why dont you just go get the help you need

you’re here every hour of the day… seek help man

Pretty much everything after Cata sort of blends together in my head, but that’s about when I stepped down to ultra casual status. I’m sure MoP was fine, but I don’t see myself making it that far, personally. Wrath is the end of “Classic” as far as I’m concerned, so I’ll likely just go back to Classic Era after Wrath. If they continue on from there, even.


I doubt this will go past wrath. Assuming they host the trainwreck that is cataclysm, it’ll die a few months in. Either way, they damn sure aren’t doing pandaland. At that point, you may as well play retail anyway.


Do you think linking other threads and spewing ad hominem attacks are going to convince anyone of Classic MoP?

None of this is relevant to the thread that you made yourself.

No MOP, I was one of many who quit during MoP because it was a snooze fest