We need to progress to mop

alot of people have this misconception about mop due to reasons like “pandas omg so lameeeee” meanwhile retail people are riding around on literal kittens.

it is a crime what happened from mop to wod, the animations were all changed for the worse, half of our abilities, stances, etc. were all ripped away from us with no discussion, the sounds were downgraded, our pvp gearing started going to RNG with ashran. it was literally the start of the reason why all of us meme on retail

i promise u all, mop class design and gameplay was the peak of this game, it was the only xpac where nearly every single spec and class was good, had all their buttons still, still had old models, animations, sounds and had TONS of stuff to do outside of arenas / raid, bgs were actually FUN to play back then. i promise u, fight for mop when the time comes

mop is the coziest expansion ever.


2nd best version of the game hands down. 1st place goes to Wrath


WoW lived and died with Arthas
everything after was fanfiction

that being said i can disconnect my brain and play pandaria because it was actually fun once you ignore pandas


i never played this game for the lore. so idk about that, all i know is after playing every xpac besides cata, the ojne that flowed the best gameplay wise and class design was was IMO mop


I might play MoP again. I had to go super casual last time so I didn’t get to see everything but there were things I liked about it.

WoD and beyond I wouldn’t do again.

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Reverse that and you have my opinion.

Maybe after wrath, immediately jump to MoP, and after MoP immediately jump to Legion… Like ToC raid, skip all the trash =)

MOP was great, but they can roll out Cata properly and it would be super fun too


yeah for sure, i never played cata, but i hear its like baby mop and im super interested to play it. im just saying, DO NOT STOP THE CLASSIC SERVERS TIL MOP

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That’s a no from me dawg.

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I loved everything about MoP except the Pandas.

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I’m fine with progressing through the expansions as long as we get Era servers for each one. I’m not looking to play MoP again myself, but it’s fine if others want to as long as we can stop wherever we want.


hot take from me, i loved the pandas, i loved the leveling zones, i loved it all. it was beautiful and not a gigantic massive place, i loved doing the achievement for the tabard where you go around finding the treasures, farming the rares for the mounts, i loved the pvp island etc


I guess I just don’t really see the point of taking the Classic franchise to MoP.

MoP design is so similar to retail, it’s essentially having 2 retails. It seems… redundant.

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in what way is it similar to retail? please list every way that you think its similar to retail

Timeless and Thunder Isles were both a lot of fun.


agreed! especially as a rogue

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the treasures was an awesome feature. really loved the Thunder Isle dailies. Was a great expansion for the most part.

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-Collection based gameplay
-Retail talent system
-“Everybody gets a legendary” philosophy
-Timer based gameplay (Scenarios, Challenge modes, etc.)
-4 raid difficulties
-Focus on “Dailies”
-Timegated gameplay via Isle of thunder + Dailies
-Professions no longer matter

The list goes on and on but there’s a good basis. MoP is just retail. The reason Classic was made is because it was different from retail.

It doesn’t make much sense for Blizzard to just have a second retail franchise running.


i think youre skipping over half of the game, which is the pvp. and i distinctly recall having tons of fun with engi in mop. and i think nobody minded those dailies and raids xD they still had the classic feel, not like in retail.

tbc has dailies, LFG, timegated gameplay, boosts, buying gear for gold, just like retail :smiley:
and mog is awesome for the game, gives you so much more to do in your down time

sure some people want forever vanilla, tbc, wotlk gameplay, and some of us want classic mop! classic just means going back to that version

the biggest difference between mop and retail, is the amazing class design, and you didnt have to unnecessarily grind your life away in mop like you do in retail :slight_smile: you can just boost a 90, gear it via doing arena, and play the game. beautiful thing

also as i said in the OG post, it still had the old models, sounds, animations, just touched up to look current, and wod did away with all of that