Way to stop most of the bots

If blizzard banned GDKPs then that would kill off a lot of bots because that would lower a lot of the need for gold. yes it wouldnt end them but it would lower people buying gold with real life money so less gold need less bots


Blizzard should just remove raids entirely. There, I solved the bot problem with my genius idea, inspired by this thread.


WoD tokens. In wrath.

Did you not get the gear you wanted? Did you get a token? take token, get gear. It was 2 shots at gear.

Something something not work. 15 runs of RNG is not work. its brute forcing RNG. The work is maybe the first 3 runs since still getting a feel for things. By run 10…its routine. By run 15 you are eating your hot pocket and drinking a beer while working the rotation lol.


haha. u r not wrong. botting n gold buying r big problems in da game right now.

da bots n gold buyers need to be banned.

take a look at dis guild asking for da gold cap to be raised.
Gold cap too low . plus da same guild asking for nerfs Nerf Ulduar .

a guild officer dat also sells gold on a discord while also running a gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discords.

imgur. com/a/YdnNCOj

haha. here is a photo of a guilds guild master telling buyers in da gold selling discord how to get priority spots in da gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. green is gdkp leader.

imgur. com/a/yboW7Pw

screenshot of dat same guilds gdkp discord promoting da same gold selling discord. haha. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. yellow is leader.

imgur. com/a/GyQcgZf

dis one gold farming operation had 45,000,000 gold sold in tbc classic with da price of 12 usd dollars per 1000 gold.

540,000 usd real life money earned through one gdkp selling gold to people. no one can say dis does not ruin da spirit of classic n promote pay to win culture. too much gold in da game from bots.

think about all da other gold farming operations on da classic servers. dis is just one example.

u see not only bots in da open world, but also in bgs n instances.

big problem.

haha. so funny.

China and multiple other regions in Classic have wow tokens. Why dont we? That is a real question. Why do they but we do not? I do not understand in the slightest.

I mean it sounds simple but it’s not gdkps It would take a lot a 4 blizzard to shut that down Especially now it’s way to engrage in the community.

Because the sad truth is there’s always work around Because a lot of these gdkps Are arranged through discord Okay you can’t say that in game however.

Ok then it just gets moved to discord so his blizzard supposed to go into Every single Discord now ?

Or every single private message And to moderate every single raid That happens. I mean it’s a very different world when we’re talking about. 5 to 8k People on turtle wow vs 400k People on wrath and 20k people on era.

At this point I would Almost say hack with it just put in the wow token and be done with it.

Although the ketchup tokens from wod are cool The problem is you get a lot of the same item which isn’t fun That was 1 of the Major complaints about it.

You, like many, bark up the wrong tree. Gold is tradable for a reason. Going after people that trade it defeats the point of having it tradable in the first place. The real solution is to go after the people printing it, which are bots.

Another thing they should have done from the start is have the token. This would rightfully give Blizzard the gold trading revenue, rather than some third party that most likely won’t put it back into Blizzard.

It won’t happen. Even if Blizzard wanted to remove players’ freedoms to incorporate gold into their loot distribution systems, they wouldn’t be able to. If GDKPs were banned, people would still run then, but just move all of the communication to Discord where it can’t be tracked by Blizzard.

GDKPs may be the vehicle for millions in cheater gold, but they aren’t the root of the problem. If anything, I would think that GDKPs might actually be helpful to Blizzard if and when they ever decide to devote significant resources to hunting down gold buyers.


And if a fair rate 2 things happen.

the botters work more for less. BLizzard charges say $20 for 20K. 3rd party to be desirable would at least need to be 40K for $20. Taking the risk of ban, give more to make it worth it the risk

And now sellers and buyers stand out more. 40K mail reports on the sql reports would stand out. why did player x magically get 40k, from a guy who also mailed 40K to 6 other people. Odd that…

Not coming from blizzard especially. if one needed 40K they may as well…get 2 tokens lol.

how would anyone ban GDKP lmao

you can just do all the bidding on discord and not breathe a word in chat

do people think before they post? clearly not

I don’t think GDKP is the problem here. sure there are gold buyers that inflate GDKP pots but it is not the norm.

I have taken part in a few GDKPs now and 90% of the time the most gold spent on an item is 10-20k and that usually only hardmode loot or a trinket.

but if you think about it if you don’t buy anything you make 4-6k so in theory in 3 weeks of raiding you can buy something nice. This is perfectly inline with other legitimate loot systems, put in some time and get a reward.

if there were no GDKPs people would still pay for carries or specific items from super guilds that clear hardmodes in their sleep.

GDKP is a legit loot system and imho the best pug loot system there is because it brings in well geared players as well as carries and can push content unlike your avg 3 SR Pug run that cant 1 phase razor and gets to fraya in 3 hours

I get what you are saying, but botting was a thing before GDKPs.

Trading gold has nothing to do with it it has everything to do with needing the gold to buy loot which most people dont have time to farm for so they buy it from the bots with real money get rid of the huge amount of gold needed to buy loot you get rid of the need for so much gold

Its not about loot only.

Retail has high value carries. Even with now df group loot, gear is not gauranteed 100%. So it doesn’t have gdkp. So people found other things to charge for. And people pay them.

Going back to SL…personal loot. People paid for carries no real loot gaurantee.

People will pay for things. If not loot, an achievement, a mount run, or even plain old raider io fixing.

There is no real way to stop that. Well there is. Remove all player to player interactions like mail, AH, trade.

You know, a single player game you jsut see other people in your game lol.

See this would all have to go. Even diablo II…had very lively rmt sites for items. It worked off player to player interaction.

Hey Mcg hows it going??

Make all the servers HC servers … that will kill the bots dead.

Rather than taking away a looting system that legitimate players enjoy, they should actually just do their job and ban all bots/rmters (botters and sellers).

They can’t see them.

Its hard.

Like last night. I am sure the 5/6 rogues all in boost gear walking as group were not bots. 5/6 man formation to make even a former Marine proud really. Their drill precision motivated me a bit lol.

Nah…bots. The irksome part is we got the stupid bots.

I hear tales of bots that use game api to actually be useful. the bots that see stealthies even based on game signals like the qeues/tells DBM and weak auras pick up.

We didn’t get them. one could probably put a 4 year old by the keyboard and they’d have a much better chance to be useful. they’d actually hit buttons. Sometimes even the right ones.

bots have been a problem before GDKPs, that only enhanced it. Also not sure how you would go about “banning” GDKP especially on an automated system. You are aware that players would find ways to go around bans in real time?

Also…banning it would NOT “stop most of the bots” because as I said…bots have been a problem before it even was a thing so why put in the effort for next to no (monetary) profit?

We are basically 2 guilds in one. We have our more hardcore group, which includes myself, and the person looking for nerfs is in another raid team that isn’t nearly as hardcore as we are.