Warband bug? My main got deleted

Unfortunately theres not realy much that can be done but wait till the restoration is brought back online.

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Some people have had luck putting in a ticket to have the character restored so I’d give that a shot.


Thanks. Done. :slightly_smiling_face: :crossed_fingers:

I made a post about this the other week - I really wish it would be addressed with more urgency, but I get that there’s probably a lot going on behind the scenes with all characters essentially being linked to one another now.
Still, it’s scary, and I don’t want to delete any of my name saves on the offchance it nukes my main. My friend got their paladin back after sending in a ticket. I hope everyone affected can get their characters back, too!

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If you sent an actual ticket from the support site, a GM will get back to you. Bug Reports are one-way, with QA only reaching out if they need more information to sort out a bug. Ticket times aren’t too terribly long at the moment!

I gave a suggestion earlier that might help.

Thinking on it, I would move the character into the top slot of your warband.


I’ve done just that. The four characters around my Warbands campfire are the ones I’m most likely going to delete, especially the one in the top slot.


Guildie just had this happen to him. He put in a ticket, responded twice, and they told him they couldn’t restore it and didn’t know when he could restore it.

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Gms wouldnt know thats up to the developers unfortunately.

19 days ago… Not a word from blizz. Things are looking dark for the characters I wanted to restore, they were deleted before the start of remix…


Yours would be a different issue. The issue this thread is about was because of how the warbands character screen acts.

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I am also, aware of this.

It’s happening again, my US-Illidan toons have been gone for like an hour now

All of them?

It’s really sad. I had a GM in game on my ticket try to tell me they dont know of this glitch and treat me like i am dumb. here is my ticket number @orlyia US100830104 . Its Sad that Blizzard would allow there paying customers/players to be treated this way and not take responsibility for the error on their part, and treat the players like they are dumb

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They might not have known of it, it’s been stated to have been fixed. But glitched deletion, or even on purpose, character restore isn’t possible by gm staff. So that ticket is kind of moot.


Actually, what they said was they had no new reports of this happening.

They fixed the initial bug - but that is a different discussion than undelete being taken down.

If you have a way to replicate that bug NOW, by all means, please do post it in our Bug Forum with as many details as possible for QA.

We still don’t have an ETA on undelete coming back, but I do know they’ve been working on it. It’s quite a bit more complex than ‘just turning it back on’.

I would ask that you stop reopening/opening tickets on this. There is nothing that a GM can do to assist, they won’t have any more information either.


If they haven’t been escalated then no they don’t meet the conditions. If they are still escalating any restorations.


They aren’t.


Thanks for the update!