Warband bug? My main got deleted

I was cleaning up my characters at the bottom of my character list, clicked on a toon, did the delete confirmation, the list scrolled back to the top and my main was deleted instead of the intended character. I’m not sure if it’s relevant but the character I tried to deleted was the last in the character list. My main was in the first spot in the favorites list.

I’ve put in a ticket but the character restore article states customer service representatives won’t be able to restore characters. Will my ticket even be looked at? If so, will they make an exception because of the bug?


No. This isn’t because they don’t want to help you but they can’t at this moment due the dev team disabling character restoration.

This has to do with warband issues and the dev team expects it to be back in a few weeks.

Another Blizzardian confirmed it here too that they can’t help atm:


Hey. Thanks for replying.

That’s a bummer. :frowning:

I saw a post on reddit where two people stated they got their characters restored after prepatch. But then I read the character restore page on blizzrd’s website. So I wasn’t sure if it was possible or not. But, based on the blue post, I guess I won’t have my main for TWW release. It breaks my heart but maybe it’s time to take a break from the game.

edit for clarification

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Hm, I also checked R/WOW and there are some threads that mention they got a positive response. I suppose you could wait on the GM ticket anyway and see what happens.

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If the character restoration system is disabled by devs, just what temporary solution do you think exists?


This exact same thing happened to me last night. Sorry you’re in the same boat :frowning:

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Sorry to hear that. :frowning: Have you put in a ticket yet?

I was just told by Blizzard CS that character restoration is not possible at this time.

That is highly unfortunate. I hope they enable it soon again once they’re confident Warbands is working before TWW launch sigh


Blizzard CS on X said I could try a ticket. I submited one yesterday and there still has been no response. As the hours go by I lose more and more hope that this will be fixed anytime soon if at all. My main is gone and I have no desire to play the game.

It’s extremely frustrating that the game is this broken, mains are being deleted left and right, and there is no solution in sight.

They have my money already so I can’t even protest with my wallet. (I prepurchased The War Within Epic edition and I have a yearly sub. Never again.) I’ve uninstalled the game in silent protest. There’s not much else I can do.


Tickets are averaging days at min 2. Also the staff that handles Twitter handle the cs forums.

Unless it’s been changed over my weekend, that is correct, Viennah.

It’s disabled while they work on things.


Hey, thanks for getting back to me. Quite a few people have stated that their characters were restored. I spoke to one streamer who got his character restored within hours of deletion. That being said, I was hoping my main could be restored as well. Maybe their issue happened before the system was completely disabled. Who knows.

I have an open ticket. Will I get a response even if they cant restore her? Also, would it be possible for this to be looked into further?

Having your main destroyed by a bug 3 weeks before a new expanions while character restorations are disabled indefinitely feels bad, man. :pensive:


It was likely before the system was disabled, Viennah.

Yes, they’ll get back to you one way or another. For something like this, we just need to wait on the devs to get things resolved I’m afraid.


That happened to me. I was deleting my timerunner. Definitely had it hovering over my mop toon. And it ended up taking the new alt I was working on.

I was wondering if they were looking at the ‘character undelete’ tickets considering the system is down. It’s been three days and I haven’t recieved a response.

As long as it’s still showing as open in your ticket history (link below), then they will get to it. Unfortunately, they won’t be able to undelete any characters until the developers turn that feature back on again.



That’s heartbreaking and I’d feel the same if it happened to me. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. I know it’s a long wait and also depressing to not have your character. I’ve had one of my mains since Vanilla and I know what it would do to me if I lost her like that.

I know another month is a long time to wait. I wish there was more that could be done for you, but with the entire system down… I’m not sure there is. Hoping you get an answer to your ticket soon. :people_hugging:


Thank you. :slight_smile:

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This exact same thing just happened to me this morning. I was cleaning up old chars, deleted one with this same name and when I came back to the top with my warband, this character was gone. :disappointed_relieved:

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