Vote to kick must be removed to new players

Oh, I see how it is.

“The bullcrap I make up is 10000% completely true for every single person in the entire game across all countries, but you have to prove your factual information told to us on the old forums!”

You’re such a complete hypocrite and so insanely wrong about everything.

I can’t link you stuff from an old forum, genius. But you already knew that and just wanted to act like a hypocrite.

said the person who stated that there are blue posts regarding tanks soloing timewalkings but refuses to share them, huh?

yup, you are.

How is that different from before cross realm? Back then we just never would have invited the person to begin with. They would be known on the server as new and unskilled player and nobody would want them.

“I’m incapable of reading posts and just cherry pick everything to fit my piss poor narrative and act like a hypocrite!”

You don’t even deserve any more time.

You absolutely KNEW that we couldn’t link stuff from an old forum that doesn’t exist anymore. And you absolutely KNOW that not everyone plays the game like you do. But you’ll keep acting like you have ALL the proof when you have nothing.

God, you’re insufferable.

Many ways to avoid this.

Group with your friend.

Instruct friend to look at the adventure guide.

Have friend be upfront that they are new. (A lot of people are far more understanding when someone says they’re new.)

Though, I must ask. What on Earth are they doing to be kicked out of leveling dungeons? You have to be basically not even following the group to achieve that. DPS varies so wildly based on level when scaled that it’s hard to tell when someone isn’t even doing a good job.

how are new players deciding who gets kicks from a dungeon? Except in BFA content, there isn’t a lot of new players. In any case, a group must be able to kick a person for whatever reason or else you will end up with people trying to force that person to leave.

so you’re leaving? excellent. bye bye

No, it’s a great tool that should be used more.

how is this a leveling dungeon? It is WoD timewalking. No new players leveling should be in there.

No, I’m just not engaging your utter bullcrap anymore. Claiming that the entire playerbase plays like you do is one of the most disingenuous and ridiculous things to say and everyone that’s ignoring you knows that.

Here’s but one example that I can’t link, BECAUSE IT’S THE OLD FORUMS. And I’m sure you’ll find a way to say “that’s not true” and blather on about how every single person in this game made thousands of posts here and every single person in this game plays exactly how you do.

Keep trolling.

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Last I was aware one can do a timewalking dungeon before cap.

If you are at cap and have no idea what you’re doing you either boosted (which is a bad idea for a player new to MMO’s) or you need help.

Which again goes to communication and friends.

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Is TW tuned hard now?

In my experience this is very rare unless you’re hitting DPS checks in content.

you mean you should keep trolling? because there is nothing in that post you linked about timewalking dungeons and how tanks are not able to solo them…

try again :slight_smile:

my initial response was to someone who said

because i wanted to explain that no one cares about having to carry a person in timewalkings. the tank usually solo’s everything and thus having one person do low dps or fail mechanics is of zero importance to anyone in the group.

100% agree with this. A heads up goes along way. So many people que into things just to get carried. I mean look at the feast activity, you will have 10 people actively working in it and then 20 on there mount just sitting. Nobody wants a leech on there back

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It was at first over tuned, but has since been brought down significantly. Train boss is still a pain, because the cannon takes a while to kill, but the boss itself doesn’t.

But people kicking for lack of knowing where they’re going or mechanics can happen.

The forums is a small cross section of the player population.

I wouldn’t venture to make any accurate conjecture based off of it.

why would you though? the only time a lvl 60 plus would want to would be for faster xp maybe - I am pretty sure we are talking about a lvl 70.

timewalkings were never overtuned.

Last post and then your IQ dropping self is going on ignore. You asked for proof of Blues telling us this is a small portion of the playerbase that posts here. Are you seriously going to act THIS dumb??

Yeah, you’re completely finished. Your trolling is so bad.

Wrong again, as usual.

As you said. XP.

TW dungeons give out significantly higher XP or at least they did in SL. I am unaware of this being changed in DF.