So you think it isn’t a difficulty made for level 70 - yet you had to farm a special set of gear in order to overpower it ? How about you have some consistency in argument…
Bad new players need to know they are bad and unfortunately kicking them is sometimes necessary or they won’t improve.
As a veteran player: tough. Play with friends and/or guild members if you want to learn old content.
A couple of threads talking about a few Mythic runs on a forum of roughly 1% of the playerbase is not what you base an argument off of.
You’re acting extremely dramatic and my experience still stands: I’ve run a crap ton of Timewalking to level a few characters and never once run into anything like that.
actually you mean hundreds of threads talking about normal runs in LFG group finder, not mythic zeros…
LOL more hyperbole. Keep ignoring everything to push a false narrative. You’re the one who left your own friend at the mercy of pugs. That’s on you.
I remember back when I was new to the game and also didn’t know rotation, mechanics, hell I barely knew anything at all. It was Burning Crusade and you rarely got kicked out of a dungeon for being a new player and not knowing anything because so often everyone else in your dungeon was a new player, too.
I wish more people remembered that when they were new players no one expected them to know all of this information already while they were leveling.
Also I don’t know if anyone has done the timewalking dungeons recently, but they are literally faceroll easy, I don’t even know why someone would kick anyone at all lol.
what are you even talking about? im not the OP here buddy.
take your own advice? im not the OP?
Sure, but -new players are the ones deciding who gets kicked from a dungeon-. New players are too stupid to even tell what is going on half the time, as I demonstrated in my post. The game is utterly unbalanced at that level anyway, so a lot of the time if a player is performing poorly, it isn’t even their fault. There is scaling in place in low level dungeons that nerfs the amount of damage you do based on your level, so if you area level 10, you will do infinitely more damage than even a much more skilled level 50 just by spamming arcane explosion.
The kick system just should not exist at that level. Even in normals and heroics. It just isn’t used for its intended purpose. Normals and heroics are so undertuned right now that some classes can’t even get their spells off before a pack is mowed down by people in leveling greens. Should an aff warlock be kicked because their dots don’t have time to tick? Absolutely not.
Everyone in this thread who keeps claiming there’s an issue here and leaves their friends at the mercy of pugs. Do you not read posts?
My advice is stop making crap up and lying, claiming everyone on this forum is posting thousands of threads about how tanks run Timewalking all by themselves, because it’s absolutely not true.
A few threads on a forum of roughly 1% of the playerbase is not how everyone runs the game and your “examples” were terrible. Again… after running 3 characters to level and my main through pug Timewalking, I have never once seen a tank solo the whole thing while we stood around doing nothing.
Your drama is bad.
it is 100% true, i know because im a tank and i do it lol
you claimed that i left my friend at the mercy of pugs which i never did nor did i ever complain about it…
guess you don’t.
It isn’t. No one cares if you can do it. That’s not how things are run by everyone.
Generic wording of “you.”
“Had to” says the person who can’t post on their main lest we see why they consider timewalking end game content. I explicitly said how I came by this gear and it wasn’t from farming for it, apparently you forgot. That might say something about yourself.
You’re the one who just directly said I’m using antiquated gear in antiquated content so…
one of us needs this and it isn’t me.
Eh … I probably would not kick your friend because I’m pretty sure a good tank can basically solo carry most non m+ dungeons. That being said, I can understand people who want to have a quick clean run not wanting to carry your friend.
general discussion forum posts would disagree with you on that one, keep trying though
You’re acting so completely obtuse it’s not even remotely amusing anymore. It’s just sad and pathetic. You’ve been told time and time again that there were not thousands of posts and that this forum is roughly 1% of the playerbase.
Your examples were complete trash and once again are not how things are run by everyone. To claim as such isn’t even being disingenuous, it’s plain stupidity.
just because you said it doesn’t make it true, try again
The Blues have told us, genius.
“Try again.”
Good job ignoring everything else and still claiming the entire game is run like your little brain thinks it is.
link me one blue post where blizzard states that tanks never solo timewalkings… i’ll be waiting patiently
If you can’t figure out your specs rotation by max level, enough to at least do “ok enough” dps to not get booted, that’s on you lol.
Every class at this point is not that complex to play at a completely basic level. If you’re friend is getting vote kicked in time walking, they must literally know NOTHING about how to actually play their spec.
Not anyone else’s fault they couldn’t spend 2 minutes looking at wowhead or ivyveins to get an idea of what they are doing