Upset about customer support stance

Not that this is germane to your issue, but an XP bonus is irrelevant in Shadowlands. The entire leveling experience is streamlined so that it’s not needed. In addition, they are going to replace the XP buff with other helpful stats.


I didn’t think so either. How can it be explained that this email says “Pantherarosa 25000 gold”?
I know this char had the gold, I was actively buying heirlooms and was sending it to Miao waiting in IF.

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I still suggest a temporary full UI reset, just to make sure your gold counts are what you believe they are.

If Blizzard logs say one thing, and your UI says something else, the logs are 10/10 correct.

  1. Ensure WoW is not running
  2. Go to your retail directory.
  3. Delete the cache directory
  4. Rename wtf and interface to wtf_old and interface_old

Again, that’s not a default way that the system works. The only way that would happen is if you typed it in or an addon added it.

Either way, it wouldn’t matter. All that matters would be Blizz logs. Either you actually sent the gold or not and it sounds like, despite the copy of the mail you have, the gold was never actually sent.


I don’t think you want my answer to that. It really wouldn’t make for a healthy conversation.

Please do what Amaelalin suggested here.

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Thanks for the replies. Just as the OP, I feel Blizzard was way out of line, but showed me just how much I’m valued. Been hearing the same from a lot of others lately, time to follow those friends to a different entertainment company I guess. Sad, I do really like Wow.

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What? Why would an explanation not be a healthy conversation? We’ve already established that I didn’t put those words in the email so how did they get there? Wouldn’t make any sense for me to repeat the sending characters name in when it’s obvious.

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I don’t think you’re going to find any other entertainment company that will allow you to endlessly abuse their staff with no repercussions. If you do, then have fun.


Why are you assuming that I’m “endlessly abusing”? You have no idea what the interaction was

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Well no. You’ve claimed such a thing, but nothing has been established. You’ve also said that Blizzard claims their logs don’t support your version of this story.

Personally, I can’t make a judgement without seeing what’s been said by Blizzard. I have an opinion, but again, I’m not going to derail this thread with it.

If you want to try the things we have suggested, please let us know. If you want to provide Blizzard’s response (the actual response, not your spin on it), then we may be able to provide you with more insight.


We’ve also established that the game doesn’t do that by default. So either you or an addon you use would have done that.

Unfortunately, if you’re hoping for another review of the logs, your best bet is to put in another ticket. But yes, you’d be risking account action since they’ve been clear their logs do not support your narrative.


We’ve also established that Blizzard’s client doesn’t add it either.

Please do a reset. Resets are the most basic step in troubleshooting.

I’m afraid I need to step out at this point for an appointment. Good luck.


It’s not my narrative, it’s what has happened to me. You obviously don’t believe it. I wouldn’t be wasting my time here if it wasn’t true and I didn’t feel that Blizzard treated me badly. I can try the reset, but either way, this has been as productive as my friends warned me it would be. No one wants to do the right thing or be honest. No more wasting time here for me when this is your attitude. Rest assured, the problem is not with the customers.

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I 100% believe that you feel you’ve been treated poorly. But that is your perspective because you didn’t get the resolution you wanted.

In the end, we are simply players here. We are not Blizzard, so even if we agreed with everything you say, we cannot change it. The only way to do that is to open a ticket, but you have already done that (many times, it sounds like).

This is what I clumsily tried to warn you about in the very first response above. Come in with guns blazing, not willing to provide information, not willing to try anything, convinced that you alone are correct…and it’s going to end this way. I’m sorry for your frustration, but your end of the story is not adding up. Good luck getting this resolved, or with your gaming in a different place.


Blizzard support reviews online are abysmal. It’s not only me that they treat badly (the exact reason for my reply to the same Blizzard experience problem post). No wonder so many people are moving to different gaming companies. Cue the blocked post because only supporting agendas will be tolerated.

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The pots shots are not gonna help your case.


Of course. Because when people demand something, and Blizzard says no, people get offended and agitated. Do they make mistakes? They sure do. I have never seen one thread in this forum, where Blizzard made a mistake and they did not apologize and make it right. The disconnect lies when people think Blizzard made a mistake, but they did not.

And yet, you failed to actually read the thread. Blizzard actually made things right and it was a “happy” resolution. They went to extraordinary lengths to delevel a character, which is something they only do in an extreme circumstance.

The title may be “Terrible Customer Service”, but by the end, it is actually a great example of the high level of customer service they provide, and the lengths they will go to when needed.


I’m glad they had a good outcome, but they still felt the need to word it as they did because of how they were treated. That is the glaring point I’m making. It’s not just that I wanted something I didn’t get. I’m not a child. If anyone could provide a plausible explanation for what happened I’d be all ears, but no one, including Blizzard has done that. I don’t expect other players to - this is Blizzard’s responsibility. There’s been no logical explanation other than what I’ve already stated. I will follow the advice and do a reset, but I’m not hopeful and none of this condones the way they are treating customers.
My group of gaming friends is 50 plus years old. We are not looking for unicorns and fairy tales in the real world - just an honest and competent response to issues. We have seen a drastic decline in competency over the last few years and now they just flat out threaten to ban accounts like childish brats. It’s unacceptable.

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Online reviews are cute. In between the astro turfing and the review bombing, there might even be some useful information if you bother to read, and read critically. To be honest, online ratings often don’t mesh with my own experience with a business. I’d sure hope that I’m not the only one who has learned to take online reviews with a few grains of salt.


In some cases I would agree with you, but not in Blizzard’s case since I’m seeing it firsthand.

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