Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread šŸ

I mean. Thatā€™s a spectacular title! xD For both Sethrak and what is to come.


I was thinking it would be kinda weird for the snakes to join the Alliance because of lore reasons but not impossible either.

Also, if the Horde gets the Rajani I do like that storm patch idea a lot. Freakinā€™ love mogu, make it happen.


I really like the storm theme idea for a patch and giving the Horde the Mogu would give them access to the Draenei model like the Alliance got with the Void elves


Alternatively it could be Ankoan/Mogu. Go for that Pandaria theme.

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aaannnd submitted the suggestion. lol


Link the Naga thread please

Still, I support that sethraks are a playable race in the horde if they cannot be made available in the alliance. :snake: b(~_^)d


here are three.

I also found several more so type ā€˜Nagaā€™ into the search bar on the GD and youā€™ll find all the naga you need.

Of course. Horde Alliance it doesnā€™t matter. Just as long as Sethrak are playable.

We only try for Alliance so much cause itā€™d be a good foil for vulpera and they feel more Allianceā€™y than they feel Horde for many of us.


Thereā€™s one for you too!

Bye! :wave:t4:


Not allowed to bump old threads from almost a year ago sorry but thanks anyway

The first one was last ā€œbumpedā€ in Octoberā€¦ The Second in April. Iā€™ll grant you the second one but the first is well within the acceptable time limit.

You could also go make your own Naga appreciation or discussion thread? Either way this isnā€™t the Naga thread. Its the Sethrak one. Bye.


So I had a suggestion for getting Sethrak in the game should it become apparent that blizzard wonā€™t be adding them as an AR. First let me mention that I mean this in the most respectful way possible and this is not meant to put down Sethrak in any way.

My suggestion is that if it gets to that point, I would try suggesting Sethrak as a worgen customization. Iā€™ve gotten word that blizzard does intend to add anatomy changes to existing races and blizzard is capable of giving us entirely different rigs as a customization for a race. Would it happen? I am not sure, but if it did happen then it at least kind of gets Sethrak into the game. I would also try to suggest that they have lore that has them joining and helping a faction like the wildhammers do for alliance. If you have the appearance unlocked for a race and continued lore for the character, then its just about the same as having it as an allied race.

No disrespect or offense taken.

But I would like to point out that I think this would be very hard to do for Sethrak. They share some parts of the female worgen rigging. A lot of the Sethrak model is made from scratch, unlike the Ankoan or Saberon that are literally reskins. Ankoan being male Night Elf reskins and Saberon being male Worgen reskins. They share all the same animations with their parent model.

Sethrak have unique animations on top of only using some aspects of female Worgen rigging. Sethrak for the most part are closer to playable than I would believe people think. At this rate I want to gander that it is just convincing Blizzard that adding them as a AR will be worthwhile. And where to add them.

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Thatā€¦ makes no sense.

I mean, Iā€™m happy to get them in whatever way we can but that just makes no sense.

Also, source on this?:

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Thats cool. You good you dapper goblin.

While with the Wildhammer I see this as perfectly fineā€¦ I think personally that Sethrak are a bitā€¦ majorly different to the Worgen for this to workā€¦ I think. I meanā€¦ if that is Absolutely the only option. Thenā€¦ fine? I donā€™t know how I feel about thatā€¦ hmm.

Honestly. I am going off rumors and speculation based just on what I am aware is possible for blizzard to do, when I did a search to find a source, I found nothing explicitly saying they would do this. However Iā€™ve looked at many of the models that wow uses and they already do use minor rig changes with things such as pony tails for hair. I recall saying someone saying something about the ability to change draenei tail size. Now mind you. I only meant this as a last resort. Well have to see what happens with customization in shadowlands. It may be more complex then we think. My apologies if I offended anyone.


If its a last resort I wouldnā€™t mind, better than not having them at alll!

They did say BE had like 40+ options, even with BE bias youā€™d assume theyā€™d keep things fair and give the rest just as many, Maybe some alternate skins/races would be an option.


Any luck with finding those Sethrak npcs by the way?


I havenā€™t seen any so farā€¦ maybe some of the patch is in fact time gated after all and more campaign story is on the way.


Ya know. Have we discussed how the Sethrak would possibly react if they found out the Horde was responsible for genocide of the Night Elves?

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