Playable Naga!

So we all know blizzard wanted playable naga in classic and even chris metzen said in a interview he wanted them in the game in a TBC interview…

but things failed…

for the longest time i thought a worgen like naga was the easiest solution for the leg problem…

then i saw this on MMO champion Nazdorei-(Playable-Naga-Concept) and it’s the perfect concept in making playable naga…

please blizzard consider this idea for us Naga lovers!


I’mma help you out here.


FWIW, the link is definitely worth checking out – the writer has clearly put a lot of thought into it, right down to the racial abilities, which are actually quite excellent and sound balanced.

If Blizz is eevn considering adding Naga as a playable race, that thread is a great place to start.


thanks for the link help btw

You’re very welcome. Always happy to help on stuff like this. :+1:

They don’t have tails, just two legs.

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Already we got someone who can;t read it before posting…

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Was referring too the nazdorei.
they showed pictures of such and it looked like naga with two legs.

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i hope they do this i would love to play as a naga!!


Honestly, playable Naga are all I need in my life. I have trolls, zandalari trolls, and then Naga? I’d never unsub again no matter how bad the game gets. Every single expansion I hope for naga, every single expansion I get let down.

Also whoever did this put a lot of thought into it and they’re very good.

However, I do have one small qualm- They should be Horde not Alliance. I remember reading in lore somewhere the Naga and Blood elves have worked well together before.


they could charge me 30 bucks a month and I would keep my sub cuz I have found no other games with playable naga in it! there are only a handful of games with playable dragons and no online games with either of them! and i would even give up being pro alliance if they turn out to be horde!


I… really hate that “Nazdorei” concept so much because it feel like it’s just homogenizing them into night elves. Also, like… there’s the “more elves” thing. Sea Elves. That’s Sea Elves.

I’d want playable Naga on the Horde, teeth unfiled. I want sassy clubs of blood elves, nightborne, and naga with one thing in common: being revolted by kaldorei. If two legs are necessary, I’d want them to mostly retain their tailed look except for the bipedalism-- lizard/snake/fishmen. I’d want their ridiculous sexual dimorphism! It’s iconic!


the only way the naga should be made is if we can slither around with a snake tail anything else and its not a naga! if they must have legs then have them be able to change like the worgen!


I think the snake tail is part of why they haven’t been made playable. Plus, the armor nightmare. I like the idea that they switch between an “elf” form and a “naga” form, with the naga form being used either in combat- or whenever the naga’s are under water.

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the only thing im saying is they are not naga if we cant at least be able to transform into a more snake like form! also i can think of several ways to make it work all they have to do is a little work!


No more elves… in any form. :expressionless:


I’d say no to Naga (as much as I love them as a race) for the same reason I say no to San’layn… They’re an entire race convinced of their own racial superiority and are currently hellbent on conquering/annihilating every other species.
They aren’t the type to play nice with others.

Unless Naga as a Species is completely wiped out and they have to survive. But right now, they’re still a formiable nation of themselves, even despite losing in Legion and BfA.

well with as many ppl as ive seen wanting this im hopful for it to happen!


I seem to recall them playing pretty nicely with the Blood Elves during Warcraft 3.


they could be driven to ally with a faction for some reason.