Unable to use "stuck" option

I have a fairly garden-variety issue with a character that fell through the floor. I just jumped on here to do use the “stuck character” page or, worst case open a ticket.

30 minutes later, not only is my issue not resolved, I’m angry and disappointed. WOW customer service used to be really good. Whenever I had problems in the past, I would just submit a ticket and it would be resolved within a day at the most. The responses were always quick and polite. And problems got solved.

I just spent the last 30 minutes dancing around the website. They just keep sending me in circles to the same pages that are of no help. “Support” and “Contact us” have only a list of automated suggestions. The “unable to move” page won’t load despite repeated tries and, as far as I can tell, there is no longer any way to open a ticket.

All the layoffs over there have clearly taken a toll on customer service. NOT HAPPY.

I think it’s less the layoffs and more the global pandemic forcing everyone to work from home and often in less-than-ideal conditions, with more stress than ever (because more people are home and more people are playing the game).

While it’s unfortunate that your problem hasn’t been resolved in a timely manner, I think we should practice empathy - now more than ever - to the people simply trying to get by and doing the best they can, rather than trashing customer service.


They haven’t taken any toll on CS, since the layoffs didn’t affect CS in the slightest.

It is very much the fact that 80% of the world is confined to their home and are doing the only thing they can to pass the time-- game. Naturally, when the concurrency of gamers triples or even quadruples, ticket response times are going to take longer because there are that many more players putting tickets in.

How far is it getting before you make this determination? The page needs time to populate your characters, it isn’t going to bring a list up immediately and routinely takes about a minute. Navigating away from that page resets the timer. If it’s taking longer than that, I might recommend using a different web browser-- I just tested it and it took 32 seconds to load on Opera, for example.

There is, yes. Once the automated service is on cooldown.


Usually this is handled through the automated system,


which would avoid the wait bypassing the ticket, but I can see where it is taking time to load in.

Usually staying logged out for at least 15 minutes might also kick in the automated system already in game that the server uses to recognize you are not in a safe spot on the map.

Unfortunately the wait is more then the day you used to wait in the past due to more tickets in the system more then anything, most likely the automated systems will have kicked in well before any staff would have a chance to get to the ticket.


I show that you have about 6 Unable to Move contacts recently. I assume you aren’t seeing any results with that. Have you tried using a different browser? If Try Firefox or Chrome.

The Unable to Move option is entirely automated, but if there is an error it usually allows you to open a ticket that goes to our staff. If it isn’t doing that, the system might be having trouble so it would help to know if a different browser is successful.

I’m afraid you’ve been misinformed, Stygimoloch. CS hasn’t been affected by a reduction in force since 2012. As noted, response times has more to do with the issues happening in the world and that fact that we’re all working from home and there has been a massive influx in folks gaming.


Looks like I’m getting the same thing with the Unable to Move option, in Firefox and Chrome. I’ve reached out so it can be looked into.


Opera reigns supreme! Only took ~27 seconds this time. Strange for mainstream browsers to be having difficulties, though.


Did you actually get the option to move a character? I have the circling wheel of… please wait… on both of them.

It does appear that they were aware of an issue that is being looked into.


Both tests since this thread popped up went through just fine, yeah.

Went ahead and finalized the move on an alt, if the datapoint helps.