Uh oh...bad news for cata classic

idk those anti-cata folks would rather lose their left nut than let others play it.
I’m excited for cataclysm. I know a lot of others are too.

Saw this post on reddit earlier. Tons of comments in favor of Cata.

Another SoM is defo coming. So old world is not going anywhere for those who don’t want Cataclysm. Everyone is happy. What’s the exact issue here?

IDK about you, but I don’t want to lose all character progression. To this day Im running for Anzu since TBC/


Also didn’t help for some DF…was not enough to undo the trauma of bfa then sl. classic was my home when I just said no more SL. that magic fades now.

DF didn’t hook me. classic goals are almost done for most chars. so yeah…I will dip out of both. Only reason I extended was the surprise faction change.

Playing a level capped blood elf was a gaming bucket list item. a few months added for that. that lightning ain’t striking twice as some nice releases come out this year.

I hope the cata folks get it. to lead to mop. to lead to…WoD and legion. I want legion so I’d want cata to sell quite well. I’d not play it personally. I hated it in retail as its 70 to 80. I ran mop on alts many times over it. But we can all have our likes and dislikes here.

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These people actually think blizzards gonna make wotlk+ it’s hilarious to me also people think they are just let u play wotlk for 2 years on a character u progressed from vanilla through tbc now wotlk and just all of a sudden end it lmao. I can assure you one thing a lot less people wanna play vanilla or tbc than they do cata l, the fact every som server has 2 people tells u everything. If they go back to vanilla or tbc classic is dead


Cata classic will probably happen, though it’s nowhere near as good as the original 3. I think enough people want to play it to rationalize it. I think classic progression will maintain interest until at least the end of MOP.

After playing WOD and BFA and Shadowlands I can confidently say Cata is not the worse xpac.


honestly you don’t continue into what is considered failure. further more as far as wrath plus goes i consider it a failure. the drop off of players for wrath plus is unfortunately all on the heads of blizzard.

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because cataclysm is not a good expansion based on the virtues of the expansions. there were a couple of redeeming qualities to it. but the bad far out weighted the good.

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I’d say the majority of the issues in wotlk are from the same community who want vanilla wow back, a bunch of boomers saying lfd killed social aspect or something but it’s genuinely killing the game lmao. Never listen to casuals or boomers

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Did you just assume my wow preferences?

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Someone missed the year of 2019.

The facts are there now that there’s an option between wotlk and vanilla you really see how many wanna play vanilla lmao, 2019 was vanilla only


i mean i think its simple before you run you walk. you gotta get the fundamentals right first. Blizzard has failed every aspect of this with their three classic takes. they’ve always jumped the shark before making sure things were in a positive state. and i mean positive state i mean bugs are being fixed in a timely manner. features are working abilities aren’t broken. giving as close to as humanly possible a 1:1 experience for that time periods game is key thats what a lot of people wanted. wrath deviated from that so much more than any other iteration of the classic game. they prioritized getting difficulty that wasn’t even necessary for phase 2 patch 3.4.1. if they had everything else ironed out gave us a 1:1 experience with all the features minus epic gems in week the first 2 phases i’d have been fine. but it had to have all this extra crap. hell we don’t even have wrath features that were wrath features in the game yet. they’re still being worked on. this has been a real S*** show. and the classic director burningham deserved every bit his firing.

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Dunno I just log in and play the game, I do hardmodes I arena I don’t even notice bugs or features missing besides lfd. Feel like people always looking for something to complain about and will never be satisfied

Didn’t know cata = wotlk

Didn’t know we were playing cata right now

I’d play cata, the fun of classic for me is just going through all the old expansions and experiencing the nostalgia. If they were just going to reset things I might need some pretty big changes, class balancing etc, to want to do it all over again.


i mean thats the way to do it. but when they promise stuff and they say they can’t get it out on release okay. but to prioritize non-wrath features above wrath features is just mind boggling. also the decisions that were being made for the game were coming from burningham’s guild elitist jerks. I cannot confirm this because its hearsay. but if it is true, it is outright shameful that a game director would intentionally sabotage a game based on his gaming buddies desires.

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Yeah, because it was highly anticipated for many many years. There was a HUGE rush. Wrath had bigger rush though
What quickly followed by “please make custom changes because OG one sucks”.

And today, 2023, there is Wrath and Era. Wrath has like what, 200k ish? Era has what? 1,000? At best? And thats being quite generous.

Let’s be frank here. Do you want to go back to Naxx25 in a year from now?
We just did all of that content. I will bet my right nut that if Classic ends at Wrath and they re-release, the vast majority is not going to play it.

Yes, there will still be 20, maybe 30k people, but not 200-300k.

I would love for them to release SOM or Wrath SoM, whatever, to make those who don’t want Cata happy.

There is a lot of chatter on reddit about Cataclysm. Tons of people want it. And there are folks that are quitting right after Wrath regardless of what happens next. And based of what I’ve seen, even less want to do it all again, especially because they can do it all now, but very few actually do.

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Yea my end goal is hoping they make it to mop but I can assure you me and almost every person I know and raid with on wrath will quit over going back to vanilla or tbc. All I was getting at is people have the option to play their beloved vanilla version and there’s is legit maybe less than a thousand people, that says everything

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it feels like the entirety of this this all is being rushed. and from what it shows with wrath. it is indeed being rushed. they aren’t even able to get the game to have max level abilities to not have bugs. or pet classes being hosed to the point they have to manually make that pets behave or things like ignite munching or a laundry list of bugs in the game.

dunno what 200k to 1k means but i assume players for current wow but whats the 1k for?

I wouldn’t mind playing naxx casually but i don’t want to redo it. from the start of a new expansion. and the likely chance i quit sooner than the end is probably very high. especially since they’ve turned these classic installments into at most 18 month affairs at most.

i concur but i wonder how many would stay and how many would go. also how they need to figure out to manage servers with huge populations on it if a lot stay. private servers can handle the loads of players in dalaran. but retail can’t seem to figure it out.

i think the chatter is about people wanting cata to get to mist. which mist had no right to be as good as it was. it over performed its expectations and in that same breath no matter how good of an expansion it was there are still two very key things about it that cannot be over looked. through out that entire expansion it lost subs. probably slower than cata did but it still did. it gave us a lot of the problems that are complained about up to current wow SL. there were too many almost if you would mood swings with the development of that expansion. just too many bad systems were introduced with in that iteration of the game.

The thing is we have seen they are willing to make changes for better or worse that’s up for grabs. In a cata or mop release they could make changes to better the game, personally could care less about lfr I never did it in cata nor will I if they release it again but if they removed that I know a lot of people would be happy. Maybe the play is continue with cata with community feedback on make certain changes

I’d rather quit that play that pos