Uh oh...bad news for cata classic

as far as i got and i knew the rest would be bad opinions


FYI wotlk - Cata OPcodes was changed it took the private server developers 8 ish years to catch them all till wotlk they never changed then they all changed. this is the main reason you do not see cata servers they was not the same long enough for enough people to reverse engineer them.

opcodes are the security codes between client and server which changed every patch when cata was released. you could not even login to a private server without having a patched client which used old opcodes are a replacement but was buggy as hell and cause client to crash a lot. this is the reason you do not see cataclysm private servers not because they sucked but because new sniffer tools needed to be developed. by the time they was even close they would change them again with the patch was super hard to keep up

was their attempt to crush the private server scene not to mention it stopped all custom items being made which killed majority of the instant 80 and 255 custom servers in the process. had 0 to do with cata being bad and all to do with it required 100x more effort then it did between tbc - wotlk where not much changed more was just added,

history lesson for you. google it if you think i’m wrong


No the main reason is Cata is trash and no one likes it.

Get a clue please.


was heavy in the private server scene back then as i said google it if you think i’m wrong there was plenty of article on it back then.


Your opinion doesn’t matter to me because people would have figured it out if they wanted to actually play Cata and haven’t done so because no one cares about Cata.

Cata is trash.


Who cares what some streamer says?
Unless Blizz says outright “No Cataclysm” then it’s up in the air.
Not that I care much anyway.
If they release it, I might play for shiz and giggles but as far as my interest is concerned it starts and ends with WOTLK.
Only thing I’d honestly hope for would be an authentic WOTLK experience with all the warts the original had.
Not this ‘improved social butterfly’ edition that Blizz seems to think is fabulous.

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Yeah it’s becoming more and more obvious this is just a troll thread.


Oh because you don’t agree it’'s a troll thread. Sound like you are just crying.

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Pretty much, seeing stuff like this lol

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I choked on my water when reading this. This person has jokes i damn near pissed myself because i was laughing so hard.

But no, we really don’t care about Cataclysm there are some good systems from that expansion. There are enough sentiment that they will ditch World of Warcraft classic once the game moves to Cataclysm. While I know you’re probably think that this is a means to an end to get to Mist of Pandaria. There are some that want this. But, Sadly Mist was better than it deserved to ever be. it had one excellent raid. and one good raid. there were too many negative things about Mist its a 6 out of 10 at most. Cataclysm is a 5 out of 10 for the expansions. oh, and yes, I nearly forgot mention this I have zero desire to rinse and repeat. The I feel the player base will have long since abandoned the franchise due to diminished returns especially with their crappy progression based servers.


step one , stop watching trash


Troll thread. Author made the hardmode restriction thread.


has anyone else seen this stream to say why and how…devs are spilling the beans with a streamer they have hated more than loved. potentially killing late interest in their wrath offering has this odd to me too.

long week, don’t want to add to his view counts and too tired to rabble about streamers.

I tried to find it because I’d post it here in a heartbeat. I haven’t been able to find it.

I’m still hoping it’s true though.


If they could just skip the yawnfest that was Cata and get straight to MoP, that’d be great.


You can go to retail mate ---->

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Perhaps they are going to “reorder” the expansions /shrug

first… asmon is a complete tool.

second… theyve been saying no cata since pre wrath classic launch.

Poster is a troll, look their other threads. Bunch of nonsense moving on.

Link a video where this is said and the timestamp to where it was said, OP.

I’m not digging around through Asmon videos on just your (likely trolling) word.

That being said, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they skipped Cata Classic for a number of reasons:

  1. Cata sucked. Even back in the day people largely hated it… and before WoD sucking and/or the BfA-Shadowlands 1-2 punch of doom, it was largely considered the single worst expansion -=by far=- in the game’s history.

  2. It’s become rather apparent that Blizzard simply don’t give a single damn about Classic anymore. A single evening queuing BGs could drive that point painfully home. They’d need to hire John Connor to win the war against that many bots at this point.

That leaves them with the sole option of starting over at vanilla again, which seems… unlikely to get a huge population boom like the first classic launch. People “just did” the content, and they’d have to give up their current toons.

The classic experiment was made to try and rope people back into WoW, but it’s likely proving far less lucrative per player than retail is (Where people can officially buy gold, and/or pay their subscription with a $20 token monthly), and I’d wager they just aren’t seeing the crossover metrics they’d hoped for (that is ex players that came back for classic, but then also that where successfully brought into retail again)… Hell, most classic players I know used classic as a justification to NOT BUY Dragonlands, since they could play wow without wasting whatever it cost. Couple that with the expected crossover population that they’re hoping gets hooked on their next major release in D4, and Classic is likely just a niche product with less $$ returns to them, and one that has no realistic future to it that won’t involve dramatic population losses.