Uh oh...bad news for cata classic

Watching a bit of Asmons stream earlier really concerned me because apparently the devs are now saying cata classic is NOT HAPPENING? Whats the point of classic if we restart again and again and again? LET US PROGRESS.

Everybody wants freaking cata its the reason 99% of players are still even playing wrath, can anybody explain the reasoning behind this?


I sure don’t.


Sure buddy thats why everybody thinks its the pinnacle of wow even Asmon thinks it’s the best.


Wotlk is the pinnacle of wow

After wotlk subscriptions began to drop and have never reached wotlk numbers since that time again with a small recovery for WOD

blizzard is a silly company. They took their most successful version of wow and messed with it.

Cataclysm wouldn’t even be well received with how much nonsense has been added to wotlk

I’m not a business genius. But if I had a product everyone and I mean EVERYONE wanted, I wouldn’t mess with it. But I guess blizzard isn’t that smart.


I would agree if blizzard showed any sort of innovation or effort into the game but instead theres constantly been issues with realm population/ faction balance/ bottting/ mass transfering of players leading to dead realms. if the game was properly managed for this long i would still be playing but the sad reality is it was made without much thought/effort and its never been givin the love it deserved, the only new innovation they’ve done or innovated was to add micro transactions/store mount bundles/ boosts to what was supposed to be a love letter to the community. it’s been abandonded in my opinion for a long time now… it should of ended before TBC classic everything past that has been a circle jerk and a dying playerbase thats slowly being replaced by bots. It’s not all doom though there is still players enjoying the game but they are just lucky to be on the best servers and been playing along the whole time, most players have had mixed experiences that are all important and meaningful to the reasons of the game not doing well


what’s the point in retail if it eventually stops? what’s the point in progressing through life if we just die in the end anyway?


No one wants a cata keep that bs. What we wanted was original wrath with lfd not this reimagined bs.


OP, I appreciated the part where you provided exactly zero evidence for your claim. :+1:

And I don’t care what Asmon says. Where did someone from Blizz say no Cata.


Asmon is also a clown.


As a somewhat nihiist I see their angle. but, yeah…while in the end nothing matters and everything fades away you may as well find some fun on the way there lol.


I can tell this is a :troll: post. Know how I can tell?

  1. Asmongold stream mentioned, no one actually takes him seriously.

Cata is the single greatest expansion in wow history…The final fight with deathwing was quite literally the most impactful moment in my life because my guild downed it first try. Nothing compares to the WHOLE freaking expansion, what are you doing in wrath right now…? Posting on a forum instead of playing the game? lol

I rather have either Vanilla+ or WOTLK+. WoW Classic ENDED with WOTLK. The moment Cata is announced and no more developments for classic wow are there I would definitely stop playing.


Hahaha I find it a bit funny how someone would rob themselves of the best experience in video gaming history…The azeroth revamp CHANGED THE GAME not only in wow but in EVERY MMO because it showed you can take risks with your game…BIG risks.

It makes sense why Asmon ranked it S tier in his tier list, from i think a few months ago? I don’t know you’ll have to find the video i can let you know if you want to see it but it really shows how even the veterans of the community feel the same way I do…It makes me proud to be at a time where Cata could happen again.

But then play retail. This is classic. You’d argue that RuneScape 3 also changed a lot of systems and is objectively better game. But there are a lot of people who enjoy RS+ instead.

Also you stated that DW was the best boss in history just because you downed him? Bro, you literally fighting a head. It was the WORST end-boss, even Jailer was better.


I never said he was the best boss he is just one of those fights that I will tell my grandkids about, truly the greatest moment of my life and probably will be for a long time. And no I wouldn’t argue that rs3 is a better game it’s definitely a terrible game riddled with microtransactions so the progression is completely pointless.

If you tune into Asmon’s stream next time see if you can ask him what he thinks about cata, he answers questions pretty often especially mine so I feel like I’m a pretty important member of the stream. Maybe what you need is to put down the “classic” mindset and start realizing that retail is retail and classic is still classic.

I really don’t care about what Asmon has to say. I have my own opinions :slight_smile:


Okay…So you won’t accept the opinion of one of the top warriors to ever touch the game? Someone who plays all the time and can easily complete the hardest content no matter the class? I have my own opinions too but sometimes you have to keep an open mind and accept OTHER opinions.

As … who?

You lost me at “blahblah person says”.

Quit being a sheople and make decisions for yourself.

Cata sucked and we’ll be better off without it. There’s a reason there aren’t (m)any Cata psevers.

I hope they skip it entirely.


I hope this is true. I hope Blizzard wakes up and realizes Cata classic is going to be a disaster no one plays besides the retail players who visit Classic for 1 month at a time on releases and then go back to retail.

Cata is basically retail. There is no point to add it into the Classic line of expansions.

Exactly, if people cared about Cata there would be Cata private servers and there aren’t really.

No one wants Cata trash besides retail tourists.