Tyrande, Beloved Character [Spoilers]

    Question: Will Tyrande become a villain? Or will she get justice for people? Will the Night Elves rise above their relentless suffering?

    Answering: Steve Danuser

    • “The Night Elves have taken some shots on the chin in Battle for Azeroth, for sure. Tyrande is one of the most beloved characters and in all of Warcraft canon, and, I don’t want to speak to datamined broadcasts and things like that, but we will see Tyrande have some conversations with some of our other characters as we wrap up the Battle for Azeroth.”

    • “That’s a storyline that we definitely want to pay off and we have some interesting things in the coming expansion that I don’t want to spoil but I hope that Night Elf players get to see a new side of her and their culture in a way.”

This also comes on the heals of another interview with Shani Edwards:

    Game Producer Shani Edwards: We’re gonna learn more about Tyrande’s story. Obviously, she is still very upset about what happened to her people. That’s going to lead her to Ardenweald. She’s gonna get some answers to some questions, and there’s gonna be some stuff coming with her that’s too spoiler-y to talk about but there’s more Tyrande…. All I can say is she has a pretty big story moment in Ardenweald. Very big role also.

    Blizzard Watch: Are we gonna learn more about Elune while we’re there?

    Lead Game Designer Morgan Day: That’s well into spoiler territory!

    Shani Edwards: Can’t [talk about that]!

We all might remember Shani Edwards from this interview:

    Senior Game Producer Shani Edwards: I think she had her moment where we told some of her story and she got her revenge for the Night Elves.

Maybe the game producer is trying to make up for that previous statement. But sounds like Steve Danuser is adding validity to this all now.


We can only hope. I still wonder if people’s complaining had inpact on the decision since they went from “They got their revenge” to “They are obviously still upset about losing everything”

They have the chance to clonclude all of it in 9.0 after they failed so hard in BfA, there’s hope they will take that chance.

Oh and I hope he is not just refering to her dialogue with Anduin in 8.3


I guess this is how we got things like Pathfinder for Flying and Classic World of Warcraft.

But I still really hope not, if just because threads around here become a pain if pitchforks is the only way to get any response.


I’ll believe it when I see it, for now I’m going to assume they are still going to beat the night elves down again because that is what they always do. Maybe I can be surprised.


Maybe not the threads around here, but there were also quite a few posts on reddit and fansites to complain about the issue, not sure where Blizzard gathers their feedback.

I agree. But hey we got Darkshore back so that’s something positive happening to us (against the horde) after like 15 years of wow?


I guess positive after losing everything, I wonder what the state of Ashenvale is.

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I have something of a suspicion the night elves and night fae have some really ancient ties we will see brought to light, which would be super cool.

I am cautiously hopeful… I really want to believe they will complete Tyrande’s night warrior arc.

…and I am pretty sure she will find everything is literally Sylvanas’ fault.


Ditto. It would not be the first time they’ve lied to us.


I would be even more thankful for confirmation of the Night Elves getting Ashenvale back than I was of hearing Steve Danuser say that Alliance won the Darkshore Warfront.


Yep, I just want them to say whether or not the night elves got it back. That really is the most important land for the night elves.

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I still dont understand why you people think the horde keep it, we won the war, we won both warfronts, why would baine or anyone else on the council keep ashenvale, and if they did, why didnt tyrande yell to anduin about it.


We’ve already seen the nice, forgiving, goodguy side of her a million times, so…

Also, taking stock in developer interviews? Maybe not the best idea.


Sylvanas’ ultimate fate “you’re going to have to wait and see”, naturally. But it sounds like, at least for now, Sylvanas is simply too beloved to kill off.

“She’s an interesting character and she’s a character beloved not just by our playerbase but by our developerbase as well,” Afrasiabi said.


Shani is one producer who seems to have misspoke. Blizzard has been very, very aware of the complaints since the Burning of Teldrassil was first revealed.

Tyrande’s role in Ardenweld and with the Night Warrior has been planned for some time. The Burning of Teldrassil itself was planned over a year out. Darkshore was never going to be the end of her quest for vengeance or her relevance as a character.


The horde got Azshara after SoO, so who knows, maybe Anduin put the horde gets Ashenvale in the treaty he made behind the backs of the other leaders.


I dont think she misspoke, I think it was more of “Brah I cant tell them anything cause all the nelf stuff is next xpac.” cause she is techially right, the nelf stuff was over for bfa

I enjoy speculating as much as anyone.

I enjoy confirmation from Blizzard more than that.


I dont see it as speculating, I see it as common sense, I have yet to see a good arguement about why the horde would keep ashenvale or why thrall and baine would break character to keep it.

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If you think about it, she kind of gave the plot away. What she seemed to have meant was, “Tyrande got her revenge for now,” which, yes, is true for BFA, and would have revealed we wouldn’t see much of her in 8.3 either.


Yeah. I mean… basically she goes to Stormwind and screams “you are a naive child” at anduin in 8.3 before taking her ball and going home to Nordrassil to prepare for the next expansion.

Edit: Damn it. I thought you were Vespero. Broke my word. Oh well. I’ll have to look at names more carefully.

Where are you Deathisfinal?! I need you!

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