Give the Horde a break

This is what I’ve told myself for most expansions since Cataclysm. I will only ever believe it when it’s implemented in game. Think about this question asked at Blizzcon

Metzen seemed pretty passionate about Tyrande, but then we get ALP in MoP. It’s probably not his fault as I think he genuinely likes these characters, but I’m sure that dislike for night elves in the general developer team overwrite any passion he may or may not have had about them.

This thread was from 2019

It’s good to look back at them and see how the current developers continually screw them over. I will only believe they learned any kind of lesson when I see it in game, and not before.

Oh yeah, I think space from the horde is what would be needed for now, but maybe if they really wanted to there could be some help through Hamuul even if it’s minor and it’s more for the horde PC over the entire horde pitching in.

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