Night elf fans, don't buy

Which is not actually a number. Nor an indication of the race being at any risk to its existence.

The Horde did not want to burn them alive, nor butcher them. The Horde wanted as few civilians left in Teldrassil so they would be more easily managed as hostages:

    Sylvanas tapped her fingers on the table, thinking. “Let us make sure Tyrande does not return. The kaldorei evacuation—it helps us if they use every resource to get their people off the World Tree before we arrive, correct?”

    “I believe so, Warchief,” Saurfang said. It would reduce the number of prisoners the Horde would need to care for, it would take fighters off the line to guard the evacuation, and it would mean that most of the Alliance’s magic wielders would need to remain on Teldrassil to assist instead of joining the battle in Ashenvale.

Hence why it is a good thing they were not raid bosses.

Unless you remember questing Sylvanas, Nathanos, Catapult Operator X, or Pyromaniac Shaman Y, no, they are literally not the exact same Horde that burned Teldrassil.

I do not disagree with you on this. I am also upset that Belmont lives. I hope at least with Sylvanas gone that Belmont will be her Thalen Songweaver and just disappear and never be seen or heard from again.

No you don’t. You actively ignore any Blizzard history that shows you are wrong, like Val’sharah.

I already have a thread up on this: Tyrande, Beloved Character [Spoilers].

By focusing on these lines:

I won’t tell you to be optimistic. You don’t have to be. But, no, you’re not being realistic by yelling that the sky is falling.