Tyrande, Beloved Character [Spoilers]

i love that even after the miserable treatment that the writters gived to tyrande durings wow’s lifetime i can still find people who likes her.

Personally wasn’t much of a fan of her during wow (but she was amazing in wc3) because i hated a little patience and how they used her to make varian look good, that was insulting but i still have some hope that she would have an amazing story next expansion and maybe bring more personality to the alliance. the same way i buyed bfa’s for jaina’s story, i will buy this one simply for tyrande. (and plus kael : 3)

so, i am so glad to hear that.
like said some months ago, i wanted to believe that “tyrande got her revenge” was maybe a misinterpretation or something.
She deserves focus and a closure.

maybe killing sylvanas herself.


Not maybe, she should give Sylvanas and Nathanos the same treatment that Illidan gave to Gul’dan.


So, yeah. Probably not a good idea to take their word on the “beloved” thing. Not in terms of what they’ll do with the character anyway. We’ve already seen they can say whatever they want, write whatever they want, and then just turn on a dime whenever they want anyway. They have absolutely no regard for consistency.

Full disclosure: I am not really a Tyrande fan. I really did not like her in Warcraft III at all. Though, she did grow on me a bit after Val’sharah, the War of the Thorns, and the Darkshore Warfront and its related content.

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i believe that there is huge potential for her next expansion.

maybe they can redem her character, the opportunity is there. and i can’t wait.


I’ll believe it when I see it.


Same. I’ve always been a Maiev fan. I barely tolerated Tyrande, but Blizzard has insisted making her the face of the night elf race, and even i don’t appreciate how they cart her out solely to make her play the dunce to prop up someone else’s shallow story.


I don’t know why bit I’ve always like Tyrande even even they barely used her or made her look stupid impatient. I guess it’s her background lore and the fact the she leads my avorite race. I’m able to look past Blizz’s misuse if the character.

Traitors both of you.:rofl::rofl:


Being beloved by Blizzard probably means she’s about to get kicked in the teeth.


I never liked her too much but she’s the last hope of the night elves actually doing something. I liked Shandris but they made her into Anduins puppet so I’m just hoping Tyrande can get something done.

Oh no blizzard hates all night elves, they were just refering to the playerbase I assume.

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Team Tyrande all the way!
Long live the High Priestess of Elune! :heart::full_moon:


I guess what drew me to her was what she represented. The Priestess of a mystical diety of an immortal race and a warrior at that with thousands of years of military experience. With all of that back story you’d think she’d get better writing but no. I agree that she is one of the last major focal points of the Night Elves and I just hope blizz does this right because when they do use her it’s only on small amounts. Legion for instance, Val’sharah was great and Suramar too but why was she not at ToS? It’s the temple of Elune and she’s the High Priestess.

I like Shandris too but I feel like they are changing her to fit an Anduin_esque narrative.

I also don’t like that nearly anything Night Elf focused gets turned to druidism. How about we focus on the other aspect of the race.


100% this! I know I main a druid but I’m a Night Elf first. We are at our best when we use all aspects of our society in perfect balance.
Such an example is Darkshore Warfront because there you clearly see Druids, Sentinels, Priestess, Mages, Wardens and so on. It was because of they unified work that they achieved victory on their own without relying on the Alliance to do so.


fite me, gurl. Maiev is bestest. Fax.

All of this!:open_hands::open_hands: Everything is better when all aspects of the society are involved. The constant over druidic themes almost make me regret being one but as it’s pretty NE focused I’m glad I picked it. There is just so much more to TBD society than that and it’s hardly every shown. You bring those aspects together and you’ve got a diverse force to reckoned with.

That nut case. Whatever!


They will probably reveal what Elune “really is” finally and have her talking to Tyrande. She probably could not intervene at Teldrassil because she was possibly weakened by whatver is going on in the Shadowlands. Who knows though. They really don’t like writing Tyrande as anything but Malfurions wife.

Anyways one of the best flavor texts for Tyrande is from the Fossilized Raptor, which I often ride on:

Legends tell of a spell placed upon a hunting raptor who dared to snarl at young Tyrande Whisperwind as she bathed in a jungle pool. The beast is cursed to wander Azeroth - until it apologizes.


I like to imagine Elune like this:

What, you can’t say she isn’t, yet at least.

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This is why the druids don’t hang out with you during the lunar festival.


I still hope Elune is kept a mystery, no reveals of what and who she is, just hopefully something happens to give Tyrande a renewed sense of direction and purpose for her and the night elves.


Agreed, but they could still keep Elune a mystery while still explaining to us why she wasn’t able to save those in Teldrassil. Hopefully this gets answered in Tyrande’s story in Ardenweald.