Twitch Mount drop

Then open a ticket that was recomended above.


Just because I’m sure a lot of people won’t bother going through the bulk of this thread, I am copy-pasting the relevant support article to try and troubleshoot, as well as the link to submit a ticket for those who have hit that 24 hour mark.


It has now been about 48h and still no mount and i also opened a ticket and no response.I have gotten all twitch drops and I have also checked to make sure all connections are atached properly. any more info on this?


Do you have a ticket number? You should’ve gotten a reply within a day.

I’m now around 48 hours with no mount, also my ticket is completely ignored after 25 hours and counting.


Can you check and ensure you put in a ticket? Should have a ticket number. A ticket doesn’t get ignored as everyone gets reply to.

Yep, the little icon in-game says ‘You have an open ticket - Wait time currently unavailable’ and on the Support part of my account it says 25 hours open ticket.

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Do you mind copy/pasting the ticket number? I know I can’t do anything with it, but a blue may be able to check once they get into work.

Should be something along the line of US(string of numbers)

World of Warcraft Ticket Number: US91615707 Status: Opened Last Update: 25 hours ago

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Just to set the proper expectations, Customer Support will not be able to grant the mount. It does appear the purpose of submitting the ticket is to get a sample set of affected accounts so the issue can be resolved en masse.


Guess I’ll just twiddle my thumbs and wait and see, both Twitch and show I’m connected, and Prime Gaming is also connected so I’m at a loss if they cannot award the item, especially with my ticket over 25 hours of no response; only 4 days remaining.

Since it appears the tickets are going directly to the development team, you won’t get a response. Instead, the tickets will all be set to Resolved once the underlying issue has been resolved.

That also seems to explain why there is no estimate on when the ticket would be addressed.

Yes, there are only 4 days remaining to claim the drop from Twitch. However, if it takes longer than that to get the issue resolved, you’ll still get the mount once the devs verify the data received from Twitch.


Yeah I’m waiting to see what they say or if they can just even confirm that I have the license on my account that would help me no have to worry about it. Everything is linked and I relinked it again to make sure and still nothing. So we shall see if it’s fixed soon. Would suck to miss this drop after getting all the others fine.

If you had the license on your account, it should be available in-game. Quoting Vrakthris for reference:


Yeah I even disabled my add ons and searched and still not showing in the in-game collection. He even confirmed that a few showed the license on their account but they didn’t have the mount. We shall see what happens. Appreciate your help.

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Just to reiterate, since the thread keeps getting added to, this is a KNOWN ISSUE that has been verified by the Devs. If you’ve done everything and you’ve submitted a ticket, you’ve done all that you’ve can until they resolve it.


Wrong thread, apologies.

Just to cover this. In this case, the majority of these tickets should be placed in a holding queue while the issue is investigated. It’s something that we will occasionally do with certain ongoing issues.

We’ve seen an increasing number of reports with this particular Twitch drop so they are trying to figure out what is happening and how to get folks the drop. If I receive an update I’ll let everyone know. :slight_smile:


Appreciate what you’re doing. Is there a way you can check to see if the license is attached to my account? at least that way i can feel “safe” lol

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The issue here is that folks aren’t getting the license after it is claimed, not that they have the license but are not seeing the mount.

If you don’t have the mount, you don’t have the license. That is what is being looked into.