Twitch Mount drop

Got it. Appreciate it


They do not use ai-generated customer service. They use templated responses and at times when they are hit with a lot of tickets they will send out an automated response if a ticket is opened up under certain topics that are usually able to be fixed by the player either with self service options or by looking on fan sites or the forums (those are also templated and are not AI generated). Those tickets also contain a link that you can click to say that you need more help.

The customer service hotline was abused so badly that most people couldn’t even get through to the line to even be put on hold. People called for every single reason they could, the help line was ONLY ever supposed to be for Billing or Tech Support issues. Yet people used it for in game issues, quest help, GM jokes, or to simply complain about thigs they didn’t like.

They have said that they are aware of the issue and are collecting information with the tickets that people are opening, currently they do not have an ETA but will give updates when they are available. All that can be done right now is wait for them to fix the process.


The hotline was removed because people would call for reasons that dont need a phone call like this.


To be clear, we aren’t using AI messages. For certain topics we provide an initial response that refers folks to other sources of information, as we found that the majority of those contacts are actually things that players can find the answer for themselves.

For the folks that do need assistance, we ask that they reopen their tickets. It is because of that automated message that response times are much lower than they would be otherwise.

It should be noted that the phone number would not have been used for this. An account and billing rep, the folks that you would contact via the phone line, couldn’t have helped with this issue. It is because the phone line was filled with issues that couldn’t be addressed through that channel, that the phone number was eventually retired. It had a continual hold queue of 90-120 minutes. That is assuming you were lucky enough to win the “make it into the hold queue” game that everyone had to play.

I should note here, you don’t appear to have been sent an automated reply. Your ticket was immediately placed in the holding queue I mentioned earlier.

Yes, because in the previous ones there likely wasn’t an issue which, as has been stated repeatedly, is being looked into. Hopefully our teams will be able to find out what may be causing the mounts not to be delivered soon.


apologies for the huge amount of hostility. just that this whole “not getting the hippogryph mount i earned” fiasco has been making me (no pun intended) “one very mad bull”


I think most of us absolutely understand the frustration, Devastator. The process is usually pretty smooth for most folks. When it doesn’t go smoothly, it can take a little time to figure out what the issue is, especially when dealing with promotions that span two different platforms, WoW and Twitch.


Question. About the ticket i submitted seeing it go from “Average Wait Time” to Wait Time Currently Unavailable" do you think that means the ticket was put in that Hold Queue you talked about Vrakthris? Just Curious so if others see it change they don’t panic think their ticket got lost

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yeah, that and the whole “limited time only” thing, probably has players, like myself jumping to the conclusion that we might get screwed out of the drops we earned. to be honest, this situation has probably been the first time i’ve shown a hostile side to you folks at blizzard, normally, whenever i try customer service, i try to be as polite as humanly possible, even add a bit of rp, like i’m at some holy blizzard temple, and the gms that respond are like gods i pray to

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Adding my account to the list. Claimed the mount on the 10th and still haven’t received it in game. No issue getting the portal last week though.

Mine just showed up.

Might be worth checking again in a couple of hours.


That is good at least there is still some movement

I’m under this assumption too. If this stuff doesn’t get resolved soon, it’ll be much harder for those of us that haven’t receieved our mounts once the promotion is over. Who knows if Blizzard will be able to retroactively grant us our Blazing hippogryphs.

Very stressful experience for something that should’ve been fun.

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i know right? these drop promotions are supposed to be fun, and enjoyable, you tune in to a twitch stream for a few hours, and get something really cool that would’ve cost a fortune on either the bmah, or ebay… for free, and then a clusterfrag like this happens, that causes a lot of anger, frustration, and hostility. it’s like when you’re a kid, and you lose a tooth, and put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy, only to find out, the next morning, you didn’t get jack squat, or if when you were a kid, and you been on your best behavior, all year, only to find out, on christmas morning, no presents are under the tree or in the stockings, not even crummy socks and underwear

The deadline is based on when to watch qualifying streams by. If you’ve already earned and claimed the reward then you have already fulfilled that requirement.

The issue is why isn’t it being delivered.


that actually puts me a bit at ease, knowing that having watched the full 4 hrs of a twitch stream, the mount is mine, guaranteed. just a matter of when i get my hippogryph, now


That’s reassuring, thank you.


whatever the issue is that’s been preventing us from getting our mounts, i got a feling it’s responsible for a lot of headache meds being taken, for giving both players and blizzard, alike major headaches from the anger and frustration this issue has caused

It’s been over 2 days and no mount yet.

Hilary - Angry Kitteh :rainbow_flag::ukraine::paw_prints::heart::orange_square: on Twitter: “Hey @BlizzardCS: Any updates about the Twitch drop issue? I claimed my Blazing hippogryph over 2 days ago and have not received it yet.” / Twitter

The tweet had been responded to by one of the staff. Just as the same message of “it’s a known issue…” That has been posted several times throughout this thread and on the one in Tech Support. No ETA but they are working one it.


Yeah. They replied after I tweeted the screenshot. I was curious if they had any updates. They’re always courteous and reply swiftly.

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