Am I just screwed, or will Blizzard eventually help me?

Stick to the mega thread and keep its short 90% of this is useless even the theroy about claiming it during maintence which shouldnt have affected anything all u can do is wait on ur ticket and possible reopen it if u get a automated response. Also I realy hope u didnt put this all in a ticket thats only muddles things for the poor GM.


There is a known issue that is preventing some people from receiving it. Darth is correct in please keep it to the master thread, or to the thread over in Tech Support.

And most importantly -

You think so very wrong. Not all problems have an easy answer, but they do try their utmost to help every player who has a problem that cannot be resolved by the self-help tools or by sites like WoWHead or by the community here. GMs are not gods, but if it’s within their purview, that is their job. If it’s outside of their abilities, then it needs to be reported via Bug Reports so that the Devs can then look into it.

They’re not perfect, but it’s also not nearly as bad as you’re going to hear via the Reddit Rhetoric or GD mess.


YES my appologies I found the thread AFTER posting this. Typical of my luck, again, someone can delete this post if they want. I don’t think I can delete it myself can I? And yes the ticket i put was very short lol.


The SFAs may have already left for the night, but they’ll probably catch all of these side threads and lock them up and/or merge them into the other thread. :slight_smile:


I had just seen your comment on another players post, thank you for that. I wish I could delete this now as I dont want to waste anyones time reading it. & I agree, generally the Blizzard folks probably do get a lot of unnecessary hate, I mostly stay off of reddit because of how negative people can be there.

Oh and my reason for the way I worded it was, I had read though that they ‘cannot grant the items’ so I was genuinely concered if I legitimately was never going to be able to get the item. I know its just a mount but, it mostly is upsetting knowing most got it and I might never get it.


Which is totally understandable. It’s a mess because of how the drops work, and most - if not all - of the issues stem from a hang-up or crossed wires that happens somehow between the time someone claims their drop on Twitch and that data is transmitted to Blizzard. Once Blizzard gets the necessary data, each drop has a license of their own. Unless the player’s account has that license, the drop cannot be granted.

If the Blizzard account isn’t showing the required license, there isn’t any way for them to confirm the drop was properly earned. It’s not all Twitch’s fault, it’s not all Blizzard’s fault and they’re both their own separate entities with their own policies and protocol and us players are the ones caught between all the bloody red tape.

But again, no worries on the rest. The CS folks just are trying to keep all of the information and whatnot in one focused thread to make it easier when updates come through, the SFAs or whomever has that news can post it to one spot rather than dozens. ^^


Mine went directly into my collections panel. Did you search for it by name there?

it doesn’t exist in either collected or not collected.

Mine shows as collected in game and on my Armory page.

I claimed it on Twitch the same night it became available and it was a gift in my journal when I logged in the next morning.


I’m not sure how that helps the people who claimed it and didn’t get it :stuck_out_tongue:

Someone asked if people have searched for it by name in their collection.
It doesn’t appear by name, either collected or uncollected, either ingame, or in the armory.

Yeah the normal TCG mounts dont show up as uncollected, they only show up once you get them. I assume they’re working on it… I even submitted a ticket and they put ‘resolved’ without a reply or anything but, I still don’t have it. So all I can hope is that they’re actively working on it, and noting every account who’s claimed it and hasn’t got it to correct the issue.

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It’s covered in the mega-thread on the Twitch issue. In this instance, the tickets are to collate accounts with the issue. The collection should help in narrowing down where the issue is stemming from. They are hoping to be able to fix as many players as possible in one go rather than on a case-by-case basis.

If your ticket was closed you may want to reopen it, or open a new one. Most cases involving the Twich drop not showing have been put in a hold-queue, not closed.

It probably isn’t necessary as they appear to have the license now. :slight_smile: Though from what I can see they do have a ticket currently in the holding queue so that should receive a reply once the issue resolution is verified.


Yay! I feel very lucky mine appeared before the issue started. On both my NA and EU accounts.

Claimed mine 2 days ago, and it showed up now at login as a wrapped gift, with all the fanfair, have faith.


Turns out the “24 hours” guidance may be off by a factor of two; it seems in a few cases that 48 hours sufficed without ticketing. (Like mine, and others’.)

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There wasn’t a miscalculation on the delivery. There was an issue that developed that blocked delivery of the mount. Once the issue was identified and fixed the mount was delivered to the waiting players. Some were over 24 hours, some were under.

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The point I was making was that “24 hours” was the Support definition of “reasonable time to wait before making a fuss”. I suspect that the number should have been 48 hours, because the problem seems to be solving itself for people after the 24 hour point but before (or around) the 48 hour mark.

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LETS GOOOOOOO! I GOT IT! And on my birthday too! It sucks they are having so many issues, I was worried but tried to keep in mind that theres probably 1000s of others with the same issue. I rarely ever use the forums but, it was for sure a bummer, being so excited to get it, and then worrying what if it never happens cause of a bug. But yeah finally got it. And I 100% agree, they may want to change that to wait 48 hours before sending a ticket


I’m gonna answer the question as actually asked;

No, you’re not screwed, they are genuinely Helping, just en masse. Yay!

(for the record, yes, mine finally showed up too.)

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