Twitch Mount drop

Any chance I could get a check on whether the license appears on my account yet? If it doesn’t then I’ll contact Twitch to try and get a resent verification.

If it does appear and just hasn’t shown up then I’ll just wait.

You don’t have the license yet. If you did have the license you should be seeing the mount.



I’ll get in touch with Twitch tomorrow when I wake up I guess just to give it a few more hours. Really appreciate the response :slight_smile:


I am still waiting for mine for over 24 hours. I have every other twitch drop with no problem except this mount.

If you have waited the appropriate 24 hours after claiming and you still haven’t seen the mount in your account, check out this blue post in Tech Suport:


Emphasis on that pesky “may”. 20+ years in IT didn’t help with reading comprehension apparently. At no point did Vrak confirm this was what was truly the issue. They’re looking into it. It’s obviously not the driving issue or anyone who had that alert would not be receiving the drop. I got mine. Others have gotten theirs. So put that victory cigar away.

If I’m wrong, I’m wrong and I absolutely will own if that proves to be the case (and I have in the past plenty of times), but gloating and flaunting that HAHA TOLD YA SO belongs over in GD. It serves no purpose here and trolling never lasts too long on this, the most heavily moderated forum there is.


It was pretty much confirmed by a different team that it is over in the tech support section. They even recently took some servers offline to run them through a resyncing process which is why some people were unable to access the game recently

This is server maintenance 101

Lastly that wasn’t and I told you so that was more of a look I have 20 years experience in this field and I have a theory that’s most likely correct

Confirming that the error on the connection page is being looked into isn’t confirmation of what the issue is. It may or may not be related. It is definitely something that is odd, but the proverbial smoke may lead to some incense, not necessarily a fire.

Did they confirm it was related? As far as I know those are entirely different systems and have nothing do with this but I didn’t see the post you are referring to outside of the one about the Hippogryph, which only says it’s being investigated.


What experience you may or may not have has little to no bearing in how things operate around with Blizzard - unless those 20+ years had you working with them. And quite honestly, I don’t really care. I run with what Blizzard posts, provides in their support articles and all of that. You’re misreading or misinterpreting anything that is being said and warping it to fit what you’re thinking is the issue if only to prove that you’re right.

Posting the Tech Support post here for clarity. Just as Vrak did not confirm your assumption, neither did Jambrix.

Honestly, if they actually do explicitly say THIS THING is what caused the issue, it’ll be a break from the norm. It’ll more than likely be that “Hey guys, we found the issue and resolved it. Keep an eye out for that mount!” so this whole chest-beating thing is really moot.

Trying to explain to a Blizzard employee how Blizzard things work…yikes.

But I will concede with Zenjy. All of this mess from you unnecessarily having to get your dig in for, it is derailing the thread. I’m bowing out from this back and forth and will keep only to what is potentially helpful for others.


To be bluntly honest; none of this is needed, more so when we as players have no means of getting into the server room nor having a means to interface with the servers. Talking about all of this won’t do anything by the end of the say as the Blues here won’t pass this along, nor will they have a back and forth on the matter.

I rather not the thread get closed because someone wanted to try to talk on something that won’t be able to help in the long run.


This will be my first and last time ever participating in a twitch drop. Mount never came. Yet most people got it in seconds.

You know you are 100% correct it’s not

We now know that there is some type of issue and that it is being looked into and that’s really all we need to know.

I just have a technical problem solving brain and I tend to jump on these issues and go into long detail with them when I really shouldn’t have because it wasn’t my problem to begin with

But it’s just kind of burned into my brain to do so and you are completely correct from this point on I will drop it

Hey Cranwolf! How long ago did you claim it? If it’s been over 24 hours I’d encourage you to put in a ticket and see if Blizz can help.


A lot of people that got them out right away got it before whatever issue is going on started we now know there’s an issue and they are currently working on it which is a lot better than us just sitting here wondering what’s going on

At least they are communicating with us and telling us they are trying to fix the problem. Which is more than a lot of companies do. A lot of companies do not relay information at all I was working on the bank servers for Discover Bank One Time and the entire 3 days I was working on them customer service was telling people that there were no server issues and they had no clue what they were referring to. It caused a bunch of Mayhem and it was all because information was not relayed internally


It’s been well over 24+ hours since I’ve claimed the blazing hippogryph on twitch. I also submitted a ticket with blizzard and was told to wait 72 hours and if it still hasn’t shown up by then that I should get back to them. I’ve had no other issues with the other drops from twitch, just this mount :frowning: The server error that was showing up on my blizzard connections page is now gone but still no mount in game, not sure what is happening but I hope it gets fixed for everyone soon.


I havent received the mount yet either, it has been over 24 hours, BUT, one thing i noticed for me, is that all the other items i have gotten, I claimed them using my PC. where as for the blazing gryph i used my phone to claim. so could that be the reason possibly?

And did you post in the Bug Report Forum where such an issue should go?

Going back to the Dragon Kite pet, all of my Twitch drops have populated immediately. Until now. 24+ hrs and no Hippogryph.

Vrakthris, can you check my account for the thingy?

As Vrakthris stated above, if you had the license on your account, you’d see the mount. Make sure to mess around with the filters to see if it shows up.


It’s been over 24 hours for me since I claim the blazing hippogryph on twitch and still nothing yet.

I have received every other twitch drop just fine before so I know my account is linked.

I waited for 24 hours just like the post said but it’s been probably about 26 to 27 hours since I claimed it

Thank you