Turning WOTLK into retail

Again, that’s why the original system was better. You could ding 80 in early 2010 and be full 232 a few days later. You didn’t need to grind to the next level, then the next level, then the next level. The ilevel requirements for Heroics were nothing. I think you could hit them with just quest rewards. Maybe a smattering of regular dungeons for gear. The ICC ones were a little higher. Maybe spend a night doing random Heroics to unlock those. Then…that’s it.

Imagine with Ulduar instead of adding Mythics they just brought in RDF. You could get Naxx gear just grinding Heroics for Emblems. And including a handful of items in an Emblem vendor, instead of adding a new difficulty to dungeons, is far simpler and more authentic. Then when the next raid comes out the Emblems buy old Ulduar gear. And so on. It’s a very simple, effective method that keeps all dungeons relevant throughout the expansion, without having to resort to this Mythic nonsense. And for the casual masses it’s great that they don’t feel sucked into a never-ending, non-progressive e-sport driven Retail Lite mechanic. God forbid players, you know, get stronger relative to the dungeons they’re doing. If I wanted this endless scaling, I’d play Retail.

The original system is coming out in the same patch that it came out in back in original WoTLK. We’ll have that system in addition to the Heroic+ system.

What are you even going on about?

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RDF will allow you to que for what you need. And yes, badges quickly become useless, again not sure why you guys are lying about this

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He has no idea

Again, you speak of badges. In original Wrath it was EMBLEMS when RDF hit. So you’re just showing you either didn’t play back then, or have forgotten.

And they did not become useless. You could buy a full 232 with them. If they had come with Ulduar, you would buy Naxx gear. Then with ToC Ulduar gear, then with ICC ToC gear. A great system that keeps dungeons relevant the whole expansion.

So what is being lied about?

Emblems, badges, same sht.

Also literally from the devs


Blue Tracker | Official Post

The second goal is about making sure Heroic dungeons stay attractive throughout the entire expansion. The Emblems and items they drop should always be valuable, even late in the expansion. They should also remain an interesting challenge throughout the entire expansion, rather than becoming excessively easy as your gear improves. We are exploring plans to add challenges to Heroic dungeons as the expansion proceeds, which would also provide more valuable rewards.

Their intent just demonstrates how incompetent they are. Maybe they didn’t play original Wrath either.

If you add RDF early, the system doesn’t need to change. And it’s a very simple system: frost emblems for current tier, and triumph for previous. You don’t even need to trade-in triumph to downgrade to conquest or valor. If you’re worried about players stockpiling emblems, convert them to gold when a new tier hits, giving players plenty of warning to spend them or lose them.

And now all dungeons are relevant the entire expansion. And without having to shove in Retail design philosophy of scaling dungeons, and the toxic gatekeeping that came with it.

Funny how Blizz managed to add every other system early in 4 years of Classic and make it work, but couldn’t with rdf.

We’ve already been through this. Blizzard decided to listen to a very vocal minority of players who were adamantly against RDF. They listened to the arguments made by players like this:

Oh wait, that’s you lol. Imagine getting what you asked for and then making thousands of posts whining about getting it.


Precisely I don’t play retail and M+ was part of the reason I quit, which is why I’m not happy to see a light version of it shoved into wrath classic.

Right so flat retail design when blizzard is too lazy to make new dungeons.

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So instead of adding a different level of difficulty to the existing wrath dungeons that is inauthentic to Wrath, you want them to develop new dungeons that are also inauthentic to Wrath.

“Flat retail design” means nothing. Elaborate.

It means exactly what I said just stick a boring generic affix on a dungeon is straight out of retail.

New dungeons would at least be interesting. Or an even more authentic to wrath design approach would have been to add the new difficulty with new boss specific abilities, like we get in the jump from regular to heroic. Ideally they should have their own new loot as well.

Retail is the natural progression of Classic.

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I really really hope you understand the irony of this statement. This is essentially what you are saying you dislike but on a smaller scale focusing bosses and not the dungeon as a whole.

Most boss mechanics are relatively unchanged between the two difficulties.

So more things inauthentic to Wrath.

Doesn’t seem to be a broadly shared definition as the entire “It’s retail” is nebulous and has no meaning besides “I dislike this and am tribalistic for no reason”.

TLDR: your entire point comes off as “These are bad changes because I dislike them, but these changes I proposed that are essentially just as inauthentic are fine because I came up with them”.

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You’re the one advocating for things that are inauthentic to wrath, I would prefer they have done nothing, dungeons don’t need to be relevant the entire expansion for characters that are actively progressing.

But given that my suggestions are more inline with actual wrath design than just grabbing a retail design and shoving it in.

Well actually I explained that they’re bad because they’re lazy design.

Nope, try again. My post history speaks for itself. Though I do enjoy the irony of someone actively suggesting inauthentic changes trying to call someone out for the same thing.

Which is what these H+++++++ dungeons do, the community being try hards about GS doesn’t change that. Keeping the dungeons unchanged is more detrimental to progression than H+++++++++ is.
There are still P1/P2 runs happening but not as many as someone progressing would like to see.

Also clearly Blizzard disagrees as M+, despite what anyone may feel about it, is the driving endgame for most people and is the best engagement metric. Which by the way is being updated quite a bit and include past expansion dungeons to keep things a bit more fresh. (I do not like mythic dungeons)

They are the same concept as H+++++ but scaled smaller and still inauthentic to WoW. But because you suggested them, and are much lazier in design compared to two dungeon wide mechanics (beta), they are somehow MORE authentic to add. It would also be largely negligeable to do since skipping bosses is all the rage, it would be wasted development time.

Which you countered with an even lazier design suggestion.

Edit: I see you typing, enjoy your last word. I know it sustains you.

Please explain to me how making a new set of boss abilities/loot or new dungeons is lazier than just sticking a generic affix on everything in the dungeon?

Nah fam, still waiting on you to explain why your changes are more authentic than H+++. Please refrain from using the word “retail”.

The thought of this Classic team designing anything fills me with apprehension.

I did

Affixes are a design dragged straight out of retail.

Both my suggestions are inline with things that were actually done in wrath :slight_smile: assuming that anything is done at all at least those would be design consistent.

Yeah, I dont remember having multiple additional mechanics added to bosses in original Wrath. Continue to dodge the question though. Seems like inauthentic additions are bad retail design unless they’re your idea still.

If your reason is “Retail” it’s a bad reason.