Turning WOTLK into retail

Emulating Retail is precisely what the Classic team shouldn’t be doing. But they have no imagination.

I didn’t say just it’s retail, I said it’s lazy retail design.

Things wrath did to make dungeons harder. Tweak bosses on a case by case basis for heroic, add new dungeons. Things wrath did not do, add lazy affixes like retail does.

You still refuse to explain how adding a few affixes is more effort than tweaking individual bosses/loot or adding new dungeons.

You understand all versions of WoW are and have been retail. That every game is a combination of everything that came before. That stagnation causes things to fail and fade away.

Yeah this didn’t happen in OG wrath. They did not touch dungeons past heroic to make them harder or add new mechanics. You are welcome to provide proof of them making heroic Gundrak harder in OG wrath if you want.

I believe that you believe this statement.

Still waiting on an actual explanation from you that isn’t just vaguely handwaving at the nebulous “its retail” copout.
Here’s a hint. You can just say you don’t like things without needing to make things up or suggest even more inauthentic additions to the game, as you have been since we started this exchange.

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You are still refusing to explain how adding 6 generic affixes(including TOC now) and reusing a bunch of raid loot is more effort than going in and individually tuning bosses/loot or adding new dungeons.

I will when you explain why your inauthentic additions to Wrath are more authentic than H+++ is. You have not at all explained this.

I can wait.

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I already did :slight_smile:

You just didn’t like it, it’s really not rocket science that tweaking individual bosses/loot or adding new dungeons is how things were done in wrath. Adding affixes was not.

This would actually be good. I’d have some of that maldraxxus content straight drops ins damn near. As wrath enemies are basically…the houses of Maldraxxus.

While they couldn’t drop in all of necrotic wake as a level design, its bosses would fit right in. Stitchflesh would be very much at home in wrath.

It be cool to see him here. He’d tick off the button mashers. why aren’t you people attacking!!!

Dude…he’s a a chill till hook mechanic then nuke him boss. Attacking that construct literally does nothing of value.

Yes, every stage of WoW was once Retail. What does that have to do with anything? We’re comparing Wrath Classic to current Retail.

Wrath Classic should have been about emulating Wrath. Not Wrath + “some tweaks to super cool Retail systems we think would work uber great in Wrath!” The Classic team should be fired for taking that approach. It’s a betrayal of the original purpose of these servers.

How quick? I already went through all the emblems you could possibly earn and that is with 10 and 25 man full clears of ICC and a 251 tier set helm is 95 emblems.

So how quick will they become pointless? You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Which they were in original Wrath, so they were trying to fix a problem that just wasnt there.

The items arent, emblems on the other hand were.

No they shouldnt. This mindset is why D4 is failing.

They absolutely should or else whats the point of getting increased gear? You never feel like you are getting stronger if the content just gets stronger along with you.

Affixes and more health/damage isnt a challenge, its lazy design which shouldnt have happened in the first place.

Already had valuable rewards for catch up through emblems. You want the best stuff go raid. This isnt retail, you want that endless dungeon progression go play that, leave it out of Wrath where it doesnt belong.


WotLK was retail-lite to begin with. The true classic feel of WoW was always going to end after tbc.

All gear should be cosmetic. Then you’ll actually have people running the content they want to run, provided the game was good that is.

Classic died with the launch of TBC, the first Retail expansion of WoW.

And thank #@%! for that. It’s just too bad it took them 90% of the way into Wrath to release RDF rather than putting it in with TBC like it was originally planned.

Here is a hanky.

My guild already lost several players (or they went on hiatus) by running Ulduar skips after togc for 2 Flares and 3 Conductive Seals. Anything that lets people skip that tedium is welcome so I cannot agree with your opinion.
This tier is garbage. “Having to” run Ulduar for a year because someone decided to boost ilvls so the optimal gearing path for many specs still lays within Ulduar hm’s is also garbage and it completely ruins what I believe to be the best raid in WotLKC so far.
If there’s a way to get high value items without forcing 15-20 people to spend 40 minutes doing something they really don’t want to do anymore I’m all for it.

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Adding the HM achievement to be able to purchase would be a nice addition to this.

Yup. me and my friends back in the day, we would go with less gear. My pally did it one sword, back piece, neck boots. My friends did similar things. We didnt ask Blizzard to make it more difficult for us, we did it ourselves. Even just go in and have your friends on /follow. You go in and take gear off. And the H+ stuff is trying to mimic the Mythic key levels from retail. Why? Not Classic at all. And also no arena teams really bugs me as I have stated here countless times before. Probably because if it easier to boost people now with no teams cuz with a team you were kinda locked in to who you could play with to an extent. Now you just buy WoW tokens, buy your boost with that gold and show off your glad mount that you got carried to.

And then the WoW tokens also exist because the GDKP system does. Those are the two things Blizzard will never do to help Classic to survive, they will not ever ban GDKPs and will not bring back arena teams cuz having both the way they are right now helps with token sales. Cata is coming soon, MoP after that, then as soon as MoP Classic ends we will be playing WoD, then over to Legion classic after that, BFA comes next, then Shadowladns classic next. Then Dragonflight Classic next and retail will be on the expac after DF by then.

Gonna suck when Wrath gets canceled just like TBC was and we have Cata forced down our throats. They will make us pay to clone our Wrath toons into Cata btw…then delete the Wrath servers as well as any toon you did not pay extra money to move over to play in Cata. Thats what they did with TBC to Wrath kinda.

What a world salad of nothing lol.

Also may favorite thing is when one classic andrew post something like “H+ is lazy” the other classic andrews pick up on that talking point, as if any change to the game would make you miserable people happy lol.


Reality no longer matters to classic andrews and in a blind rage they just post words that have no meaning lol


Do you want the game to die now or after wrath? Not sure if you realize there are many people who don’t have time to raid 10 times a week, and don’t want to spend weeks trying to get groups for old raids no one does. Same thing happened to me in tbc. I had to take a break only to come back and no one would run the older raids like SSC/TK so I couldn’t get my set peices on my mage. Not sure why people get so triggered with catchup mechanics. You selfish people only think about yourself and whine that people can get Flare for free now instead of RMT’ing for yours.


I love how you’re trying to insult people who want an authentic Wrath, as if that’s some terrible goal. :rofl:

Retail Andys are so silly.