Turning WOTLK into retail

WoW is my life and I measure my value from it so when people are able to easily get RNG gear it makes my accomplishments in the RNG machine not as valid!


nobody cares OP, if anything gearing in WoW is a broken system. Going an entire phase with seeing one Agi cape isn’t skill, it is literally all RNG.

Sit down and play the game, try to have some fun, you curmudgeon.

When you play chess are you surprised that people actually play to win?
Why are you surprised that people would like their progression to be meaningful in a progression game?

If you just want to login and play just play any lobby games without progression systems.

If your raiding and geared you can stomp out the daily and never touch them again and you will quickly lose the need for badges.

They are a better catch up mechanic because you’re getting the same badges and gear that actually helps. There is no argument against it not being better lol. Oh and I forgot to mention the essences.

Right so from the retail design perspective of funneling people into the current raid tier asap they are better.

From a recreating Wrath progression as it worked back in the day they are not better.


So your answer is yes, they are a better catch up mechanic lol. You can just leave the nonsense out of your post.

So you agree with the premise of the post then that they are more like retail than actual wrath.

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Guess what: Vanilla was once Retail too.

If you think these Mythics are a better catch-up mechanic than RDF and the Wrath Emblem system, then you don’t know how the system worked.

You could get a full 232 set in 4 days if you wanted to grind Emblems to the max. And that’s by just doing random Heroics. Which were a breeze. Get a good group and just bang out one after another. No downtime.

You don’t know anything about the Heroic+ system, do you?


It may be a hot take, but I like the H+ system more than the M+ system in retail. I would love to have mythic dungeons scale up like H+, having LFR or normal level loot of the previous tier. Keeps dungeon loot out of the gearing meta, making any drops from raids actually be worth something.

Never played it, only Classic for me!

Buh bye. Blizz dont care what you think.

Thats what most people do in the forums. They don’t play the game and just gaslight people.

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The mess is minimal, but since you say that you came out because you hated this system, maybe you don’t take it as exaggerated.

Luckily these titan challenges are not so much like chicken run mode, they are more passive or like a normal mythic where it only increases the damage and life of the bosses and enemies in the dungeon.

Well anyway, don’t worry about that, at least we have the raids without LFR.

Again, I don’t know why you are lying here. With the system now you get loot, badges and essences. Before you got badges.

Just admit you saw H+, got your panties in a twist about “retail man bad” and got mad. It’s better then whatever you are trying to do here lol

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tell us you dont play retail without saying you dont play retail.

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Not mine. They are not better for catch up. How do you expect people to get into Gamma protocol? Just instantly jump in and have people carry you? That only works in guilds and that if your guild wants you in the raid asap, otherwise its not even catch up.

You are also hung up on this “Emblems of Frost dont matter” nonsense when its already been shown how many emblems would be needed just for the base 4pc. Not only that but people chasing shadowmourne will want people to have emblems of frost for primordial saronite, and you will get more emblems in 1 week from the gamma daily than you will in 1 raid lockout. You will get 10 more Emblems of Frost from the daily gamma in 1 week that if you killed every single boss in ICC which most arent going to be doing the first week.

Oh, so you can guarantee fully gear yourself in 4 days with these Mythic dungeons? The fact you keep talking about badges, and not emblems, is a sign you didn’t play the latter half of original Wrath and don’t know what you’re talking about.

Not to mention in the original version you were only doing faceroll Heroics. And up until now you haven’t had RDF to do these Mythics. Which meant spamming your gearscore, wasting time trying to find groups. The old system was more accessible, more convenient, less toxic, and took less time.

As far as stuff like weapons. Well, that’s what the ICC dungeons were for. Now obviously if RDF came in earlier there wouldn’t be those dungeons to serve that purpose. But if Blizz can spend time making these ridiculous Mythic dungeons, changing some boss encounters, adding in loot drops…then they could have added a couple weapons to an Emblem vendor. That’s literally all they needed to do.

You can try to spin it all you want, but this new system pales in comparison to the original one in Wrath. Topped off by the fact they completely abandoned the dungeon experience to make it more like Retail’s. So it’s inauthentic, more toxic and full of gatekeeping, less accessible and convenient. And takes longer to catch up your character.

Again, people just have no idea how effective it was in original Wrath. You read a Blue post about 'We’re adding these Mythics so u getz da gear 4 u altz!! and eat that nonsense up. It’s a fail system that has no place in Wrath.

The thing is, you would have to catch up to be able to catch up. These dungeons are going to have an ilvl rating put on them so you first have to get there (which people are going to get pvp gear to do it wasting their time) while other smart people just farm out these easy heroics and have a much better time.

Not to mention time and time again people say these Titan Rune dungeons are garbage.