Too much friction on forums

Wrong. Everything on the wow forums is owned by blizzard and is dictated by their ToS and CoC.

You don’t even own your characters. They could delete your main and make him the new target dummy in shadowlands while copyrighting the name and they would be within their ownership rights to do so.


Item lvl 450 isn’t playing the game - it means someone at one time played the game and not really all that much since that is world content ilvl.

Ok, makes more sense then for Blizz to have option to limit it, because they own it so I can ask them about it.

They already have a limiter in place.
It’s called Trust Level 3.

66% of all your topics are flagged.

I wonder how much of my threads were flagged if I could limit ilvl.

Echochamber, huh?

Blizzard already has limiters in place with trust levels.

It’s different.

Just as many. You seriously think people posting on ilvl 450+ characters are different than those posting on classic characters? I have news for you, they can post on both and flag you on both.

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Spelling mistake, i’l correct that. :no_mouth:

Cause i guess to you, Anybody below 450 are not playing the game. I guess all the other people who are below that are playing tic tac toe or something. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You know what i love? If your not doing this thing i’m doing, or thing i’m say i want you to do or any other arbitrary thing i want you to do, then your not playing the game. All you guys sub whatever ilvl i picked? Phtt, yea that’s not real wow gaming guys. :upside_down_face:

You guys playing Spyro, and not 100%ing the game? You aren’t playing Spyro.

Those guys that play Dark Souls Casually? They aren’t playing Dark souls.

Oh hey Super Mario fans, whats up? What’s that? Your just skipping some of the tough stars? Phtt, that’s not playing Mario.


Silence isn’t agreement/disagreement.

Then again, why do you think higher ilvl players would agree with you exactly?

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Go try a 10 Shrine with 4 ilvl 420 randos who have no IO rating. Do it. I’ll leave you to tell me why IO exists after you return.


Why 450 ?? Can you read? It was example. I would set my threads to 470-475. And Yes I think people above 470 have different opinions on topics of current patch than people that don’t play game at this moment or people that have 400ilvl max. Reason IO exists.

You know what is interesting. You made a thread on P2W this morning and there was already one. Go ahead and look at his ilvl and guess what he agrees with you and amazingly both were flagged.

We don’t know if he posted from main. Its possible. Doesn’t change anything. Both were flagged by people that don’t play the game judging from comments (WOW SURPRISE). But my post about forum friction is not related to my post about P2W.

Why base it on item level though?

There are 470+ people that don’t get their gear from Mythic raiding. 470+ people that don’t get their gear from elite weekly PVP chests or Conquest caps.

470+ doesn’t really mean that person will have relevant information to add to your thread topic.

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Especially on a topic like p2win - all they need is $

Nah, I think not. I personally don’t care for the Mythic+ system… and it must have been a month or so since I’ve logged into the game at this point.

Still, it just goes to show that people are taking this game FAR too seriously if that’s the only argument you have.


I can tell.

I’m a casual and somehow still got Awakened and AOTC. :man_shrugging:

(fixed for giggles)



You can filter people by ilvl in-game already. I don’t mind an option to add filters by arena rating, by IO score etc. iLvl is just the simplest one and the first that came to my mind.