Too much friction on forums

Nom nom


Still taking the game too seriously. No one should care if you got those or not.
Why would you bother to flaunt something no one should care about?


Or a waycrest :sob:

Don’t let certain posters know that!!!

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You haven’t given your actual number that you wanted in the OP and only have your 450 example. If you want to talk about blame here, that’s on you for leaving that out if that’s not the number you wanted. Don’t be nebulous with your goal posts. Define it at the very start.

So to you, people who are 470-475 are actually playing the game and everybody else is just not apparently. That still doesn’t change the point i made earlier. :point_down:

Pardon if i’m harping on this, but if you are talking about things like raiding/pvp then you should’ve specified that instead of just saying “Anybody who isn’t doing what i’m doing isn’t playing the game”.

People has a wide variety of opinions out there, heck, chances are possible that somebody much higher then you would disagree with you.

Wouldn’t a filter run counter to the idea of discussion on the threads? Because you are filtering out people you want for a discussion instead of just leaving it open for anybody to answer.

And you said you wanted a discussion about this.


Bizarrely, I actually pay Blizzard money to… play the game.

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PSH! if you think that’s casual then I must be super casual. Just look at my armory and you’ll see the lack of stuff I haven’t done or wasn’t interested in this expansion. Hopefully the raids & Dungeons in Shadowlands are interesting. I did hear about a Vampire raid and I love killing vampires in other MMO(mainly D&D) so that’s my first objective for that expansion.


I’m actually really interested in doing raids for SL. Nathria’s got me excited :sunglasses:


Dude that raid looks fun as hell. I may have to start raiding again myself.


Agreed. I’ve been keeping away from spoilers & such, but some of the zones & stuff that I’ve heard about does interest me. I can’t wait to try Torgast.

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Whats funny, is those people are likely to disagree with his other thread too, since they mainly do guild runs or vet people :woman_shrugging:


GD has always been a holding hands circle of noobs with limited game knowledge high fiving each other for edgy comments. It’s always been like this and that will probably never change.

Blizz just needs more subforums for pve like raiding and m+.

Just saw this. WOw. You are bro. You are different from many people that did less or more in-game than you. Are you ok?

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You gotsta read the things you agree to on the internet. As soon as you hit that reply button, your post belongs to Blizzard. At that point, if you decide you don’t want people to see ‘your’ content, you have a very small window in which to delete it. Be quick, though; your fellow forum-goers have a rich history of quoting ignorance for posterity’s sake.


In this case a gold rush worth

EDIT: Not you the OP i mean

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Those forums exist (well, sort of under the Gameplay section, more about Dungeons and Raids in general). They just don’t get as much traffic as GD so people are probably more likely to post here.

Sort of agree though I do think the way you are putting it yourself borders on edgy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I mean, he has a point with the nerf threads and the remove timer from Mythic+ threads and the like :woman_shrugging:


Just trying to fit in

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I’m beyond caring at this point. I’m just doing one last effort to see if there’s any hope getting this game and its community back on track.

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Oh yeah I definitely see it. I also think it’s difficult to pass perspective on in GD sometimes just because of the melting pot of players with different backgrounds and experience in the game.

Shadowlands is getting the game back on track. What you want is not that.