Is WoW pay2win now?

I don’t really watch asmongold or other wow content creators much, but this video in question raised some interesting points.

Should being able to buy a WoW token and then convert it into gold be able to allow token buyers this much power over players who have to work for their gear the legit way? It seems kinda bad that you could feasibly achieve your BiS corruptions with just a few swipes of the card and completely blow past people on the charts (considering corruptions make anywhere from 20-40% of your total dps depending on spec)
I dunno about you guys, but this feels kinda pay2win. Opinions?

WoW has been pay 2 win for a while now.

But it hasn’t impacted the game that much…until BFA arrived. Now? Yeah you can see the impact of pay 2 win. Well before with WoD and legion it wasn’t that big of a deal. BFA on the other hand makes is undeniable at this point.


How? When? Why?

It boggles the mind that some people think a non-competitive MMO is pay to win when there’s no actual winning?


With the introduction of the token it has been pay 2 win. But it didn’t matter that much in WoD or Legion.

But with corruption being so RNG the game has changed for the worse IMO. Whether that is right or wrong it is hard to balance a game when you can buy that level of power.


Looking at this yes, it is 100% P2W no matter what people says, as long as you can buy BIS gear from AH with gold and you can buy gold with Token using IRL money then it make the whole thing P2W.


It wasn’t as bad back in WOD or Legion since getting BIS back then was rather simple, but now with corruption gear? To get a BIS corruption on a Ilvl 475 piece with the best stats for your spec… For all gear slot? How about a socket on it too? GOOD LUCK!

So getting this normally while playing is pretty much nearly impossible and if you want to get it from the AH you need to pay like 2 to 3+ millions gold per piece of gear, so you should need what 10-15 millions? Nobody would be able to pay for this when you look at how many people cannot even afford the spider or “long boi” mount, BUT if you are rich just spend few thousands on tokens and there you go you are done instanly.


No, it’s not nor has it ever been pay2win.


That’s not how pay2win works. Pay 2 win is when there is a piece of gear or power boost in a cash shop that is only available for real money.

Everything on the AH can be acquired with gold earned in game by playing the game.


In the past BIS gear from AH wasn’t a big deal because players could obtain what they wanted reasonably by playing the game.

But with BFA? That is a different story and I think it exposes a big weakness of WoW at the moment.

Not surprising that in shadowlands gear will be gear and vendors are returning. We shall see if Blizz is willing to give back player agency.

If player agency with gearing returns that will help minimize the impact of pay 2 win gearing.



Since my very first raid back in BC when the guild was laughing about having to take a 10 minute break for one of the players to run to Ironforge to meet his “cousin” for a minute. Someone had to explain to me what was going on and why they were laughing.



Just roll a grandma mode DH and win at every aspect of the game, no gold needed.


When items cost 2-3 millions gold nobody have the gold to buy this and even if they did nobody would do it since it would take them months to farm that gold, but those who are rich or have no self-control will definitely buy tokens for few thousands to make few millions gold to then get full BIScorruption gear, even if its not “100%” the definition of P2W It still clearly is.

This, exactly in the past it was rather easy to get BIS gear, but now with corruption gear? Not only those piece of gear are OP, but there is so many layers of RNG on top of RNG to get them normally and the price on those items in the AH is so ridiculously HIGH that there is no way someone can get those items from the AH without buying token with IRL money, nobody will farm 10 millions gold to get a full BIS corruption gear ilvl 475.



Just now it is more out in the open with corruption gear.

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Come on you people, it is like you have to whine non stop. Do you truly believe that before the introduction of wow token people couldn’t buy gold? Even in Vanilla it was there.

How do you think most people got their Sulfuras Ingots?

The number of people that will pay millions for a legs piece is not that many, and even if it was they can’t P2W because for most other pieces you still need to Mythic raid. And even if you hypothetically pay for your Mythic raiding you will still screw up with dungeon dynamics even with your 470+ gear that your IO score will suck and you won’t be able to get in anything higher than +15 or won’t able to finish it anyway.


Absolutely, it makes a lot of money for actiblizz = it’s good. They should sell even more power on store like fallout76


Yes. If i dropped a few million gold into AH, I could get my fresh 120 mythic ready in 20 mins. This did NOT used to be the case, to this extent.


Because before Titan-forging, someone could easily plop thousands of gold to buy Heroic-level BoE’s from the AH regardless.

It’s not pay to win just because someone is selling a BoE on the AH.


pay 2 win (for 1-2 slots. 3 if you are the right class.) if you are willing to sacrifice preferred stats for corruption.
but with wow token prices. better hope you make 2-10k a month cuz it won’t be cheap for the highest end stuff. like gold cap is ~ 2k usd (in wow token pricing) for the item.


Oh cool. Let me go see what they have in the shop that will give me an edge over other players who don’t buy this thing!

runs off to the shop in haste

It seems you don’t know what pay to win is because there is nothing that Blizzard sells that will give me an edge over others.

Nah, they only give you a way to get something in two hours to a day instead of having to farm for few months to get what you want and or need, not P2W at all.


Im guessing everyone forgot method ruined 3 servers economies buying out all the right corruption pieces for world first, went into millions of gold debt and still lost. Limit did almost the same. P2W is alive and well

www google