Dear Blizzard Gods -
While the RDF is a mixed blessing and a curse in getting groups (wonderful for lower level content & leveling - meh for max level harder content) - PLEASE, PLEASE adjust it to auto unflag players when entering an dungeon instance through this feature.
I have never seen a player of an opposite faction to kill in a dungeon so pvp is 100% pointless. I can say this with 100% certainty that in all my years of playing since 2007. There is no reason to be pvp flagged in a dungeon group… EVER. Healing is especially affected by this and most people do know how to unflag themselves and or they refuse to simply to troll and grief the group.
This is causing dungeons to take much longer and more wipes etc. Typically all the “unflagged” players must then flag to accomidate the troll, then those of us from PVE servers simply forget to turn it off since it is out of our norm to have it on for no reason, then it later slows down raids or other content when we are reminded later in raid to unflag.
Please hear the plea and auto unflag all players entering random dungeon through the group finder. This is causing so much grief and annoyance, and additional time for wipes, deaths, flagging and unflagging. Removing flagging from all instances would elimitate so much grief, and it is silly to even have the ability to be flagged as there is a non existant chance to encounter players from an opposite faction. We do not have the option to be “Unflagged” in a battle ground, why do we allow the option to be “Flagged” in a zone not viable to PVP combat.
Thank you!
Love all the healers of Azeroth
At this point I hope they never fix it, just to spite the people who think everyone that enters a dungeon flagged is trolling
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I mean if you enter a dungeon and you don’t unflag – you kinda are trolling… are you in the group to kill player units? No. So being flagged you are trolling.
If you just came from a BG you can say say - “Hey! I was in a bg it is gonna fall of in 5 minutes.”
Manners go along way at times. People seem to have forgotten how to talk since RDF came out.
People on pvp servers are autoflagged when they enter a dungeon. You’re the one trolling by demanding the entire group sit and wait 5 minutes for a flag to fall off, instead of just typing /pvp and moving on
Hilariously, this happened a handful of times right at launch in MC. There’s probably a few screenshots and videos floating around but raid ID’s were really borked before they standardized everything to Tuesdays for all.
That said yeah, the flagging issue is annoying and the literacy problems in LFG make things that should be obvious like “Prot Paladin, dispel your Shaman Healer on Eyes of Taldaram” into group-disbanding problems.
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Would love to see this fixed, but by the time they do I’ll be done running dungeons since we are 3 weeks in, but its super frustrating to press hymn when everyone is low and taking aoe damage too see it proc on me all 4 times and no one else.
This. While I agree that entering a dungeon should automaticity unflag you, until then people should just flag themselves and move on. No one is going to wait 5 minutes for someone to unflag when the dungeon only takes 10-15 minutes.
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I agree they should fix it, but people flagged aren’t trolling. My 80 resto druid from a PvE server is perma flagged atm because I basically just do RDF on it.
It was easier for me to just flag and make sure wild growth and buffs hit everyone than to expect everyone else to unflag and wait on their timer.
The only one trolling is Blizzard. PvP/PvE flag wasnt an issue back in the day and there is no reason to not fix this issue immediately. Fixing it probably takes less than an hour, testing included. This should be a hotfix asap, not a fix that might come in Cataclysm. Its cringe to expect players to find workarounds for bugs they are too lazy to fix.
It is LITERALLY ONE flag they would have to set to being off when entering an instance. They could even use the exact same code that unflags peeps when they take a flight point. I imagine it would take all of five to ten minutes to implement. I am guessing the paid time though would take away from Bobby’s seventeenth yacht? 
would be easier just to have everyone flagged always
Us in Grobbulus and Faerlina cannot unflag. I have tried but the disabled button doesn’t work.
We are PvP by default so I guess that’s why nothing works.
On the other hand, YOU PvE players could just flag up because that’s instant. Right now you are all being stubborn and not just FLAGGING UP because we keep telling you guys we can’t unflag.
So actually, you guys are currently part of the problem and are trolling and grieving the healers because:
- They keep having to tell you THEY CAN’T UNFLAG - IT’S BROKEN.
- You know this is an issue and won’t help be part of a solution.
So go ahead and report us I guess, maybe Blizz will finally see it’s an issue and you’ll be banned for false reports on players.
At the end of the day, this is Blizzards fault but of course the WoW playes act like it’s “me me me” well it’ll be all you when you’re dead on the floor in the dungeons because you can’t flag up in dungeons. None of us are gonna kill you PvE players, just flag for the dungeon so the healers can heal you…
But then again, all flags drop >10 mins in so if you’re patient enough you can just wait a while as you do the dungeon.
Would be an easy way to do it. Accept the pop-up and your flag goes away while you load in.
They could also disable the PvP flag completely inside an instance. It’s just “checking a box”. To be more accurate, if I remember how wow zones are done, it would be changing a number… who wants to bet if they did it this way that all RDF parties would be FFA flagged for like 4 hours after the “auto-unflag” hotfix?
So just a couple things here Karen -
“Us in Grobbulus and Faerlina cannot unflag. I have tried but the disabled button doesn’t work. We are PvP by default so I guess that’s why nothing works.”
- This is not true I have entered many dungeons with people from BOTH servers and and there was no issues with them being unflagged.
“…because we keep telling you guys we can’t unflag.”
*No one has said a single word at least in any group I am in, when I have inquired. The response is just silence.
“You know this is an issue and won’t help be part of a solution.”
*This post was adressed to blizzard not you Karen, I am trying to get them to do make a change and be part of the solution.
“So go ahead and report us I guess, maybe Blizz will finally see it’s an issue and you’ll be banned for false reports on players.”
*I have reported no one, I have griefed no one. I have made this post to blizzard to take action. So again Karen - Read the post and stop thinking as you say " WoW playes act like it’s “me me me”
I do agree, Blizzard should do a fix for this but…I just want to make sure I understand your “thoughtful” post about manners.
You think everyone who zones into a dungeon using RDF that does not remove the flag instantly is intentionally trolling and perhaps tell everyone in the group they just came from a BG yada yada yada and then wait 5 mins for the PVP flags to fall off? I see – I didn’t know this was such a widespread and intentional trolling/rude thing to do.
Another solution could be – you flag yourself as pvp inside the dungeon, do the dungeon with the rest of the group. When the dungeon is complete, you can say “Hey! I was not in a BG but I’ve unflagged myself and I’m going to wait 5 mins for it to fall off” – then unflag yourself and sit the dungeon and wait for the flag to fall off or hearth out to Dal or Zone out to wherever you were. This way you are showing manners.
As someone once said:
“Manners go along way at times. People seem to have forgotten how to talk since RDF came out.”
I am so glad you know what I think, and I am really happy to see there are so many gaslighters out there that are twisting words. That is kinda toxic.
When you join a RDF group and you KNOW you are flagged it doesn’t hurt to say sorry I am flagged it will fall off in a second - instead of ignoring someone that is asking you a question.
This post was to Blizzard, in a request to remove it from dungeons. The people in that group are not looking for a pvp encounter they are looking for pve content. And yes it is a pain for healers and causes wipes etc.
Yes, there are people that do it just to be jerks a bit like people who come on forums just to twist words to start an arguement. People looking for only PvE content should not have to cater to the few that only selectively want to do PvP. We dont join your battle grounds and then complain because we are all dying to other player attacks and scream wanting everyone to unflag.
Come on, if you are going to do pve content atleast be there to help the group succeed not be a hinderance, especially to the healers. All you trolls looking to start debates please go else were. This was a post to blizzard requesting they make a change.
Then how do you know? Them suddenly being unflagged means it finally dropped off. I’ve been watching it myself, it’s honestly…random but it drops off >10 minutes in the run from each person. I tried disabling (it still says it’s disabled) PvP but it doesn’t work.
Yes Blizzard needs to fix it but right now we really need to stop this “Me vs. Them” mentality because we all know Blizzard takes forever to do anything. You’re seriously fighting PvPers servers for something we can’t control lol.
That said, I’m a healer and doing beta’s, this is such a small issue by the time you reach before the first boss the flags are gone. I’ve not asked anyone to do anything and have been fine.
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What is toxic is you calling people Karens, acting like everyone who joins owes you an apology for something the game is doing (and everyone agrees should be fixed), dictating that everyone bend/conform to your flagging status and then acting like everyone is (and the 2nd most over used word on the forums besides “gatekeeping”) is gaslighting because they don’t agree with you.
This is a factual OP. Blizzard: Make it so.