How has the effect of PvP flagging in RDF not been fixed?

only the healer needs to be flagged, doesnt matter what anybody else does.

everything does work in that case.

This is now bugged in Raid instances and all sorts of messed up. Get it set to default dungeons/raids to on or off ASAP.

This is unequivocally false. Then healer won’t get buffs like Lust from non flagged.

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That didn’t work for me earlier in a dungeon, either. Wouldn’t let me flag. OBVIOUSLY working as intended if the devs intended to troll their player base.

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Wiping on our LoD prog because random players keep getting un flagged for PvP. Really frustrating.

Beacons stop working. Raid CDs stop working. To everyone who said use the work-around: good job.

This is why you fix bugs before they become massive issues.

This was the last week I’d be able to do H LK25, and we were on track to kill him before this BS. I’m beyond pissed right now.

You can see the raid-wide CDs not working: classic. warcraftlogs. co m/reports/mQ8d4g2hCtDWjVJ6#fight=47&type=healing

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It depends on the healer. For resto druids it’s no problem, but for things like Holy Paladin where their heals “originate” from another player (like beacon) it doesn’t

weird, works fine for me on hpala, never have any issues if im flagged.

I have no idea then. I’m just going off what I’ve heard other people saying. Me personally, it doesn’t bother me any, my Wild Growth will hit everyone all the same and I don’t think I’ll lose any sleep if I’m missing out on a windfury totem in a 7 minute forge of souls…

It’s not a matter of whether the healer is flagged. If the tank is flagged and DPS is not, or vice versa, healing the DPS does not trigger beacon on the tank.


My guy, this can be said about every single exploit in the game as well which clearly isn’t true either.

Just because it’s working in a certain way doesn’t mean that’s the intent.

Having AoE heals and buffs in a 5 man not land on some of your party members is clearly not the intent.


Considering the mass chaos in raids tonight, this comment aged well.


It’s working how which developers intended? The original Wrath devs, or the clowns running Classic?

Neither, no dev in their right mind would call this working as intended.

They wouldn’t get a passing grade on a school project where this was a thing.

Of course not.
They’re probably not even aware of it. Have they acknowledged the bug at all?

Well, considering this behavior wasn’t present in the original WotLK expansion, it’s clearly not what the original devs intended. Unlike the current Classic team, the original WotLK devs knew the importance of fixing broken code before it snowballs.

There have been dozens of reports. If they’re not aware of it, that’s a failing on their part. How many threads need to be made on the issue? Just in this forum:


You obviously did not see all the videos showing people standing on hills in The Barrens and casting buffs on people flying overhead from Orgrimmar. And there’s a REASON why you haven’t heard of people being sniped off of an FP mount, BECAUSE THEIR PVP FLAG IS IMMEDIATELY REMOVED ONCE THEY MOUNT AND START TO FLY!! :rofl:

Google is your friend!! :slight_smile:


A lot of people in this game seem to think if something’s working a certain way, then it’s not only intended, but it’s the best way and it’s awesome and what are you talking about? Had the same conversations in Classic about leeway and growl.

My priest’s POM won’t jump to a flagged/unflagged member and my POH nor my Divine Hymn heals them. Yesterday there were a couple people in my run who were flagged, and I was unable to flag in the dungeon. This is a mess.

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This flag/unflag thing is absolutely scuffed. Yesterday I left Wintergrasp, jumped on a griffin in Dal and it didn’t unflag me.

This dev team has a hard time with everything.

Hello blizzard? you fixed the raid flag issue BUT
can you please fix the RDF issue? like auto flag anyone in dungeons because it’s not good when every time i queue rdf when i’m pvp flagged and meet other players un-flagged i don’t get their buffs/totem effect…etc
please solve that asap

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