To Blizzard - RDF - PVP Flag in Dungeons

I never dictated that everyone bend/conform to “my flagging status” – I am simply joining a PvE instance looking to PvE and entering a dungeon as it is designed. The PVP flagging does often interfer with healing and causing issues with wipes / group delays.

Again this post was not directed at players, Karen. This was directed to Blizzard. I am not asking for you or anyone to agree with me. Stop making this about you.

This is about players looking for PvE content with out the hinderance of those who wish to have PVP toggled on or errors allowing them to not be able to unflag themselves. This was not directed at any player at all.

And yes, people in this game can be jerks and do often use it to be a complete jerk for no reason, why? Because it is wow… I am not saying this is everyone.

Had I made a post directed at PLAYERS demanding this then we can talk, Karen. Stop manipulating.

At no point were any players address infact the very first line say “Dear Blizzard Gods” so unless you have a god complex and think I am addressing you, move on.

Stop trying to make this about you, cause hate to break it to you, but its not.

I have run out of sock puppets and crayons trying to break this down, for people on this forum. There is only so much that can be done for an explination this is obviously way over comphrension for some. I am sorry if you are unable to follow the bouncy-ball in this sing-along but I have literally broken down as simple as I can if you still don’t get it then just walk away.

Reading comprehension not this demographics strong suit that is for sure, smh.

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To add to this - there is a logical reason for me to not be forced to flag pvp. I am not good at pvp. At all. I’m ok with that. So when I come out of AN to turn a quest in, and there’s a Horde Gank party awaiting me, it unnecessarily makes it less fun to play.

I can’t say I blame the Horde, either. Why not take advantage of easy pickings? So Blizz just needs to cause everyone to automatically unflag when entering a dungeon/raid, and then reverting when exiting. Problem solved.


I agree that forcing someone to PvP just to do PvE content is silly, espcially coming from say a server like Mankrik a server that is really heavily dominated in population as a Horde, if you are alliance and you were forced to flag urself for every dungeon then get spit back out into the world flagged chances are pretty high that you are going to be forced into engaging in unwanted PvP.

When you come out of the instance:

  1. you are probably gonna be somewhere where you are vunerable and alone (esp during leveling or doing daily)

  2. You are probably gonna get ganked by a Horde member, just for the sheer fact we never get to see flagged alliance and we are gonna have to take the kill lol

Forcing people to flag to put them in situation to engage in a part of the game that does not interest them is not fair.

Reasons like this are way they have the distinctions of PvP and PvE servers and doing that completely just negates the servers being seperated like that in the world.

Not to mention if I end up just biting the bullet and flagging while I am healing just to say myself gray hairs, I completely forget I have PvP afer and show up to raids etc with PvP enabled.

Every single raid someone is always showing up now flagged due to forgetting to untoggle after doing a daily Gamma. Then that is taking time out of raid for this or they get killed zoning or summoning etc. PvE servers had players that came here for a reason. To avoid all that and we are forced to now endure it over silly coding.

I did my time of PvP servers first go around, I came back to classic for the PvE not the PvP.

You should come off your “gaslighting” you are directing this at blizzard. Everything you wrote and have so far has been directed at players.

Let’s look at your statements:

  1. “I mean if you enter a dungeon and you don’t unflag – you kinda are trolling… are you in the group to kill player units? No. So being flagged you are trolling.”

Who is you? Is “you” Blizzard or is “you” other players? It is directed at other players - no ifs, ands or buts about it. You are accusing players who don’t unflag as trolling, etc.

  1. "If you just came from a BG you can say say - “Hey! I was in a bg it is gonna fall of in 5 minutes.”

Who is “you”? Is “you” Blizzard or is “you” other players? Are you asking Blizzard hey when you join the dungeon as a 5 man and just came from a BG, say your sorry and unflag?
No, no you are not, you are what? yea, directing this at players.

  1. “Manners go along way at times. People seem to have forgotten how to talk since RDF came out.”

To whom are you stating manners go along way? Are you directing that at Blizzard or the players? Just curious? Whom has forgotten how to talk? Blizzard? Blizzard staff?

So before you continue to run off spewing garbage at people about being Karens and their reading comprehension, I suggest you look into mirror. A Karen is one who complains about “manners”. A Karen is one who complains people should conform to them. If anyone is being a “Karen” as you put it, that would 100% be you.

Name one person that I directed it to? Just one please! Let me know who that person is.

I am pretty sure, I was expressing my experiences in RDF and did not point out one specific person.

Move along Troll, go back under your bridge. Stop twisting generalized statements and addresses to the developer to involve you. Please just leave, you don’t agree fine. You said it, now go and stop trolling.

Since you want this to involve you, I am specifically asking you to stop trolling and the post. It is annoying and unappreciated. At this point it is starting to venture into the realm of harrassment.

So again, you don’t agree, we get, you said it, now leave. Now that I documented it publicly that I have asked you to stop any continuation, I will be reporting for continued harrassment if you choose to keep it up. I have asked nicely and yet this persist. I am done with it.

I am not hear to go back and forth with you on the matter. This type of childish behavior is one the the things I dislike the most is people that seem to get off harrassing others for no reason.

Anyone know how to block someone on forums?

If you go into your account profile, under “preferences” there is a section titled “users”. You can add someone there to ignore.

As for the PvP flag issue, the solution is already active and IN the actual game programming. All Blizzard would have to do is make a five or ten minute change to implement it in instances. Maybe another few minutes to test and DONE!!

The real question is, why wouldn’t they? :slight_smile:


I have seen where the button doesn’t work but if you type /pvp it will after 5 min.

As a Grobber myself, I am now constantly having the issue of people that are flagged, and Wild Growth skipping them. Asked two people to drop it last night, one managed but the other did not.

But for the most part, it’s only 1 or 2 people with flag on. I’m staying off and I queue from Dal so it’s never on.

It should just unflag everyone at entrance.

Apparently, you are unable to comprehend your own words and what they mean. Continue on w/your rant to everyone on the forums of how they have no manners, they don’t talk in RDF, they should unflag for you, how they should apologize, how they are trolling and Karens.

See two responses up.

You are going to have to change your “instructions” since you have chosen to hide your activity. Clicking on your portrait only shows that you are hiding and nothing more.


Sure – Let me adjust…

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