Tinker class = lame

Yeah I dunno.

Tinker sounds like a spec in some other kind of class.

Or maybe just a subset of engineering.

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Agreed. A class built around using technology would be awesome and unique.

All of the other class suggestions sound horrible to me. Bard = WoW doesn’t have support classes. Blademaster = Warrior. Dark Hunter = Hunter

EH, Black Arrow was one ability. Beyond that there really wasn’t any dark ranger theme at all to ranged survival.

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I feel like it could easily have three distinct specs.

  • Tank spec in mechs. Active mitigation is armor plating, similar to a priest bubble but only absorbs “some” damage.
  • Heal spec in mid-to-melee range using nano-dispersal-bots, emergency auto-injectors, and contraptions that shield an area for a percent of damage.
  • DPS spec at range using ranged weapons, turrets that fire from a given location (like a totem) at the target the tinker is targeting when it’s placed, and additionally has a short-window mech activation that acts somewhat like the DH meta where the tinkers abilities are all a bit more powerful.

This is literally just off the top, though. There’s a lot more that could be added, including bombs, pocket factory, rockets on a short cooldown, mobility such as a “hop/blink” via a zeppelin (small) or rocket jump, they could also have things akin to buffs/debuffs (world shrinker/enlarger), elemental damage in the form of steam based technology, crowd control via either neural interference or straight up tech bolas, so on, and so forth.

Engineers really don’t do much combat wise outside of some limited things, mostly bombs and a very small number of contraptions. As a hunter with engineering, I’ll be honest, I don’t feel like a Tinker would actually feel like it was stepping on my toes. At best the one ranged spec might be interestingly close, but that’d be more where Survival used to be but is not anymore. I might have engineering but I’m not dropping turrets, shifting into a mech form, dispersing nanobots, firing cluster rockets, and so on.

Engineering is, at best, the very watered down concept of a Tinker. It’s not a replacement for it.

Bard. It’s the only class left from the classic RPG lineup.

Bard is neck in neck with tinker as far as boring AF. What’s a bard going to do? I mean c’mon. There nothing to offer.

The Tinker isn’t menacing. Now the Contractor. That’s the one that kills you.

You’re a warrior… c’mon, you’re making this too easy

Necromancer or a Voodoo themed class would be awesome! A Necromancer and a Witch Doctor.


Deathknight is a Necromancer wannabe.
Should have released Necromancer instead of Deathknight in wrath.


Fitting suggestion.


If you like her idea she has a necromancer class concept she created and I have a Witch Doctor class concept. Check them out.


Witch Doctor would be my first pick followed by necromancer.

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I’d like to see it be a tech class that uses different robot mounts for each spec. Ranged uses missiles and lasers. Melee uses augmented weapons, similar to enhancement but different. Tanks add protective shields. Healing is whatever or not offered at all.

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Perhaps you missed the sarcasm…they were just commenting on the fact that this post is years old and was needlessly brought back from the dead. The class “idea” wasn’t a factor.

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Someone is a crankypants. Chill out! He was just sharing a idea. It doesn’t hurt you.

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“3 years later”. Checks out.


Seems like your investing time in commenting. So checked out…

It’s a joke, brother. That stick doesn’t seem comfortable.


Nobody was talking about his idea though? Only the fact that you dragged up a 3 year old post.