Tinker class = lame

Couldn’t agree more.


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I would totally play a door to door salesman.

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Speak for yourself, I do want a class that relies heavily on throwing bombs or vials of acid/posion.

If the tinker is so unpopular bring something like an Apothecary, vials of poision/acid or healing concoctions, cloth range dmg or healing.

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Gnomes are just short humans.

There, I said it.

This thread is a year old. Jesus look at the post history before you Necro.

Also this thread spreads toxic thoughts against the next class of world of warcraft.

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Tinker does sound lame though.

Well, yes, the most iconic class of every RPG ever is going to be inherently boring. But it’s not like you can do away with a staple of the genre. That said, if you’re going to be fresh and creative, there’s loads of more interesting ideas that sound better than tinker.

I’m not optimistic for any new class after half baked DH tbh.

But see we have engineering… Why can’t we just get more useful items from engineering that everybody can use.

Why we need a whole specific class designated to throw in said engineering items?

Did you necro this because someone else posted asking for Tinkers?

The people in charge of these forums really need to put in the timelock on posts to stop this sort of thing.

Demon Hunter was the biggest waste of a class introduction.
A class locked to just two races? That took mechanics and aesthetics from an existing spec already?

What a meme.

I could see it having maybe 1-2 specs, but it would also just feel like it’s a glorfied engineer as a class lol.

I would much prefer to have more specs for clases like earth warden shaman (tank), essence weaver DK (healer), Timewarper mage (damage prevention/reversal healer), dark ranger hunter/rouge (dps) etc etc.

So, kinda like Mechatorque in that cutscene when Varian ended up getting disintegrated.

Can you imagine the size of a Tauren tinkertank? lol well, If tauren are able to that is

Not gonna lie, I am not so hyped up for Tinker either.

Though playing one with this theme might be cool.

We pretty much had a dark ranger hunter. It was called ranged survival hunter. Then they deleted it because it used bows and arrows/guns.

Take a chill pill omg. No, to answer your question. I typed in Tinker Class in Google’s search bar and this was the first result that came up.

Chill pill taken as requested. Actually did, as stress is high here atm.

Thing is, if you just slide upwards on the bar you can see the date of the post and the comment above yours is dated November 2020. Its not unreasonable to mention that.

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how about Artificer

I actually kind of think a new class designed purely 100% around using Engineering items for DPS would be pretty awesome. I’d roll one in a heartbeat.

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